The way you see other people


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hey guys ive been a member here for a while, but this is my first post. so if this topic has already been brought up in some form or another feel free to delete :)

i have a question.. i was just wondering if michael affects the way you see other people. ive been a fan of michael all my life but mostly a fan of his music. i knew he was good person and everything. he sung about healing the world and saving the children, and put alot of his money towards making the world a better place. so all in all he was good. but like others i know, i'll admit i DID laugh at an mj joke once in a while. (im ashamed of that now) but from the day he died i REALLY started to appreciate...seriously LOVE him as a person. ive watched a thousand videos of him on youtube, read just about every article, seen all of his interviews...and honestly i think he was one of the best people out there.

back on when people (friends,family, other celebs) mention mj in any sort of negative way i start to view them in a different way. if they say he was weird.. or anything like that, i just have bad feelings toward them. my mentality is..if you dont like mj because of the person he was.. then youre really judgemental. you dont take the time to see/appreciate the person he really was. i just feel like the way you treat/view others give people a peek into ur character.

the question it wrong to judge other people because of the way they view michael jackson and who he was..and does anyone feel the same way?
Re: the way you see other people

People's negative comments and opinions on Michael only reveal how utterly shallow and impressionable they are, if nothing else. While I find it difficult to judge an individual solely on their opinion on Michael, it is a more-or-less good indicator of how open-minded and informed the person I am dealing with is. If he has a moderate opinion either way, or no opinion whatsoever, the person is probably uninterested in the subject matter, but intelligent enough to avoid voicing a strong opinion on something he is uninformed about.

If he goes on a rant about how Michael is a weird you-all-know-what without providing a shred of evidence to support his opinion, this person is very opinionated on stuff he is hopelessly ignorant about and, by the looks of it, he is not the sharpest tool in the shed either. Such people are best if avoided at all costs. If they're that opinionated and gossipy about a guy they don't even know, imagine what their reaction will be if they hear some twisted, malicious and/or false gossip about me!

So, yeah, I do take their opinion on Michael into account when I observe people, if you want to call that judging. It would be unfair to have that be the only factor by which to form an opinion on someone, but it is not unfair to have that be one of the factors. I can understand if some people don't like his music, or if they don't really care for him at all. I don't expect everyone to like Michael (although they'd be insane not to!), but I do expect people to behave in a civilized manner towards Michael and others in general. If they're spewing virulent comments about him, I definitely will do my best to avoid that person in future.

...but really, I don't usually like to interact with people in general. At least not face-to-face.
Re: the way you see other people

I do view people in a whole different light once they say anything negetive about Michael. Ive been going through that for sometime now with some so called "friends" which u can read about in the michaelmania section. I feel if someone is going to talk about Michael in anyway they need to know what they are talking about and who they are talking about before opening their mouth spewing out trash. Its the ones who think they they know him and are so convinced that he was the things that the media labeled him to be that bother me. They have no proof to back up their therories but still strongly believe that he was those things. which we all know were not true in anyway shape or form and that the people who think these things are not very sharp and look like idiots trying to convince people otherwise. Once someone says something about MIchael thats bad i admit i hold it agaisnt them. Its one thing to not like his music or whatever thats fine but anyone who doesnt think he was great needs their head exmained! But to literally hate the guy because of some false allegations and the picture that the media painted him out to be just makes me angry because its so far from the truth.
Re: the way you see other people

When people show me their ignorance about the man and person, Michael Jackson, I can't help myself but start to elaborate on what he did for charities, for sick children, his sense of humor, the normalcy that was also there. Sometimes it helps to change their views somewhat, sometimes they don't have an open mind and then I stop talking about Michael to them. He himself said ( at the Grammy 1993 legend awards, if I am not mistaken) "It feels good to be thought of as a person, not a personality".
So I do my best to paint a picture of Michael, the person, man, doting father.
If they don't like his music, that is their loss!
Re: the way you see other people

I try to put myself in their shoes for a minute and look with their eyes, not because i care about them but because i want to understand them.

Most of the time if feel sorry for them, no matter how genius or good-hearted that person can be. I feel sorry for them because they had been manipulated for the media.
And lest be honest, when you don't know Michael and you pay attention to what the media has to say, all you can hear is that they're talking about his surgeries, the allegations, the "skin-bleaching", that he's lying all the time and all the stupid rumors, all that crap.

What can you conclude after hearing and reading all that stuff? that the guy is a freak and probably guilty on those allegations.

That's why i blame the media and i always will.
lol just because we are fans of Michael doesn't make us any less or any better than a person who isn't fan, if fans think that then its pathetic
I lose significant respect for them if they express the serious belief that MJ was a pedophile, yes. The "he wanted to be white" shit is ignorant but for some reason I'm usually unbothered by it. I don't care much if people make jokes about him in a messing around manner, either, especially since I'll make jokes about nearly every subject under the sun too. I don't make crude jokes about Michael because it's a sore spot for me, but I don't wanna be a hypocrite about it and tell my friends they can't ever do it when they know damn well how much I like saying off-color things. Don't care if people don't like his music either. The only time it'll annoy me on a musical level is if someone says MJ sucks and then turn around and listen to lesser versions of him like Justin Timberlake/Usher/Chris Brown/etc. That's just retarded.

People who have a serious problem with MJ do rub me the wrong way, though. Can't help it.
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i've never laughed at an MJ joke. i saw him as a saint when he was alive. i have too much time on my hands worrying about myself to attack someone who spent time trying to make the world a better place. you're supposed to look in your own backyard and keep it clean. i admit it is hard living in this world without him. and it's hard for me to tolerate anyone who has a bad word to say about him.
Michael used to say: ´Do not judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.´

So I always try to understand them why they think so. Then I do my best to explain and highlight the facts. When people talked bad about Michael, that doesn´t automatically mean they are bad. Very often they only have poor information mostly coming form tabloids.
we all have the ability to see both tabloids and true information. one person is not in a lesser position than the other. that's not judging. i didn't even try to get factual information. i just knew MJ was a saint. everybody has a choice. to either put out good energy or bad. if you put out bad energy, you're not stupid. you made a choice..and the universal rule is, you only get back what you put out. that has nothing to do with judging a man.
Michael used to say: ´Do not judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.´

So I always try to understand them why they think so. Then I do my best to explain and highlight the facts. When people talked bad about Michael, that doesn´t automatically mean they are bad. Very often they only have poor information mostly coming form tabloids.

But some people are just born Jackasses.........

It's true.........there are always bad eggs...........they live the same life as everyone else and they still turn out bad, even when everyone else turns our all right!!!!

Just think about all the people that tried to destroy Michael................
This could sound extreme but I always felt that if someone hated Michael, it was no different than being homophobic/racist. Yes, I know not the same thing but it is the judgemental attitude that gets to me. That is what it reminds me of.
Re: the way you see other people

I try to put myself in their shoes for a minute and look with their eyes, not because i care about them but because i want to understand them.

Most of the time if feel sorry for them, no matter how genius or good-hearted that person can be. I feel sorry for them because they had been manipulated for the media.
And lest be honest, when you don't know Michael and you pay attention to what the media has to say, all you can hear is that they're talking about his surgeries, the allegations, the "skin-bleaching", that he's lying all the time and all the stupid rumors, all that crap.

What can you conclude after hearing and reading all that stuff? that the guy is a freak and probably guilty on those allegations.

That's why i blame the media and i always will.

They're not very genius if they let other people generate their opinions for them. The media is partly to blame for putting misinformation out on the mediums of communication, however, I refuse to completely demonize them. The people watching television should always question the source of the information instead of blindly accepting some second-rate tabloid "journalist" with cat $#!* for a brain's opinion as the absolute, unquestionable truth. Those people put themselves in that position by watching those stupid tabloid shows to begin with, so my sympathy for their misinformation is rather limited. I know some of the tabloid trash made it into respectable news sources, but even more to my point. If you're smart enough to watch the news, and I mean really watch what is going on and not just passively receive information, you should know that not everything the news networks say can be trusted, as they DO have certain biases and agendas to fulfill. First and foremost, these things are a business, not a public service. Thus, they will present stories that sell in the ways they sell best. Intelligent people are able to see through the veil and figure that out. So, as I said before, my sympathies are very limited.

As a final remark, I will say that "good-hearted" people don't judge others solely based on misinformation they acquired from extremely questionable third-party sources. Someone with a "good" heart would know better than that, I would hope. Just because those people are nice to you and others who are dear to them doesn't mean they have a "good" heart. A true good hearted person is polite to all, but intimate with a few (to quote Thomas Jeffeson
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we all have the ability to see both tabloids and true information. one person is not in a lesser position than the other.

mmm, sorry but i have to disagree.
Believe it or not there are people who take their tabloids as their bibles :p Probably they're not very smart but I've seen it many times, especially since i have access to the internet (years ago, thank God?? :D).

And it's even worst, because i've been able to find out that some news agencies (not tabloids) are not telling the truth either or hide important information. It's really sad :no:

The people watching television should always question the source of the information instead of blindly accepting some second-rate tabloid "journalist" with cat $#!* for a brain's opinion as the absolute, unquestionable truth.

wow, this would be great in a perfect world :yes:

As a final remark, I will say that "good-hearted" people don't judge others solely based on misinformation they acquired from extremely questionable third-party sources. Someone with a "good" heart would know better than that, I would hope. Just because those people are nice to you and others who are dear to them doesn't mean they have a "good" heart. A true good hearted person is polite to all, but intimate with a few (to quote Thomas Jeffeson
This could sound extreme but I always felt that if someone hated Michael, it was no different than being homophobic/racist. Yes, I know not the same thing but it is the judgemental attitude that gets to me. That is what it reminds me of.

Well it always seemed to me that people were prejudice towards Michael because of his skin colour............either or both...the colour he was born with, and the colour it became!!!!!
"if one person in a water-well and he is asking you to rescue him from there, you have to look his heart and ask yourself "is there a water-well in his heart?" and if your answer is "yes", save him; if it's "no", don't try yourself out"
sorry my poor English, i hope i can explain what i want to say. in my mother language, this thing statement very cool and make people "wooowww", i hope with my poor English, it will make you "wow" at least. :)

they really missed out many things by unknowing Michael, i wish they would have a "water-well" in their heart, but unfortunately they don't!
i prefer being polite to them and say "one day you'll understand him, and you will be one the most regretful people". because i know that Michael would do in this way, always "polite":yes:
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I can have varying degrees of tolerance about Michael, depending on who and where its coming from and my particular mood. However I have zero tolerance for anyone who tries to disrespect him in my home, to the point where I make it quite clear that if they continue then I will have no choice but to ask them to leave. Don't know why that is, I just cannot handle it if its in my home.
Of course...I have issues with ppl who disrespect Michael. Because he is the person with so much good and love and it is something we all should look up to.
But it is not just about MJ, it is about values that he represents.
If someone doesn"t care about environment, violence, animals, children and all those things Michael was speaking about...I don"t care about ppl like that. They are not my friends. Especially if they bash Michael. I don"t allow that in my home, also. Why should I ?
It is not that I like only ppl who are MJ-fans...but if they do, it is a special relationship. Because, admit it or not....we are a special-breed.:)
Well it always seemed to me that people were prejudice towards Michael because of his skin colour............either or both...the colour he was born with, and the colour it became!!!!!

PERFECTLY SAID! My poor sweet angel sure caught hell on this earth.
Thank god for his talent and his strength that helped him survive all the crap he had to go through.
well knowing Michael affects the way I look at people but in a positive way, I always try to understand a person before I judge that person, luckily I don't get mad at people who don't like Michael although it does hurt really bad...well ok I do get mad at those people who say those terrible things about him:(