The truth about Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hengelo, Holland
I'm from Holland and I also put this blog on my profile page (hyves). I wrote this story last year december, because I wanted to share MY opinion about everything around Michael. I also translated it, so that other people can read it too. I don't think I have to prove the media wrong, if it's up to you (who are already a fan), but just to be sure, here's my story:

In this blog I’m going to write something about someone who is a true hero to me and who has inspired and even changed me: Michael Jackson. Apart from the fact that he makes great music, I think that this man would never hurt anyone and I’d like to say something about that.
Nowadays, people think it’s weird when you say you’re a fan or, as I like to say it, an admirer of Michael Jackson, simply because of the way he looks or what the media say about him. People, especially of my age, often think his music is bad before they’ve even really listened to it and that’s in my opinion pretty naïve. Who says the stories about him are true? Couldn’t it be that the media just write those stories to make good money? If someone looks different or is said to be ‘weird’ or a ‘creep’, can’t that person make good music?
If you’ve seen his film ‘Moonwalker’ (or even better, read the biographies), you can tell that he is not such a bad person as some people say he is. This film and his book gave me a really good impression of Michael Jackson. He is in my opinion a wonderful person who truly loves children.

First of all, the question a lot of people ask is: how is it possible that he turned white? Many people believe this has happened because he didn’t want to be black anymore, because he didn’t want to look like his father, who physically abused him when he was a young kid. That may sound quite logical, but it’s absolutely not true. Michael has a skin-disorder called ‘Vitiligo’. It’s a disease that causes loss of pigment. There is actually evidence that Michael really has this disease, and if you don’t believe it then watch this:

At first they tried to even out the skin by making the light patches of the skin dark. But the disease soon covered almost the entire body, so they had to make the dark patches of the skin white.

So now the disease was visible for the public eye and that’s when rumors started. Michael hardly ever spoke (and still doesn’t) to the media about his private life and so during that period he didn’t say anything about the changing of his skin color. But an interview with Oprah Winfrey brought a change to that. Michael explained he has a disease called ‘Vitiligo’ and he even showed it to the people backstage, when he rolled up his sleeve and dark patches were visible.

Apart from the fact that a disease like that causes physical problems (being exposed to sunlight can cause cancer and therefore Michael often has an umbrella with him, to protect himself from that) this disease has huge psychological effects as well. Many people don’t realize how devastating something like that can be. But how would you feel if your skin suddenly became a whole lot lighter? Then there is also the fact that Michael is a worldwide celebrity and has to deal with a public of millions of people all over the world. Can you imagine what that does to your self-confidence?

Then there is another rumor: the plastic surgery on his nose. Although this can’t be proved, Michael said that he’s only had two operations on his nose and I’m not sure, but it might actually be true. You would think that he’s had at least five surgeries, but if you look at his pictures through the years, you can see that there’s only a few changes of the nose.

But apart from the nose and skin, there are also a lot of rumors about the rest of his face. People say he’s also had plastic surgery on his cheekbones and his eyes, but I think that’s just not true at all. There has been said that Michael has (had) anorexia, which is the reason that Michael’s face is so skinny. They said that especially during the court cases he’s lost a lot of weight.

And then there’s the child abuse. If Michael Jackson was guilty, why was he found not guilty on all accounts by áll members of the jury? Why would the boy’s parents accept an amount of money if their son was sexually abused? As parents, wouldn’t you do anything to get the man who did that to your son behind bars? That’s why I don’t believe this. Someone who does so much to help children (invite children who are ill with cancer to Neverland) and writes song about them just can’t possibly abuse those same children. To do that you would have to be a very good liar. Some of Michael’s friends even say that the allegations broke his heart.

I also want to say something about his public appearance: a mouth cap (don’t think that’s the right word), sunglasses and sometimes also pyjamas or a Zorro-mask. Apparently people (especially the media) are extremely fascinated by this, so I’ll tell you what I think about that. Because, even though it may sound a little strange, I can imagine why he would do that. In his book he says that after a treatment the dentist told him to wear a mouth cap at home, to protect him from infections in his mouth. He thought that was just brilliant and he decided to wear it more often. That way, people wouldn’t recognize him. With the sunglasses and the clothes, he tries to create a little privacy. If you look at some of the videos on Youtube, you can see how many fans ar e swarming around him all the time when he sets foot outside the door. So after all, not completely unreasonable, this appearance.

And now I’ve only told you half of what goes on in Michael Jackson’s life. This man has gone through so much and people should respect him for the fact that every time, he finds the strength to go on. After all those years, he is still a very friendly, warm, sweet person and he truly wouldn’t harm anyone. Michael loves the people around him, he loves children, he loves animals and above all: he loves the world. He does everything he can to make this world a better place. Listen, for instance, to the songs ‘Heal The World’, ‘Cry’ and ‘Man In The Mirror’. And of course ‘We Are The World’, which he and Lionel Richie co-wrote. He not only tries to help through his music, but he also visits children’s hospitals whenever he can and he donates anonymously to charities. So he doesn’t even want to be recognized for it, he just does it purely from the heart. He also founded an organisation himself, called ‘Heal The World Foundation’.

Michael Jackson has been a huge inspiration to many artists (Ne-yo, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Kanye West, etc.) and that will probably never change. It’s such a shame that someone like Michael Jackson is so greatly underappreciated. He is and will always be a fantastic singer and dancer and I hope that people, even in a couple of years, will look a little further than just believing all those stories that are written about him.

And now ask yourself: after having read and seen all of this, do you still think Michael Jackson is a bad person?)

When I wrote this, my hero was still alive, he was going to tour and I was going to see him, for the first time...(I wish I wasn't 16 years old). I know I can't change it, but I will miss him so much. He is an angel, a legend and there will never be another Michael Jackson. He is so strong and I'm sure that, if there's a God, he is in Gods hands and that God will take care of him. He was too good for the world and I think we're blessed that we've came to know so many things about this incredible human being. I didn't change a thing, 'cause I want to keep it in its original form. Michael, you will be eternally missed.

Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight, here one day...gone one night. Rest in peace Mike

I'm still waiting till I wake up
And see that it's just a nightmare
God gave you rest, but you wanted to fight
Fight for us, fight for the children
But you gave too much

You said it was the final curtain call
but you didn't know they called for you
Singing with the angels
Dancing on the moon
Moonwalking in heaven
And forever in our hearts

Now that you're gone
And you left us all alone
Stars will fade at the break of dawn
But you will always shine

My hero, a legend, an angel
You will shine so bright in heaven
Though I can't reach you
Though I can't touch you
I know you're there
Taking care of us

Now that you're gone
And you left us all alone
Stars will fade at the break of dawn
But you will always shine

You'll shine Michael,

Thank you so much, I love you
You should post that poem on YT. It's beautiful. It's sad that so many people choose to believe the negative stories still, including Oprah. However, they don't take the time to see the beautiful person he was inside and out. This man wasn't a monster. So what if his looks changed? I know he had vitiligo and I'm black. But there are so many, even within my own race that believe he bleached his skin. If that were actually possible, I guarantee there would be hundreds of thousands of people bleaching their skin white.
Michael had self esteem issues just like many ethnic people due. Many times it's due to the pain inflicted by those of our own kind more so than people of other races. Sometimes there may be things we would like to change about our appearance like our hair color or other physical attributes. It happens. One thing I do know is that Michael was very proud to be black. He wanted to be the best possible person he could be and set a positive example for so many people of different backgrounds. He did and I think him for that.
I have been a fan of Michael Jackson since I was 5. I don't know everything about him. But what I do know I love with all my heart and always will.
Haha thanks! I want to post a video with a kind of tribute to Michael, but there are already so many poems/songs/ whatever on youtube that it's just a waste of time...I wish they would believe the positive stories, cause it isn't hard to explain HIS story. There are many things that have been proven, like the vitiligo story. I'm sure he likes black people, why would he hate them? I mean...he loved Diana Ross, Quincy Jones and so many others. if he hated them, he wouldn't like them that much, would he? About the changes..maybe he changed some things about himself, and maybe it wasn't always better, but he had to deal with an audience of millions of people. It isn't weird that he didn't like himself (We're all insecure about ourselves, what would it be to be HIM?). There are so many people who do plastic surgery, but nobody says a thing about that. They liked to get him down, but it never worked, though he was heart-broken. I'm sorry if my English is not that good, I'm sure I made many mistakes ;-)

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