The violence of today's kids is getting worse and worse. :(

Jan 17, 2004
No i ain't talking about violence against kids, abuse or anything like that.

Kids of ages like 16 or alittle older, commiting the most ridiculous crimes you can think of, it's getting worse by the minute. Just now i read a article about something that happened in my city recently.

The police in Musselkanaal have arrested ten kids because they had heavily abused random pedestrians with baseball bats. The police made this known on tuesday. The suspects are eight boys, en two girls of the age of 15 and 23 years old. According to the police the suspects were under the influence of alcohol and drugs. They attacked and hit fifteen under-age boys in september of this year.According to the spokesperson of the police, it was sometimes so bad...that in some cases you could call it attempted manslaughter. Two victims had to be taken care of in the hospital.


The police has received a total of fifteen staments, according to the spokesperson the number can increase, because some victims are
being threatened and are to scared to make a statement. The police doesn't know what the motive of the perpetrators is, apparently they were familiar with right-extremist ideas. Of the 10 arrested suspects, 5 of them are now locked up.
it's their parents fault, and teachers faults well - nobody cares about education these days nobody wants to consume their time or assume responsibility for something as trivial as "education"
that's why Michael said people need to bond with kids and not just young kids but teenagers as well, kids need other kids to play with but they also need adults around them to have someone to look up to and learn from
This reminded me of the 15 year old girl, forget what state who: 1. electrocuted her little brothers and videotaped it. 2. slit the throat of a 9 year old girl & dumped her body in the woods. The reason- "I wanted to see what it was like to kill someone."

Shes going to be charged as a adult I think is what they said.

& the 3 teenage boys who lit a innocent teenage boy on fire; the latest on this was that the victim is in critical condition. The reason for this- the boy 'ratted one of the teenage boys out'
Omg this is awful. And it's all the parents fault really.
This is why Michael taught so much that our relationship with our children is so important. Children are naturally innocent and loving... without love and support in exchange, without proper guidance they turn into the nasty adults we keep seeing today...that are greedy, abusive, and just plain mean hearted. The future will keep seeing these types of people until all children are well taken care of. Sad...just awfully sad.
There is a nice quote by James Baldwin:
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.

It is a fact that children learn 95% from what is modeled for them, only 5% is from direct instruction. Children are mirrors, they reflect what they see.

There is a nice article about Teaching Children Respect. Yeah, there is this word again: respect. It is one of the foundations of human co-existence. For those who are interested in this article I think it's a good read.
Exactly as some of you here say...Michael said it during LWMJ, when he said struck me, i watched it with my parents and brother. And all of them agreed. They said 'This man right here...he's so right' .

Everybody who was watching that program, should have agreed with that.
Every father and mother should have thought 'Oh my, what he's saying right now is actually so true' when Michael said..." There's alot of broken families nowadays, parents don't really talk to their children anymore, they don't sit around the table when eating and discuss things.

He also said that during a speech at i think a university, a very powerful speech, about broken families, Michael was so very aware of that. But anyway. But well....instead of those people listening to what Michael actually said and change it...they went crazy when they saw Michael holding the hand of the boy who used to have cancer...that right there says alot about those people than about Michael.
Everybody who was watching that program, should have agreed with that.
Every father and mother should have thought 'Oh my, what he's saying right now is actually so true' when Michael said..." There's alot of broken families nowadays, parents don't really talk to their children anymore, they don't sit around the table when eating and discuss things.

He also said that during a speech at i think a university, a very powerful speech, about broken families, Michael was so very aware of that. But anyway. But well....instead of those people listening to what Michael actually said and change it...they went crazy when they saw Michael holding the hand of the boy who used to have cancer...that right there says alot about those people than about Michael.

I agree that's what should've come out of that documentary people with common sense could tell Michael was a kind gentle man with a vision and desire to change things for the better

but instead what did the US and UK media make out of it? wako *****, plastic surgery, freak who sleeps with little boys - they ganged up on him enjoying his destruction once again. later on they were practically drooling when the accusations came along and were making bets if he's going to kill himself in jail!
what they did to him shows that people with good intentions who are not selfish and egocentric stand no chance in this world, and then we're wondering why this world is going to hell?
if i was bad i got my ass beat, wouldnt hurt some parents to start teaching thier kids who is boss
I remember a few years ago I was at a bus stop and this lady had a little girl about 5 or 6 years old. The mom was telling the girl to do something, and the girl started cursing the mom out. Another guy at the stop told the little girl nicely that she shouldn't talk to her mother like that. The mother told the guy to mind his own business. Then the girl went back to yelling at her mom.
Maybe I should keep my childfree promise (for many reasons that would take a lot of posts to cover). :cry: I hope that that 15 year old psycho b-word is charged as an adult and put in jail for killing that little girl.
I agree with you guys. I remember hearing this one story in my country. Where a 15 year old girl was gang raped for 2 to 2 and a half hours outside of her school. By 10 gang memebers who was around the same age as the girl. While 10 or so other people just stood there and watch that poor girl being raped. Like she deserved it or something like that.

And I have seen many times how my little 3 year old nephew is with his little brother. And it really makes me wonder if my brother really should be a father. Because I have seen how he handles his 3 year old. And it is no wonder why my nephew treats his little brother with some kind of violence too. One time he had put a pillow over his younger brother's face. I guess to try and suffercate him. But thankfully my mother saw that in time. And it was just this past Monday my one year old nephew was in his high chair eating. And his brother took his bottle and was shoving it in to his mouth while he was eating. It was a good thing that I had saw that. And I told him not to do that. And he just left and go play with one of his toys. I guess thinking he didn't do anything wrong.

I sometimes tend to wonder if these kind of things would of still happen if Michael was still with us. Cause I just seem to find it really strange how all of this is happening now after his horrible death.
I sometimes tend to wonder if these kind of things would of still happen if Michael was still with us. Cause I just seem to find it really strange how all of this is happening now after his horrible death.

It will still be happening. :( Murder, Rape and and all the other stuff towards humans of all ages has been happening since the beginning of time. :cry: This is one of the moments where I wish I wasn't such a news junkie. It's got me depressed as hell, and nothing seems to keep me happy for a long time. (have been since 2000, emotionally and mentally this is actually the worst decade for me.)
It will still be happening. :( Murder, Rape and and all the other stuff towards humans of all ages has been happening since the beginning of time. :cry: This is one of the moments where I wish I wasn't such a news junkie. It's got me depressed as hell, and nothing seems to keep me happy for a long time. (have been since 2000, emotionally and mentally this is actually the worst decade for me.)

Yeah I kind of figure that it would still would of happen. Same here I am always watching the news. Mainly because there is never really else much to watch on tv anymore. Especially during the day time. And it also depresses and saddens me when I think of what is going on in the world any more.