think back to when u were a child! Games u played at school!Remember the time? lol


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
Think back to when you were at school...........what games did you play?

I remember that a popular game with the boys was with marbles............on a drain hole!! lol

French skipping.................

Skipping generally.............''when is ur birthday''? please jump in..........Jan, Feb, March............etc

2 balls against the wall............. ( no adult inuendo to this honestly!! Just pure childhood innocence....)
Plainsy to America plainsy to Japan.........? Anyone did this game?!
Please say you did or I am going to look like such a fool! lol :doh:

Please post memories of your childhood games!
If this has already been posted then please feel free to remove!

''Playground'' thread isnt discussing playground games!! so this is why I started this one that maybe does?:)

1..Little Sally Saucer.....2...Red Rover........3..always jump rope...:)...4..kick ball...
Hopscotch was big, so was that game with the string where you weave it into puzzles on your fingers (forget the name though) and doing flips on the monkey bars :D

I know it's not necessarily a playground game but we also played MASH.... anyone know what that is... :shifty: or am I showing my age? :blink:
When I was a kid I never played any playground games at school. Mainly because none of the other kids ever wanted to play with me. So I always played by myself. I used to love to go on the swings and sliding board alot. Gym class was different because the other kids had no choice to play with me. I had played games like:

Duck Duck Goose
Cut The Cake (I think thats what it was called)
Red Light Green Light
Fox and Geese
And Red Rover
Hopscotch was big, so was that game with the string where you weave it into puzzles on your fingers (forget the name though) and doing flips on the monkey bars :D

"Cat's Cradle."

I know it's not necessarily a playground game but we also played MASH.... anyone know what that is... :shifty: or am I showing my age? :blink:

I remember playing a game by that name, but I can't remember what the purpose of the game was.
I was a city kid. We played a lot of stoop games (wayyy back in the 70's, lol)

Stoop ball (throwing a ball against a stair)
Tag (You're "It"!)
Skulley (street game played with bottle caps)
Kick the can
Red light, green light
Mother May I?
Simon says
Dodge ball (had lots of eyeglasses broken with this game)
Double dutch
Roller skating, skate boarding
Cooling off at the Johnny Pump (fire hydrant water)
Think back to when you were at school...........what games did you play?

I remember that a popular game with the boys was with marbles............on a drain hole!! lol

French skipping.................

Skipping generally.............''when is ur birthday''? please jump in..........Jan, Feb, March............etc

2 balls against the wall............. ( no adult inuendo to this honestly!! Just pure childhood innocence....)
Plainsy to America plainsy to Japan.........? Anyone did this game?!
Please say you did or I am going to look like such a fool! lol :doh:

Please post memories of your childhood games!
If this has already been posted then please feel free to remove!

''Playground'' thread isnt discussing playground games!! so this is why I started this one that maybe does?:)

Aww Played those. :lol:

Memories... :heart: LOL
-red rover
-marbles (think I still have my velvet bag of them soooo sad)
-truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat
-can't recall the name of the thing you'd put around your ankle and skip over it? ..mine had a lemon on the end
-roller skating
-spin the bottle :smilerolleyes:
and I think it was Reghead who mentioned MASH ...vividly recall playing that many many a time

...whats the name of the game that you fold a piece of paper so it fits over your fingers ya pick a number count it out than open the flap?

...oh sheesh have I really dated myself now?? :cheeky:

thank you all for the flashbacks
I was a city kid. We played a lot of stoop games (wayyy back in the 70's, lol)

Stoop ball (throwing a ball against a stair)

Wow, how easily kids were amused back then. :lol:

-can't recall the name of the thing you'd put around your ankle and skip over it? ..mine had a lemon on the end

I remember seeing commercials for a toy like this when I was a kid (1990's). I think it was actually called "Skip It."

...whats the name of the game that you fold a piece of paper so it fits over your fingers ya pick a number count it out than open the flap?

Some kind of fortune-telling game, but I don't remember the name of it. :no:

-red rover

What's red rover?

Oh, and I forgot to add one earlier: "Miss Mary Mack."
I remember we had Click Clacks. Two colorful hard plastic balls attached to string and when you wave the string real hard repeatedly (with lots of force) the balls hit each other over and over. My mother threw my sister's ones into the trash compactor because she couldn't take the noise. :laugh:
"Cat's Cradle."
That's it!! :woohoo:

I remember playing a game by that name, but I can't remember what the purpose of the game was.

Oh I definately remember haha ( my friends and I used a very naughty variation lol :naughty: )...

It's like this....

you wrote M.A.S.H. at the top, then had like five guys you thought were hot, five colors, five cars, five varying numbers (represented how many kids you'd have), and other various little lists. then the person figuring it out would start to draw a circle going round and round til you said STOP! and they'd count the lines and that was your number. You'd use that number to count down the lists. Let's say your number was six.... every six thing got crossed out until there was one thing left in each little list... then you read it to the person who'd supplied all the info...

for example lets say we played it with MJ and it came out like this....

Okay Mike here we go.... You are gonna live in a Shack with Liz Taylor and have 12 kids. You get married at age 36 and you wore a green tux ( :giggle: ) and she wore a red dress. You now make 12 dollars a year as a gynecologist and you drive a purple pinto.... etc etc.. It's FUNNY AS, let me tell you :lmao:

-truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat
OMG I used to get in a lot of trouble playing that! :ph34r:

and I think it was Reghead who mentioned MASH ...vividly recall playing that many many a time

...whats the name of the game that you fold a piece of paper so it fits over your fingers ya pick a number count it out than open the flap?
We used to just call it the fortune teller :D

And yeah I remember going roller skating. That was like MASSIVELY important in 1991 :p
Oh I definately remember haha ( my friends and I used a very naughty variation lol :naughty: )...

It's like this....

you wrote M.A.S.H. at the top, then had like five guys you thought were hot, five colors, five cars, five varying numbers (represented how many kids you'd have), and other various little lists. then the person figuring it out would start to draw a circle going round and round til you said STOP! and they'd count the lines and that was your number. You'd use that number to count down the lists. Let's say your number was six.... every six thing got crossed out until there was one thing left in each little list... then you read it to the person who'd supplied all the info...

for example lets say we played it with MJ and it came out like this....

Okay Mike here we go.... You are gonna live in a Shack with Liz Taylor and have 12 kids. You get married at age 36 and you wore a green tux ( :giggle: ) and she wore a red dress. You now make 12 dollars a year as a gynecologist and you drive a purple pinto.... etc etc.. It's FUNNY AS, let me tell you :lmao:

OMG I used to get in a lot of trouble playing that! :ph34r:

I remember it now. :) I used to be stuck marrying a lot of boys that I didn't like. :puke: