Thinking of a canvas picture?

Jul 25, 2011
In michaels heart always xxx
Hay guys
I really need your help,i am thinking of getting a canvas done of michael but not sure wat photo to use as there is so many photos out there,just dont know which one to pick,its going to be quite a big canvas,but deciding on pictures is hard or i could have loads of little pictures put onto one canvas,just not so sure what would be the best thing,hope u guys have some suggestions thanks x
I am probably going to put the two smaller pics in my siggy on a canvas. One picture of Michael, and the other one of me. But i don't know if the picture that I have on michael is big enough. :)
I've got a canvas picture of him. I used the Give In To Me photo, where he's singing and looking up.
Thay all sound good ideas,was thinking i could do that picture that is made up of little pictures of michael but not sure if that would work or u can put about 20 pictures on a canvas i could do that,wat ever it is i want it to be out of this world,i think its going to be pretty big,but i just dont know what to do lol ,thanks guys x
OK, if I had the money to print me a canvas of MJness, I'd use this picture:

If only they'd hurry and release the full-sized quality version of this photo - I'd definitely have it up on my wall. :D


Or something totally happy with Michael smack-bang in your face like this. :)
