Things that people need to stop saying


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Are there any phrases that people use whether it be on the internet or in real life that you wish people would stop saying?

I got one

I really really really hate it when someone says the word ''Much'' at the end of certain sentances. Like if someone is in a bad mood one day someone will say ''Wow grumpy much?'' that drives me up the wall! It's so f**king annoying and it's not even a cool thing to say. It's just stupid

IE:"Ummm.... can you ummmm..." "I was wondering if... can...ummmm...."


I f'n hate repeating myself when someone doesn't actually here you, "HUH?" then im like "NEVERMIND....!"

Thats mine.
LOL... Those kinds of formulations annoy me to no end also, and I'm not an English native speaker.

Can't think of some at the moment, but I know there are some real nerve-seizing ones -- I'll post some as soon as I'm coming across 'em, lol. ..
Yes,it annoys me very much when people use the word "Plus" all the time like there are no synonyms for it.
The word 'uber' to describe the size of something gets up my nose a bit tbh especially when it is used too much
Its annoys me when celebrites say "at the end of the day"

It always seems like they are the only words they know!
I wish all athletes who speaks bad english could stop saying "you know" (like that would make it better) in every sentence, it would make a nice change :)
Oh, I now remembered. ^^ The neverending 'you know's and 'you know what I mean/what I'm saying?'s infiltrated in many speeches of celebrities.... Another one would be the syntagm 'healthy and happy'......... And I'm sure I'll remember more soon, lol.
It's rather annoying when people say "yeah?" at the end of a sentence. Jamie Oliver says it constantly and that's probably why so many people want to thump him.

I also find it annoying when someone says they "love someone to death." I don't even know what that means and I don't particularly care to find out.
Hehe, when I was in South Africa, people were constantly, after someone was telling them something, answering with a "Is it?" for things that were related neither to "is" or "it". That was funny and annoying at the same time.
^ that's a real Australian thing too! I think I'm so used to it that I just tune it out haha!

Phrases that bug, I dislike people using the word "legit" after the movie Juno became popular. It just grates on me!
It's rather annoying when people say "yeah?" at the end of a sentence. Jamie Oliver says it constantly and that's probably why so many people want to thump him.

Funny you should mention Jamie. I was actually thinking about how annoying he is (though I like him and the way he cooks - brilliant) when he constantly uses the adjective 'lovely, lovely'.....when describing the ingredients for his cooking recipes. 'I'm going to be pouring some of this lovely / really lovely sour cream over this lovely dill.' Lol ^^ I really can't stand that. ^
'We're over the moon' when expecting a child... Ugh.

or 'we're pregnant' - just sounds so effin ridiculous!

Got another one that makes me feel like puking 'me luvs ya' or worse 'me wuvs ya'. Just sounds so babyish and like something the effin care bears or my little pony might spew out whilst sliding down an effin rainbow.
Funny you should mention Jamie. I was actually thinking about how annoying he is (though I like him and the way he cooks - brilliant) when he constantly uses the adjective 'lovely, lovely'.....when describing the ingredients for his cooking recipes. 'I'm going to be pouring some of this lovely / really lovely sour cream over this lovely dill.' Lol ^^ I really can't stand that. ^

A lot of things Jamie says are annoying, but he is a great cook, I will definitely give him that.

In fact, I just found this entry on Urban Dictionary:

When you are talking with someone and they repeatably say, "What's that?"
A lot of things Jamie says are annoying, but he is a great cook, I will definitely give him that.

In fact, I just found this entry on Urban Dictionary:


LOL. I haven't even noticed he uses that word, 'pucker', a lot. ^

Brilliant cook, tho, yes.


I've noticed this formulation lately being used by many - which, needless to say, is most irritating ^^: i.e.: "As far as what transpired...", "I'm not aware of what transpired".. etc.. Very annoying to me. ^
I cannot stand when people say at the end of a sentence...."yeahh..mmhmm"...makes me feel as though they are not even listening to a word I really is annoying.
Got another one that makes me feel like puking 'me luvs ya' or worse 'me wuvs ya'. Just sounds so babyish and like something the effin care bears or my little pony might spew out whilst sliding down an effin rainbow.

LMAO! This is probably my most favourite quote on MJJC EVER! I am laughing with tears at this, it's just glorius LOL. I think you're naughty sometimes and need a slapped wrist Michelle but because of comments like this..... "me luvs ya"...... *slides down a rainbow*.
LMAO! This is probably my most favourite quote on MJJC EVER! I am laughing with tears at this, it's just glorius LOL. I think you're naughty sometimes and need a slapped wrist Michelle but because of comments like this..... "me luvs ya"...... *slides down a rainbow*.

it is not funny spoonz it is deadly serious! It is sayings like that that put me into instant automatic PMS mode! Why not projectile vomit down that effin rainbow instead of saying THAT.
Singers/rappers really need to stop using the word shorty/shawty in their songs
I dont think there's a particular expression that gets to me. It's more like really dumb and pointless questions of what I consider daily chitchat. I.E you go home after work, you close the door, and then you hear : oh, it's you? you're home? Actually as a QUESTION.
My parents are experts on that kind of stuff. Drove me crazy.
Oh, and my neighbor who asks EVERY SINGLE TIME she sees me : you dont have your dog with you?... Aaaaarrrgghh!!!
Using the word EPIC to describe something that happened.

We went out to the lake and it was EPIC, man!!!!

I hate when certain politicians abuse the phrase "The reality is". Rudy Giuliani is the worst offender. The reality is...I hate this phrase!
or 'we're pregnant' - just sounds so effin ridiculous!

Got another one that makes me feel like puking 'me luvs ya' or worse 'me wuvs ya'. Just sounds so babyish and like something the effin care bears or my little pony might spew out whilst sliding down an effin rainbow.

I agree. I also hate when they refer to the baby as their "peanut" or "bean."

Another one is when people make their point by starting with the phrase "first of all," especiallly when there is no "second" or "third."
I agree. I also hate when they refer to the baby as their "peanut" or "bean."

I know its like boys we are not food! we are human beings lol

Using the word EPIC to describe something that happened.

I actually like that saying
Yep, The "You know what I mean?" "You know? " Or... "You get me?" after everything they say is so annoying!
I know someone that say's it all the friggin time!!! I haven't had it in my to tell them to stfu although I really want to at times! :bugeyed