This is it DVD : The Film shorter than blue ray version??

dangerous dave

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I saw an advert today about the blue/ray and DVD of This is it, It said 107 minutes on the DVD and 111 minutes on the blue/ray. please tell me this is not true because I have only a DVD player?
Same version and length for both DVD and BR.
The film is the same. The difference is: a movie on bluray is displayed in 24fps (frames per second, as it is supposed to be),. a PAL DVD is in 25fps, hence the movie is shorter (called PAL speedup).

Did they bother to correct the pitch in the DVD? The movie (images+sound) on a PAL DVD will be faster than on the bluray. If they didn't correct the pitch (differene 25fps/24fps) the voices/music will also be higher.

The PAL speedup is very obvious on the Moonwalker DVD for example.
Did they bother to correct the pitch in the DVD? The movie (images+sound) on a PAL DVD will be faster than on the bluray. If they didn't correct the pitch (differene 25fps/24fps) the voices/music will also be higher.

The pitch difference will be so minimal that it probabbly won't even be noticeable. The same thing happens to all US tv imports shown in the UK.
The film is the same. The difference is: a movie on bluray is displayed in 24fps (frames per second, as it is supposed to be),. a PAL DVD is in 25fps, hence the movie is shorter (called PAL speedup).

Did they bother to correct the pitch in the DVD? The movie (images+sound) on a PAL DVD will be faster than on the bluray. If they didn't correct the pitch (differene 25fps/24fps) the voices/music will also be higher.

The PAL speedup is very obvious on the Moonwalker DVD for example.

The pitch difference will be so minimal that it probabbly won't even be noticeable. The same thing happens to all US tv imports shown in the UK.

Wow, I've never known and heard something like that before, thanks! :)
What about the NTSC dvd version? That's the lenght there?
yeah wondered why Michael sounded so high pitched and the band sounded a little faster
And here I was just going to ask in the TII forum "Is the PAL speed-up driving anyone else crazy?" We just got TII yesterday in Germany and I'll tell ya... in my opinion the 4% faster is terrible. It IS noticeable. Maybe it's not noticeable on the average movie, but when you've seen it the right way many times, know someone's voice extremely well and know the tempo and pitch of music, it feels halfway to the Chipmunks listening to it on PAL. :( It's like the European Moonwalker DVD. Agh! I just can't stand it! (Question: were PAL VHS tapes also running 4% faster? Never thought of that before. I grew up watching Moonwalker in the US, so never heard the Chipmunk-voice version until I bought the DVD here in Germany and thought... wth??)

I'm thinking... hmmm... maybe $15 on ebay for an NTSC TII from the US would be worth it...! Really, it's so noticeable to me. Dangit. Can't afford a BR player right now :(
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man..i hear all these horror stories, and people saying they notice differences..alongside news of the movie dominating in sales..

well..the beauty of Michael, is that, you don't notice something missing from his work. you only notice somebody telling you that something is missing from his work. lol

i just got the download on itunes 111 minutes...and the movie seems complete to me..and no problem...if there is footage i'm missing, i wouldn't know it, if i never heard anybody else talking about it.
^ That's because the 111 minute version is either Blu-Ray or NTSC and so plays at the same rate as in the theater ;) It's the PAL version that's shorter because of the sucky speed-up (not because of any missing footage ... it just plays faster)
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NZ just got the DVD today and the PAL speed-up is very noticeable. You don't notice it on most movies but as mjbunny said when you've seen it so many times played right watching the PAL dvd is so annoying.

A fix for anyone that doesn't mind watching on their computer, if you watch it in VLC you can change the play speed to 0.96 then it sounds sweet as ;)
wow... i learned something new today. I had no idea you PAL audiences experienced such speed ups.
Sorry to hear that. Whats the deal with having two different dvd formats anyways? Security reasons?
It came from Japan.
I think that a perfect image exists.
Because MJ usually did move and will be confirmed with DVD before two days dying?
wow... i learned something new today. I had no idea you PAL audiences experienced such speed ups.
Sorry to hear that. Whats the deal with having two different dvd formats anyways? Security reasons?
It's the television system format chosen by countries many years ago, nothing to do with DVDs specifically. It's the same with broadcast and videotape... PAL & NTSC are not compatible. (However, unlike in America where 98% of TVs aren't multi-system, most European televisions are capable of handling both PAL and NTSC signals. So if we have a code-free DVD player here we can still play DVDs from America, despite the fact that European broadcasts and tapes and DVDs are in PAL. Just in case you're wondering, lol.)

The part I don't understand is this... when putting movies (24 frames per second in the theater) onto DVD for NTSC (29.97 frames/sec) they obviously have to do something special because the rate of play remains the same, with no speed up or slow down. However, when they take the same film from 24 frames to PAL's 25 frames per second they just go... ah, heck, just leave it and let it play too darn fast. Huh? I mean, is it more expensive or difficult to go from 24 to 25 vs. 24 to 29.97??? Is there some technical reason why it's impractical? Or is it just cheapness and/or laziness?
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NZ just got the DVD today and the PAL speed-up is very noticeable. You don't notice it on most movies but as mjbunny said when you've seen it so many times played right watching the PAL dvd is so annoying.

Wow this is sucky. Why could they not fix this?