Things i miss


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Saturday morning kids shows - Remember the time when it was worth getting up early on a Saturday morning to watch TV? Now a days there's no need for kids to get up early to watch Kids shows because kids shows are shown on TV 24/7

Old cameras - Now a days cameras are alot better because you can just take a picture and then upload it to your computer and you have your picture right away. However i do miss the excitment of taking a picture and then taking it to the shop to get the film developed and seeing what the picture turns out like. Also i feel that these new camera phones have taken away the specialness of memories. We used to take a picture and look back on it but now you can take thousands of pictures, delete them, retake them if we don't look fantastic in the picture and that causes it to lose its nostalgia and just become another desposable thing.

Bright and colourful things - Remember the late 80's/early 90's when everything had this real bright, colourful and positive feel to it? I miss that. Now a days everything is just pretty much black and white. Literaly

Video game arcades - Today people just play video games online with their friends but i really miss hanging out at arcades and playing games there. I defintalty think that people video games in arcades is better than playing them online because it get's people out of the house
I agree with everything you said................

Have you seen any recent cartoons or children's programs.........they are rubbish!!!!

I also miss Cassettes and Videos and how I used to treasure my favourite music and films...........downloading and streaming makes music and film worthless.......

...........I mean back in the day they were expensive and I used record songs from the radio and record films from the TV..........but when we had enough money we did buy videos and CD'........I would copy the CD to a cassette on my Hi-Fi and play it on my Walkman...........another thing I miss!!!!!

One other thing I miss is the freedom of not having a mobile phone............
Bright and colourful things - Remember the late 80's/early 90's when everything had this real bright, colourful and positive feel to it? I miss that. Now a days everything is just pretty much black and white. Literaly
:wild: :wild: :wild:


I always say that the 80's/90's are better :wild: :punk: in every way. I love everything this time. :wub: I love that there was a time machine to we can return to the past. :wild: :wild: :wild:

I also miss Cassettes and Videos and how I used to treasure my favourite music and films...........downloading and streaming makes music and film worthless.......

...........I mean back in the day they were expensive and I used record songs from the radio and record films from the TV..........but when we had enough money we did buy videos and CD'........I would copy the CD to a cassette on my Hi-Fi and play it on my Walkman...........another thing I miss!!!!!

Me too! :wild: I made it so much in my adolescence. Now, this sort of thing died. You do not see around, k-7 tapes, vhs.... and vinyl disc :wild:, as I loved it. I have a lot in my house. :wild: :punk: I always bought vinyl disc from Michael and other artists that I liked. Well, we have to adapt to modern times. -_- :doh:
Being able to eat white bread and white rice guilt free before whole wheat this and whole wheat that took over society. Aaah those were the days.
I miss mainly the 80's. I can see I'm not the only one... lol
I miss the energy, the colors, the clothes (yes I do!), the music of those days. I was just a teenager so I guess my memories are biased maybe. But, life seemed different, happier.