Things you do throughout your day related to MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Do you do little things throughout your day which are related to MJ? Do you go around humming his songs or wear a shirt with his face on. Recently where I work had a display of JLS books in the window so I took them all out and replaced them with MJ books, I couldn't resist.
i don't think there is a day that goes by where i don't play at least one of his songs from my itunes or windows mediaplayer collection.
yeah, his music is constantly playing in my head :) sometimes I hum along...

I wear a bracelet I brought at Forest Lawn every day....
Come on here, talk about him on Twitter, watch videos on youtube. Aside from that, he's often on my mind, so yes I do end up connecting certain things to MJ in little things I do during the day. Even if they're not really related, I still make a connection. I might think of song and wonder if Michael liked it or met that artist, or if that artist had anything to say about Michael, so I wind up Googling it. Or I'll watch a movie and wonder if Michael had seen it, or think he'd really like it. Things like that. Everything becomes about Michael somehow. :smilerolleyes:
There isn't a single day that has gone by that I don't do something related to Michael. Few of the things that I do is that:

I wear one of my many Michael Jackson t-shirts every single day. It is the only kind of shirt that I would wear now. I am wearing one of my black MJ t-shirts now.

I continuously wear my 3 MJ necklaces I really don't like taking them off now. Unless I absolutely have to take them off.

And I am always constantly thinking about him. Especially whenever I look up at the clouds and just wonder what Michael could be doing up in Heaven now. Which is something I try to do at least a few times or so a day. Though I also wish I could be with now.
I think about him every day, play his songs, visit various message boards, watch YouTube videos or replay one of my DVDs and some days have these cute little coincidences:

* Today - Went to the Musical Mamma Mia! where one guy danced with some crotch grabbing and moonwalking. Before the show I had to park my car and accidentally went to the parking space of a place where a Jehovah's Witness Congress was held.

* Yesterday - went shopping in a nearby city and saw a magazine with 50 photo's of artists on the cover about who the biggest artist is/was. MJ's photo sprung out at me. I opened the magazine exactly at the page where his photo was coincidentally. Saw some travel guides lying on a table with these four grouped together: South-West USA and Las Vegas, London, Japan, South Africa. Looked at the CDs and my eye fell on the Diana Ross CDs.
Looked at the DVDs and saw "Finding Neverland" and "Oliver". There was more but I can't remember. It was as if somehow everything was connected to Michael in a sense.