This brings back so much memories..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
Today the DVD of We Are The World has arrived. I tried to order it before at some sites but none wanted to ship to The Netherlands. I almost jumped into the air when I found out they sold it at amazon. I wasn't even looking for it but my dad wanted to order something and I was like lets see what they have of Michael.

Some might think this is just a DVD and nothing special but for me it is.
It all happened during my first year in highschool. It was a month or 2 before christmas and we had music class. Our teacher wanted to do a We Are The World performance during christmas. So he gave everyone a part to sing and I was a bit sad that I got Billy Joel's lines "And the truth - you know love is all we need" and some person who I didn't like got Michael's. But shy as I was I didn't dare to ask for Michael's. The teacher also had the making off on tape and that tape made me realize that Michael was not only a good singer/performer. He also really cared about people and really wanted to help make this world a better place. And that he was able to get so many people together to help creating this wonderfull song.
I really wanted to have the footage aswell but to shy to ask for a copy.
It also made me realise how great it would be if more people where like him and not only thinking of themselves.

Over the years I kept thinking about it, looked for it online but strangely I forgot to ask fans if they had it:doh:

But now I finally have it and I'm so happy:wub:

The bonus feautus are:
-Unseen footage
-10th aniversary special
-Some performances of the song at Music Awards and Live Aid.
- Karaoke track
Aaaw, that's such a cute story! Congratz with receiving the DVD, enjoy watching! :huggy:

It reminds me a bit of how I had to sing Ben in class a loooong time ago. I was so blown away with that song and I was too shy to ask for a nice part to sing, so I ended up with only one line, haha. Those old times....always found it so weird when remembering these kind of things, to realize how long he was already with us.
lol. lucky you. we sung we are the world in 2001 when i was in 10. I only discovered who mj was that year and barely even knew he wrote the song. i'm so ashamed.