There's a part I just noticed on the TII clip.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Close to the end of the TII clip and when SHE DRIVES ME WILD comes on, Mike absolutely murders those back dancers! They all do the shoulder pop thing but If you look carefully Mike is moving forward while doing it but it looks like he's standing on one spot. Does anyone see what I'm talking about? How the heck does he do that? Been trying it for a while but its tricky, especially when I try to do it in time with the beat. Even at his most unhealthiest he still leaves me in goosebumps! I was so stuck on the hop/skip move that I never really took note of this part.
I have seen it, no idea how he does it. I have tried the move, but fail as always.

For him, it's natural like we all know
He looks great on the clip. One thing I notice is the smile that breaks out on his face right at the very end.... :)
A lot of it may have to do with his body shape. Even if you have the steps down pat it may not look as good when doing if you're not blessed with a dancer's physique.
A lot of it may have to do with his body shape. Even if you have the steps down pat it may not look as good when doing if you're not blessed with a dancer's physique.

Very true. It's like those wanna-be singers on American Idol; no matter how hard they try, if they're no naturally gifted, it just won't happen.
I have seen it, no idea how he does it. I have tried the move, but fail as always.

For him, it's natural like we all know

A natural he was.. I can't wait to see him dictate some of these moves to the dancers. Assuming the movie will show this.
I'm so excited about seeing the movie. I cannot wait.

On LWMJ Martin Bashit goes "Did you have to practise that? (The dance moves) and Michael answers "No, you can't practise that, you're just born with it..."

Michael definetly knew what he was talking about and what he was doing. :)
Close to the end of the TII clip and when SHE DRIVES ME WILD comes on, Mike absolutely murders those back dancers! They all do the shoulder pop thing but If you look carefully Mike is moving forward while doing it but it looks like he's standing on one spot. Does anyone see what I'm talking about? How the heck does he do that? Been trying it for a while but its tricky, especially when I try to do it in time with the beat. Even at his most unhealthiest he still leaves me in goosebumps! I was so stuck on the hop/skip move that I never really took note of this part.
Wow you did look at the clip closely! I thought to myself, "That's a tight move right there" about the part you brought up, but didn't notice the exact choreography.

A lot of it may have to do with his body shape. Even if you have the steps down pat it may not look as good when doing if you're not blessed with a dancer's physique.
Great point. I'm not a professional dancer or an expert on dancing, but I can tell his body shape is def. a strong point any dancer dream of. It ain't hard to imagine this: a person with the similar to or even the same level of techniques as Michael's would not look as natural, sexy, graceful, etc. as Michael's dancing looks, if he ain't got the type of physique like Michael's.
I LOVE that part, also the face expression he does! So sexy! mmmm! He was amazing! :D I love the mix of TDCAU/HIStory/She drives me wild/Trip on me :p such a cool mix!
"hold for applause, hold for applause, slow umberella fade out" :cry:

then his little smile :wub: !
I LOVE that part, also the face expression he does! So sexy! mmmm! He was amazing! :D I love the mix of TDCAU/HIStory/She drives me wild/Trip on me :p such a cool mix!
"hold for applause, hold for applause, slow umberella fade out" :cry:

then his little smile :wub: !

Yeah his face lights up when does that!
Here's a screenshot of the smile at the end. So cute. He must have been pleased with that rehearsal.

This picture reminds me of the song "Smile" but I do think MJ was happy and that the rehearsal was good. His smile is so sweet.
He was back where he belonged.

And he would have been in front of a massive audience whilst doing it if someone was looking after him properly.

Here's a screenshot of the smile at the end. So cute. He must have been pleased with that rehearsal.

A lot of it may have to do with his body shape. Even if you have the steps down pat it may not look as good when doing if you're not blessed with a dancer's physique.

absolutely!!! you hit the nail on the head! michael has the perfect dancer's physique...he looks good with any dance he does.
Close to the end of the TII clip and when SHE DRIVES ME WILD comes on, Mike absolutely murders those back dancers! They all do the shoulder pop thing but If you look carefully Mike is moving forward while doing it but it looks like he's standing on one spot. Does anyone see what I'm talking about? How the heck does he do that? Been trying it for a while but its tricky, especially when I try to do it in time with the beat. Even at his most unhealthiest he still leaves me in goosebumps! I was so stuck on the hop/skip move that I never really took note of this part.

He was unique, he had everything just awesomely natural, he was a natural performer, he didnt went to any school, he was born with it, and well, schools cant buy talent anyway

A lot of it may have to do with his body shape. Even if you have the steps down pat it may not look as good when doing if you're not blessed with a dancer's physique.
Very very right

Very true. It's like those wanna-be singers on American Idol; no matter how hard they try, if they're no naturally gifted, it just won't happen.
So true, i pitty those singers cause they are so not, well they are i dont know, they lack something, i wish new talent like real talent would appear

I'm so excited about seeing the movie. I cannot wait.

On LWMJ Martin Bashit goes "Did you have to practise that? (The dance moves) and Michael answers "No, you can't practise that, you're just born with it..."

Michael definetly knew what he was talking about and what he was doing. :)

hehehe Michael always so sincere, that was one of his charms too, i bet he didnt even know it

If you watch closely he does move from his spot but only a little.
He could control his body the way he wanted, in a natural way, thats something he was born with, he use illusion a lot, he was a visionary, and his back dancers not only these ones, but from all tours are just so meaningless compared to Michael, not that they were not great, they are all great dancers, its just that comparing any human dancing next to Michael Jackson, is just useless, he was the best, a genius
to me it could still be perceived as a tired or hurting is a smile never the less but if you look closley his eyes open for a brief second and something or more likely someone made him smile on the stage below....but if he really found it funny his laugh might have been bigger..but he was rehearsing sooo...never the less...i still think it was a tired smile..i mean obv..he was 50 n doing alot of rehersals...and perhaps pain to...He did roll his eyes after that dance move after ''wouldn't let this be..'' could be nothign but it might of signified that that move was alot tougher to do at was a rolling of the eyes like ''woah ok ima keep going and get through this''..hope not but you never know

someone commented on youtube saying he had his condition of lupus and that is why michael couldn't stomp his legs in a straight line as that it what happens to you ?
why can't it be analysed? I am someone who likes to think of all outcomes and yes it was just a smile...what kind of smile and how he felt can be and has been debated..I just have my own opinion about the smile which is different to many that others feel
^^^I agree - analysis is credible and more than has a place in today's world. Attempts to belittle analysis are futile.

But, yes, a tired smile. He is known to break out laughing during rehearsals if it's going well on a personal level.

The move he does isn't the best to demonstrate 'murdering' his backing dancers. He does it the same way during HIStory and does move from the spot.

How good a dancer looks while dancing is not just down to physique - it's also psychology. Michael doesn't think while dancing and puts his weight in his mind's eye on his feet. Rather than being a dance visionary, Michael was a dance revolutionary - ditto for video. He took what had already been done and added his own style to the mix.