'This Is It' DVD - 'Billie Jean' Featurette Clip

I hope to God that all the featurettes on the DVD aren't like this. It's just footage from the movie with Kenny saying things we already know...

I hope to God that all the featurettes on the DVD aren't like this. It's just footage from the movie with Kenny saying things we already know...


So true!...
Yeah! We DEMAND more footage of Michael.
I definitively want MORE Michael in this.

More... more... more...


I want to trust them... I really want to trust them, they will give us really more MJ footage.
just before the slow motion crotch grab, where kenny was talking, we got a different camera angle on that bit than from the movie, i prefer the one in that featurette

Woooooooow, what a difference now, we have to have this performance, this version with the new camera angle! :p
I think you're all missing the point. This is clearly an interview feature, which includes footage from the movie (the usual thing you get on most film DVD extras). I'm sure over the course of the various featurettes there will be plenty of unseen footage. And if that turns out not to be the case once we've all seen the DVD/Blu Ray release in full, then feel free to be disappointed, but until then please don't let this short clip deflate your hopes - keep the faith :D
yes This is def a interview featurette. Every dvd has them so this one is no different.

God i love Michael.
I think you're all missing the point. This is clearly an interview feature, which includes footage from the movie (the usual thing you get on most film DVD extras). I'm sure over the course of the various featurettes there will be plenty of unseen footage. And if that turns out not to be the case once we've all seen the DVD/Blu Ray release in full, then feel free to be disappointed, but until then please don't let this short clip deflate your hopes - keep the faith :D

I really hope so man, I really hope so! :)
they didnt show the slow motion crotch grabbing :( that was my fave part :(
I need more Michael doing Billie-Jean ...I will take what is in the clip .....I miss him so much I will settle for this...thank you OP.