This Is It CD Review: The Independant

As sad as it is to see such a low rating for Michael Jackson, I am glad the reviewer took the stance that he did. Sure, Michael has some of the best music in the world, but we have already heard it time and time again. The fans are still waiting for his most recent musical compositions and his final piece, not unused songs from the 80s…
As sad as it is to see such a low rating for Michael Jackson, I am glad the reviewer took the stance that he did. Sure, Michael has some of the best music in the world, but we have already heard it time and time again. The fans are still waiting for his most recent musical compositions and his final piece, not unused songs from the 80s…

I agree, from the review, it seems like he is a MJ fan, just by the way he wrote it
Agreed. The reviewer has rightly taken the stance that enough is enough. It would have been nice to mention that the music is good though, rather than just slag the album off.
Very, very disappointing.

But some people are never pleased - I love the demos and poem.
Agreed. The reviewer has rightly taken the stance that enough is enough. It would have been nice to mention that the music is good though, rather than just slag the album off.

But the music on it has already been reviewed and we all know it's good :) lol
I do see your point though, I just think the whole TII fiasco is just a big mess really :yes:
AS harsh as the language is in the article - it reflects a lot of valid frustration.

I agree that we're being advantage of as fans.

"As a cash-in attempt to scrape as much money from fans' memories with as little outlay as possible, however, it rivals RCA's ruthless (and still ongoing) reconfigurations of Elvis Presley's back catalogue."

Totally agree with this statement. And it's good that he mentions other artists' estates do this too - so he's NOT hating on Michael, just the way his catalogue is being treated.

I would still think that the review should have been higher in star points. Even if in principle the release is a slap in the face, the music is still great.
I won’t disagree with this review, the writer said the truth but it won’t change anything. A lot of Michael Jackson fans will ignore all of this and they’ll go to buy the album. I was hoping if they added some audio outtakes from the rehearsals at least.
The Times had a similar review saying the same thing. Funny, where were the UK media defending Michael when he was alive?