The Worlds Greatest Popstar - New UK TV Series


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Has anyone seen this series of programmes about to start this sunday 13th sept? in the uk on 4music tv channel on freeview

MJ is up 1st with Neyo as the celebrity saying that MJ should win!!!

It will run for 10 weeks with a different act announced each week

I believe at the end of the 10 weeks there will be a big vote for the winner; lets make it MJ guys.
I saw the advert :wub: they used some bad footage! wooo
I saw the advert :wub: they used some bad footage! wooo

What bad footage did they show. Channel 4 is in my opinion an anti Michael Jackson channel. They've ran more negative documentatries about Michael than any other UK terrestrial channel. I'll be recording this, but I'm sceptical they will show how amazing Michael was considering what you've said about the trailer.
I can see it now. "Todays show about MJ. MJ was accused of molesting a child twice, made himself white and was weird. Oh and he was very talented, the end."

Screw these documentaries. They are nothing but tabloid trash anyway.
What bad footage did they show. Channel 4 is in my opinion an anti Michael Jackson channel. They've ran more negative documentatries about Michael than any other UK terrestrial channel. I'll be recording this, but I'm sceptical they will show how amazing Michael was considering what you've said about the trailer.

I totally agree. There have been so many anti-MJ docs on this channel it disgusts me. I have lost my respect for Channel 3 and am on the verge of losing it for Ch 4 too. On the 29th Aug they had a programme thing called "JLS' TOP 10 ***** TRACKS!" and I was like :doh: call him MJ?

And that other programme they have shown more than once called "Michael Jackson: What Really Happend" it is so tabloid-ish and I am sorry to say this but I'm beginning to DESPISE MJ docs being presented/narrated by someone who has a British accent. Call me prejudiced/racist but I can't stand it. The presenter dude for that doc was a DOUCHEBAG lol. His voice... =\

And that Indian Channel 4 news presenter? :doh: 'nuff said.
:lol: I'm hating all the media in England. they're so rude and unfair towards Michael.
I guess they use ***** because it makes headlines more catchy.

and btw the bad tour footage was from the "Brace Yourself" montage I think. Nothing new.
So, thats the time for MJ fans to "rise" and support Michael somehow..., what about posting emails, or react on discussions of the site-s...????

Can somebody upolad this on YouTube???
I'll vote and often if possible, but the reaction to Michael's death has proven who is the greatest entertainer in the world period. I mean he nearly brought the world wide internet to a standstill! So I don't care what a poll says, Michael was, is, and always will be the world's greatest popstar, r&b star, and any other kind of musical star! No contest.
What bad footage did they show. Channel 4 is in my opinion an anti Michael Jackson channel. They've ran more negative documentatries about Michael than any other UK terrestrial channel. I'll be recording this, but I'm sceptical they will show how amazing Michael was considering what you've said about the trailer.

They obviously meant Bad era footage, not negative footage...
The World's Greatest Popstar: Michael Jackson
American R'n'B star Ne-Yo presents a tribute to Michael Jackson, exploring the singer's long-standing career in the music industry SUB

- Ne-Yo is presenting it - so it'll be positive right?
I saw this advertised. Not sure whats going on though. So Michaels on sunday yeah?

Yeah i agree, dont like Ch4 when it comes to Michael. They always call him *****, but then everyone else does so there like sheep!

If this programme is called the Worlds Greatest Popstar than they shouldnt be bringing up anything negative, i.e. child molestation charges, the fact people think hes weird etc, because its about his music and him as a performer, all of that is his personal life. There is nothing to say that is negative when it comes to him as a performer. Hes got to win! Theres no- one else who can beat Michael :D
fuck these kind of shows, everyone knows deep down that there is no one better then MJ, hes much more then just a pop star, this program ain't gonna validate shit
I don't think people should judge these shows too early.
With Ne you representing Mike I'm sure it will be generally positive and something enjoyable to watch. IF we are supposed to vote for the greatest pop star then we should all try to do that to help carry Mike's legacy into the future. Without effort from the fans Mike will be forgotten. It's not guaranteed that his legacy will continue long after death in full force as the Beatles and Elvis have done.

PLUS if we don't vote, somebody like Robbie Williams might win the accolade. MTV ran a very similar poll recently and announced on Mike's Birthday (!) that Robbie Williams is the greatest. I think they might also be handing this out during the MTV award ceremony...
people, this will be positive, in death, the media wont bash him so hard anyway. plus neyo is presenting this, he doesnt have a bad word to say about MJ, plus the topic is a possitive one, he will be glorified in it hopefully, plus if he looses to those others, it will be a joke
The whole show is a piece of crap.

I wouldn't put it past Ch4 to make a mockery of Michael, the man is being put up against the "illustrious" likes of Girls Aloud ,for f**ks sake.

What will the voting categories be, I wonder, Is being falsely accused of child abuse worse than thumping a toilet attendant - you decide!!

C4 don't know sh*t from sh*tola when it comes to MJ.
What bad footage did they show. Channel 4 is in my opinion an anti Michael Jackson channel. They've ran more negative documentatries about Michael than any other UK terrestrial channel. I'll be recording this, but I'm sceptical they will show how amazing Michael was considering what you've said about the trailer.

yeh but altho its a channel 4 channel, 4music always seems to have nice stuff bout mj.