This Is A Cautionary Tale About Teen Girls Chatting Up Strangers On The Internet. :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A magazine ran a story a while back where a 16 year old was dating a 17 year old boy on Chat and through E-Mail. She asked for his picture, and he sent her a scanned yearbook photo. She said, "He looked dorky, but extremely cute." He persuaded her to meet him in real life, in his house! :unsure:

She lived in New York, and he lived in Florida. She skipped school, lied to her parents, and jumped on a plane and flew to Florida to meet him. She was shocked to see that he was a grown man, around 47 years old, and "Was older than my Dad! :shocked:

He had tricked her with his yearbook picture, taken when he was around 17, around 30 years ago! :shocked: She tried to run away from his house, but he raped and kidnapped her. He said something sleazy along the lines of, "You willingly chose to come here and meet me. Now, you're stuck with me."

Weeks passed, and she got to contact her Mother, who got her out of the rapist's house and got him arrested for Rape and Kidnap of a Minor.

The cautionary tale here is it's not a good idea to meet strangers online in real life in a private place. :(
Regardless of age, one should never meet people one doesn't know at a private place--especially if one is unfamiliar with that place, regardless of whether they come from the internet or not. There have been many instances, not only involving teen girls, where people get hurt as a result of throwing caution to the winds and meeting strangers at their houses. Craigslist "escorts" come to mind--they're sometimes minors, sometimes women as old as 30, but either way they put their lives in danger by making business with people they only know through Craigslist. There have been some murders which occurred this way, even on people who weren't prostitutes but only random schmoes attempting to sell some random knick-knack.

The lesson to be learned, then, is that one should never go alone when meeting a stranger for the first time, especially not in a private place such as their house. Things like what you described or worse can occur. She's lucky he wasn't a serial killer. This situation turned pretty bad, but she could have died and I hope she realizes that.

(P.S. In all honesty, I'd rather meet a 47 year old than a dorky 17 year old boy though, but that's beside the point.)
Its something that is awful:yes:but some people got to do it to learn to be careful:sad:
In my opinion, she may have lacked common sense to have went to his house , but at least she had the common sense to try to run aw%y from him when she realized that he was around 47, not 17.
I'm 17 and I will never understand why girls my age are so STUPID.
I'm not saying by any means that girls who do this deserve this kind of stuff to happen to them. THEY DON'T DESERVE THIS. But how stupid can they be? It truly baffles me. You'd think they would know better, especially at 17! This issue is widespread and you hear it everywhere. Why wouldn't these girls be more cautious? Come on ladies, don't be so STUPID. Use your brains. You were given them for a reason! Don't let men manipulate you.

(P.S. In all honesty, I'd rather meet a 47 year old than a dorky 17 year old boy though, but that's beside the point.)

haha. Well I'm a "fan" of older men anyways so I definitely wouldn't mind if he were older than my actual age. However, 47 is older than my own father and I'd find that quite awkward..
^I agree, it's rather stupid of them to do that sort of thing. I hypothesize that the ones who do have some sort of mental/emotional issue, or are so mollycoddled and overprotected by their parents that they have no idea what's in store for them as soon as they enter the outside world, so that they grow up naiive and think that everyone is honest and has good intentions. I honestly can't sympathize with them at all since the very idea is so ridiculously stupid it would seem as though anyone with common sense would steer clear of such a situation.

Ah, pretty much all the guys I fall for are older than my father, lol. :p
Coincidentally, I find straight guys around my biological age quite awkward and disgusting.
It's an unfortunate thing... People gotta activate their left brain hemisphere more than abandoning themselves to.. libido. I understand that many of these naive people may be having personal issues at home, with controlling parents and often no real friends...but the Internet socialization sites all too often are a pit of snakes, because everyone is free to appear whatever they wanna.