The worry of the week thread-post all your worries in life here!


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hello fellow fans
further on from my last thread I was thinking we should start the 'worry of the week 'thread.
I was thinking we could all post our worries that happen in life big or small from week to week. You might have a constant worry you want to share or have small worries that have occured this week or that particular week.
So the idea is you post your worry and you let it out. You either put 'just to share'/vent'
at the bottom of your post or 'need advice'. this means peeps can post without judgement and get help/advice if they wish.
what do y'all think?
Re: the worry of the week thread-post all your worries in life here!

Right now I'm worried because I'm planning to take the written driver's test next week for the first time at the age of 46. I'm afraid of failing! LOL.
Re: the worry of the week thread-post all your worries in life here!

hugs to you Suzy! lots of luck and blessings! I'm sure you will do your best and do well.x
Re: the worry of the week thread-post all your worries in life here!

I start my second year in college tomorrow. This is when the work gets more intense and to top it all off I don't know anyone in any of my new classes :/
Re: the worry of the week thread-post all your worries in life here!

I start my second year in college tomorrow. This is when the work gets more intense and to top it all off I don't know anyone in any of my new classes :/

Very exciting time for you. Brings me back. You will make new friends.
Good luck to you.:)
Re: the worry of the week thread-post all your worries in life here!

good luck Wes. you'll do fine xx
Re: the worry of the week thread-post all your worries in life here!

I'm worried about going back to work next Thursday- I've been signed off sick with anxiety until then and am worried if I will be alright.

I'm worried about whether or not I should pay my creditcard bill this week or the following week. Hmm.
Well I passed my written driver's test with a perfect score. Phew! It was easy but I think I over studied. My next worry is actually learning how to drive and taking the road test!
Well I passed my written driver's test with a perfect score. Phew! It was easy but I think I over studied. My next worry is actually learning how to drive and taking the road test!

well done Suzy!xxx
I'm going to Uni tomorrow and I'll be living there. I'm really worried that I won't fit in and make new friends :S
WelshFan- I'm sure you will make lots of friends. It takes awhile to get used to a new place. We are all here to support you! x
I wonder if leaving my current job and focusing more on my passion will have more benefits.
Well I passed my written driver's test with a perfect score. Phew! It was easy but I think I over studied. My next worry is actually learning how to drive and taking the road test!

Same here :lol: