The YRMW signature move


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wish you guys could know how big that move is down here in South Africa, even to this day. My girlfriend says she went to a party recently and when they played it apperantly everyone went crazy and started doing that move that MJ does when he plants his neck into his shouldars and bends over while walking.
I love that move, especially just before Michael goes down the stairs.

If ever you guys come for the soccer world cup in 2010 ask them to play YOU ROCK MY WORLD and you'l see how South Africans get down to MJ ,not Thriller MJ, not Off the Wall MJ but mature Invincible MJ!
i love it to, its sexy in a strange way i dont know why! And its sorta gangster type walking, i think! And yeys its a damn good song and people who aint heard it before get down and jiggy with it, thats good, i swear the tides turning and about time too, waahoo!
I love that dance move in the video and on the 30th anniversary show where he does it as well. Only MJ could come up with such a strange yet awesome dance move.
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uau... cool!!! Really look like Michaels dance!!! He saw that, i'm shure!!! great!
Michael's dancing in "YRMW" was fantastic. It gets overlooked just like everything associated with "Invincible", but he was really smooth and clean in that video
i love that moveeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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That move is just so slick.. I mean its like he's showing off showing that he might be in his 40's but he still got it, without doing too much.
I know what move ur talking about. He kind of does it at the Motown 25 too
