The website for the charity song: some questions


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
On request, I started working on a website for the charity song.
For now, no content has been added yet.
Is there any info that I can already use?

What do I need (if possible)?

1) I need an official release/information about the entire project, the creator, the idea behind it, the people who are working on it, etc.
Anyone who wants to write this?

2) I need all the available news and updates about Haïti (please don't forget the source links). I also need all the available updates on the song and the production.

3) If agreed, I would also start a collection of all worldwide Michael Jackson fanclubs/fanpages who support this project? Please, if you want to get included as a link, don't forget to add a little description about your fanclub/page.

4) I need some people who want to work with me on this website (starting from next week), to keep it up to date. I will put all my available time in this website, especially because it's for charity and because I love the idea, but I won't be able to work on the website the entire time.

5) Are their any available video's/music clips so far?

6) If you have any idea's, you're more then welcome to share them with me ;)

If you have anything (articles on Haïti, updates on the song, etc...) please post it here.
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