The Voice of The Martyrs~~~


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Feb 7, 2008

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The Voice of the Martyrs


http://donate.persecution.comCompany Overview:

The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide.

VOM was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned in Communist Romania for 14 years for his faith in Christ. His wife, Sabina, was imprisoned for three years. In the 60s, Richard, Sabina, and their son, Mihai, were ransomed out of Romania and came to the United States. Through their travels, the Wurmbrands spread the message of the atrocities that Christians face in restricted nations, while establishing a network of offices dedicated to assisting the persecuted church.

The Voice of the Martyrs continues in this mission around the world today through the following main purposes:

1. To encourage and empower Christians to fulfill the Great Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted for their involvement in propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ. We accomplish this by providing Bibles, literature, radio broadcasts, medical assistance, and other forms of aid.

2. To give relief to the families of Christian martyrs in these areas of the world.

3. To equip local Christians to love and win to Christ their enemies who are opposed to the gospel in countries where believers are actively persecuted for their Christian witness.

4. To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries that have formerly suffered Communist oppression.

5. To emphasize the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of atrocities committed against Christians and by remembering their courage and faith.
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Mission:Serving the persecuted church through practical and spiritual assistance, while leading Christians in the free world into fellowship with them.

God Bless

As Always

Voice of the Martyrs - USA

Founder, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, tells the story of Anne Marie, a young woman in a communist prison who under torture responded with grace and love; by doing so she was able to win her torturer to Jesus.

Please pray for our brothers and sisters who even now face torture for their faith in Christ. Pray that they will be able to respond with love and forgiveness, and that persecutors will come to know Jesus.

As Always

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Voice of the Martyrs - USA

Founder, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, tells the story of Anne Marie, a young woman in a communist prison who under torture responded with grace and love; by doing so she was able to win her torturer to Jesus.

Please pray for our brothers and sisters who even now face torture for their faith in Christ. Pray that they will be able to respond with love and forgiveness, and that persecutors will come to know Jesus.

As Always


Always. Thanks again for this. It is terribly important. The 20th century has been, unfortunately, filled with martyrs. Andrea Riccardi, the founder of the Sant' Egidio Community (the ecumenical organization) wrote about it extensively. I actually attended one book launch of his on this topic many years ago.

The victimization of Christans is not a thing of the past, taken out of stories in the Colosseum in Roman times (a place where now the solemnity of Via Crucis takes place each Good Friday, a place lit up whenever a country gives up the brutality which imo is the death penalty) - or during the French Revolution, but these very days freedom of religion suffers greatly around the world and missionaries of different denominations lose their life while preaching the Gospel. God rest their souls and forgive their tormentors.
Always. Thanks again for this. It is terribly important. The 20th century has been, unfortunately, filled with martyrs. Andrea Riccardi, the founder of the Sant' Egidio Community (the ecumenical organization) wrote about it extensively. I actually attended one book launch of his on this topic many years ago.

The victimization of Christans is not a thing of the past, taken out of stories in the Colosseum in Roman times (a place where now the solemnity of Via Crucis takes place each Good Friday, a place lit up whenever a country gives up the brutality which imo is the death penalty) - or during the French Revolution, but these very days freedom of religion suffers greatly around the world and missionaries of different denominations lose their life while preaching the Gospel. God rest their souls and forgive their tormentors.

Your very welcome...
The Voice of the Martyrs - USA

"For the LORD loves justice, And does not forsake His saints; They are preserved forever, But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off."

(Psalm 37:28)

As Always

The Voice of the Martyrs - USA What would you do if you received a letter with these words? What if the letter also included a real bullet? Would you tell your children? Would you leave your home? Would you stay and face the consequences?

Letters like this are being sent to Christians living in a Muslim nation. (For security reasons we cannot name which nation.) The letters are sometimes accompanied by real bullets. The message is chilling: convert to Islam, leave or die.

Please join us in praying for those receiving letters like this one. Pray for courage, wisdom and strength. Pray also for those who are mailing such letters, that they will come to know Christ: "the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6).

As Always

weekly prayer updates

"Prayer is the pulse of life; by it the doctor can tell what is the condition of the heart. The sin of prayerlessness is a proof for the ordinary Christian or minister that the life of God in the soul is in deadly sickness and weakness." - Andrew Murray

"praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints" - Ephesians 6:18

VOM-USA Prayer Update for April 23, 2010
On Tue. Apr 20 2010 at 01:09 PM Moderator wrote:
PAKISTAN — Hindu Background Believers Harassed — VOM Contacts

Christians who have left Hinduism and accepted Christ have been harassed, verbally abused and beaten by Muslims in Pakistan, according to VOM contacts. On Sept. 11, 2009, “Mahir,” a VOM contact in Pakistan, distributed 200 VOM Action Packs, 200 Triumphant Church books and 55 New Testaments to Hindu tribal people in Pakistan. That day, five Hindus were baptized in a water tube that supplies water to nearby fields. “On the same evening, 15 fanatic Muslims, including Muhammad Akram Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Nadeem and their fellows came to Mahir and verbally abused her and stopped her visiting this village,” VOM contacts said.
Later that night, the Muslims visited Kishan, a Hindu background Christian, and threatened him.

Kishan shared his testimony with the Muslim men and told them the wonderful changes Christ had brought to his life. The men did not harm Kishan, but Muslim extremists later attacked and beat Kishan’s son “Hassan.” Kishan’s testimony touched the heart of a fanatic who was one of the persecutors. “‘Bashir’ and his family are seekers, and they have accepted Jesus Christ and have secretly been praying for their faith to grow strong,” VOM contacts said. Praise God for the strong faith of these believers in the face of persecution. Pray that God will give them boldness to continue serving him and sharing their testimony. Praise God for Mahir’s faithfulness, and pray for her protection.

Psalm 18

CHINA UPDATE — Court Rejects Uyghur Christian’s Appeal — ChinaAid Association

On March 16, The People’s High Court of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region rejected an appeal from Uyghur house-church leader Alimujiang Yimiti, according to ChinaAid Association. In October 2009, Alimujiang was sentenced to 15 years in prison for “providing state secrets to overseas organizations.” One of Alimujiang’s lawyers believes Alimujiang’s Muslim background plays a large part in the case. “We are fairly sure that there are a lot of factors which are totally outside the law that have influenced the investigation of this case. This is very clear from the procedures that were followed within the courts and from the final decision,” another lawyer said. Pray that Alimujiang, his wife and their two sons will rest in the knowledge that God is in control. Pray that God will protect and strengthen Alimujiang while he is in prison, and pray that the authorities will act justly in this case.

Psalm 23

IRAN UPDATE — Iranian Christians Await Court Ruling — Elam Ministries

Maryam Rustampoor and Marzieh Amirizadeh, Iranian Christians who were arrested by security forces in March 2009, await the results of an April 13 court hearing, according to Elam Ministries. The women, who were accused of being anti-government activists, were conditionally released from the notorious Evin Prison in November 2009. Maryam and Marzieh have been receiving medical treatment since their release from prison, but they remain weak and suffer from various illnesses. The outcome of the April 13 hearing was unknown at last report. Pray that God will protect Maryam and Marzieh physically and spiritually. Pray that they will recover completely from their illnesses and remain bold in their witness for Christ. Pray that all charges will be dropped.

Psalm 91

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As Always

The Voice of the Martyrs: Two Church of Christ in Nigeria Journalists Killed in Jos

Two Church of Christ in Nigeria Journalists Killed in JosShare

Today at 4:54pm

Please keep Nigeria in your prayers. Today, sadly, we have some more bad news to report from our friends at Compass Direct.

Other Christians murdered in area that continues to be wracked by violence.

LAGOS, Nigeria, April 27 (CDN) — The killing of Christians in Jos, Plateau state in Nigeria continued over the weekend with two journalists and five other persons falling victim to Muslim youth gangs.

Nathan S. Dabak, an assistant editor at a newspaper of the Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN) called The Light Bearer, and Sunday Gyang Bwede, a reporter at the publication, were stabbed to death on Saturday (April 24) at Gado-Bako in Jos North Local Government Area along with an unidentified motorcyclist.

“The staff of the church were murdered in cold blood by some Hausa Muslim youths,” the Rev. Pandang Yamsat, president of COCIN, told Compass today. “This is clear because they have been using the hand phones of the deceased journalists and boasting that they are the ones that killed them.”

The young Muslim men have been boldly answering calls to the cell phones of the deceased journalists, he said; when a friend of Dabak called his cell phone number, an unknown voice responded, “We have killed all of them – you can do your worst!”

Dabak, 36, and the 39-year-old Bwede had left their office on Saturday morning and were on their way to interview local politician Bulus Kaze when they fell into the hands of young Muslim men, Yamsat said.

The church started a search for the two Christians that day but did not discover their bodies until about noon on Sunday at the mortuary of Jos University Teaching Hospital, he said. He added that the church was eagerly waiting for results of a police investigation.

“The security team of the church has been communicating with the police, but they are yet to make any headway on this unfortunate incident,” he said.

Burial of the slain journalists is scheduled for Friday (April 30).

As Always

VOM contacts in Morocco are reporting that since May 10, 28 Christian workers have been deported by the government. Pray for protection.

Love Always

Lao Christians Expelled from Village Suffer Critical Illnesses
One dead, two hospitalized; village chief threatens other residents.

DUBLIN, (CDN) — In spite of assurances of religious rights by officials in March, Lao Christians expelled from a village in Saravan Province in January are suffering from a prolonged lack of adequate food and clean water.

The lack of basic resources has led to diarrhea, dehydration, eye and skin infections, fainting and general weakness for the Christians expelled from Katin village, and one person has died, Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF) reported.

A Christian who went by the single name of Ampheng died suddenly in April while praying for one of two other Christians who were hospitalized with illnesses caused by their living conditions, an HRWLRF spokesman told Compass. The exact cause and date of Ampheng’s death were not immediately known.

Expelled from their village at gunpoint on Jan. 18 for failing to renounce their faith, the 48 Christians were forced to build temporary shelters at the edge of the jungle, about six kilometers (nearly four miles) away from the village.

Read more at Compass Direct.

As Always

On May 4, members al-Shaabab Islamic, extremist group killed Yusuf Ali Nur, underground church leader, in Xarardheere, Mudug region. Pray.

As Always

Christian persecution continues in India. Pray believers will remain courageous, strong in their faith despite persecution. Pray for them.

As Always


Yesterday at 5:36pm

We are trying something new this month for our Facebook friends (more than 46,000 strong now….THANK YOU!) — a VOM Newsletter Photo Contest. Here’s the deal:

Take a photo of yourself or a family member reading the VOM June newsletter (feature story is on Nigeria). The photo must be taken in such a way that it is clear that the newsletter in the photo is the VOM-USA newsletter for June 2010.

Post your photo in the FAN PHOTOS section on the VOM-USA Facebook page (

VOM staff will select the most interesting, creative, outstanding photos, and the photographers of those photos (at least 2 winning photos, possibly as many as 5) will be sent their choice of a VOM T-shirt FREE.

Feel free to post comments on photos entered for the contest, and tell your friends to “LIKE” VOM on Facebook so that they too can see and comment on the photos. VOM staff will monitor which photos are generating the most comments and likes.

Winners will be notified, via Facebook, by July 10, 2010. We will contact winners regarding choice of t-shirt, size, etc.

NOTE: We understand that VOM-USA’s printed newsletter is available only to residents of the United States; we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our Facebook fans who live outside the U.S. If there is a VOM sister office in your country, we encourage you to sign up to receive the newsletter from that office, free of charge. You can find VOM sister offices around the world on our website,


Photos must be posted between June 1, 2010, and June 30, 2010.

Photos will be judged at the sole discretion of VOM staff; decisions on winners will be FINAL.

VOM employees and their families are ineligible for this contest.

By entering this contest, you state that you own the rights to any and all photos posted in the contest and you grant VOM rights to use any and all photos posted for the contest in promotional materials and/or in other ways, online, in video or in print.

T-shirt prizes cannot be exchanged for cash.

Any photos deemed inappropriate by VOM will be deleted.

Love Always

VOM Groups

weekly prayer updates

"praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints" - Ephesians 6:18

VOM-USA Prayer Update for October 22, 2010

On Wed. Oct 20 2010 at 09:02 AM Moderator wrote:

IRAN -- Pastor Sentenced to Death -- VOM Contacts

Christians in Iran are reporting that Pastor Youcef Nardarkhani has been sentenced to death for what is called a "thought crime." VOM contacts confirm that the pastor's trial was held in recent weeks in the 11th Chamber of The Assize Court of the province of Gilan, but a formal verdict has not yet been delivered by the court. Pastor Youcef, a leader in the Full Gospel “"Church of Iran" network, is one of several members of his church who have been imprisoned. The Iranian government has also threatened his wife with life imprisonment and has threatened to take away their two children, who are currently being cared for by relatives. Pastor Youcef was arrested in October 2009 after protesting a decision by the government requiring that his son study the Quran. Media reports suggest that Pastor Youcef was transferred to Lakan prison, which is supervised by the Political Police of the Islamic Republic. If a death sentence is officially handed down by the court and Pastor Youcef is executed, his would be the first judicial execution of a Christian in Iran in two decades. This arrest is the latest in a series of arrests of believers in Iran in the past year. Eighty-three Christians are known to have been arrested in Iran since the beginning of 2010. Of those, 65 were subsequently released, but 18 are still believed to be in custody. Pray for Pastor Youcef, his family and other believers in prison. Ask God to protect them and to embolden them to proclaim his name in the face of great persecution.

Matthew 5:44-45

IRAQ -- Christian Disappears -- VOM Contacts

The Voice of the Martyrs contacts in Baghdad, Iraq, report that a Christian woman disappeared several days ago after being caught reading her Bible. VOM contacts are not sure who may have discovered the woman reading the Bible, but Christians in Iraq are concerned for her safety. Pray that God will protect this woman and that Christians will be encouraged during this uncertain time. Praise God for all believers in Iraq.

1 Thessalonians 3:7-9

CHINA -- Authorities Harass Christian Attorney -- China Aid Association

On Oct. 10, police officers confronted Christian attorney Jiang Tianyong while he was on his way to a worship service in Beijing, according to China Aid Association. As Jiang was walking to church with his wife and child, police officers blocked his way and told him that the deputy director of Yangfangdian Police Station would not allow him to go to church. When Jiang called the station to confirm their claim, he was told that an official from the Haidian Public Security Branch, Song Aixin, was the one preventing him from attending church. Jiang told the officers that he was determined to go to church but said they could follow him if they wished. Then, at a subway station, two young police officers grabbed Jiang from behind. Jiang told his family to leave, then tried to talk with the two officers. They told Jiang that it would be a "serious act of dereliction" if he attended church, and they held him long enough to prevent his church attendance before escorting him home. Pray that Jiang and his family will persevere in faith amid this harassment. Pray that they will continue to yield their hearts to God's will and demonstrate his love even to their oppressors. Pray that Christians in China will continue to exercise their right to worship, despite opposition.

Matthew 5:10-11

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Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless
