The Ultimate Collection - What Made them Demos?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
You know, I've always wondered about the whole classification for "demos" on The Ultimate collection.

Fall Again sounds more or less complete until the end with the studio chatter. In The Back however is NOT considered a demo depsite the fact that half of the song michael appears to be singing filler before coming to actual lyrics for the chorus and the like...

I don't know, it just always interested me...
Well, Mike's demo's have always sounded incredible, so they don't even sound like demos! :lol:
I don't consider anything in the Ultimate Collection as demos.

As a matter of fact all the songs sound more finished than the Cascio tracks on Mike's new album. SMH!

In the ultimate collection we have:

Mike's flawless voice- check. Mike's flawless background singing - check. Mike's trademark grunts, hiccups and singing style - check.

Everything the newer songs don't have.
^ I was just thinking the same thing earlier today. The likes of Sunset Driver, Cheater, On The Line... well, all of it really, piddles all over Breaking News.
I think they're just called demos because they weren't completed to Mike's liking
I think they're just called demos because they weren't completed to Mike's liking

That's what I was also thinking.........

If Michael said it wasn't's a demo.....
well, MJ's demos aren't really demos. Someone who knew him, said he went back in the studio and reworked the demos before handing them to Sony for TUC.

So even though it says demos, none of them are real demos, because MJ did not want real demos out there. He re-worked ALL the so-called demos. I was shocked when I first heard that...but made a lot of sense.
I have to agree about Fall Again (I'm probably biased though as it's one of my favourite all time songs) I don't listen to it and think "demo", I listen to it and think "aaaaah this is perfect". I was disappointed that out of all the songs from ultimate collection they chose to include on the new album, it wasn't Fall Again. I also thought maybe it would have success as a single in it's own right (obviously cutting out the speech on the end). I guess though, like already said by others, demo's are the songs Michael hadn't completed to his liking. Shame though, like he said himself "this could be a great song" :D
All of that makes sense, but it still begs the question of why "In The Back" *isn't* classified as a demo despite having (what to me sounds like) filler lyrics "da dad adadada da da"