The Truth about Beyonce's songwriting


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
New York, USA
I am quite shocked about this and had no idea this happens...:shock:


This debate seems to happen often about whether or not Beyonce actually writes her songs as she claims. All while listing herself under writing credits for those songs. Every now and then a writer will come out the woodwork to say they wrote the song and Bey and her camp didn’t. These songwriters (and others) say B’s camp either pay to have Beyonce’s name replace theirs, or the Knowles camp just replaces it on their own. Then drama would ensue in the gossip mill.

I received an interesting letter from a former Sony (Beyonce is part of Sony Entertainment) employee. This person has corresponded with YBF and many other sites for years on official artist and music news directly from the company. But now that said employee has been recently fired, they want to confirm that the rumors are true about Beyonce’s songwriting.

Click on link to view an e-mail from a songwriter complaining about Beyonce:

well on a side note im not shocked that some pop singers don't really write, but happily say they do for more talent sake to the public.
This is nothing new. B.B. King used to write some of his songs in the 1950s, but his record label boss (Jules Taub) would stick his name on some songs as a co-writer, when Taub had nothing to do with the songs and wasn't even a musician. Colonel Parker would stick Elvis Presley's name on stuff, when Elvis never wrote anything. A lot of labels in the old days were run by the mafia, and they would put their names on the records and not put the real songwriter's name on the records at all, not even as a co-writer. This is done to get the publishing money. Some somewriters would put fake names or names of relatives or pets on tunes because of different legal reasons, they want to remain unknown, or they want to help someone out. With the Beatles, most of the songs that were credited "Lennon/McCartney" were really written separately by whoever is singing lead on the tune. It's mostly the early "Love Me Do" era tunes that were actually written together. Just because a name is on a record doesn't mean they wrote the tune.
What they must understand that if Beyonce just writes 1 sentence, or say that she want the guitars in the chorus to play a different chord... or sings how the strings should be arranged she will get both production and songwriting credits.
She will not get a 50% cut from the songwriting and production, but her name will be in the credits.
If you look at the credits for her latest album you will see that the songwriters and producers names are still there, she hasn't replaced anyone.

Mariah Carey is infamous for this... she's a beast in the studio with her vocal range and be singing for Jermaine Dupri all the melodies and shit and she get production credits for it. Jermaine laughs all the way to the bank.

Michael was just like that, he be coming to the keyboard player and sing a whole string arrangement note for note, all the layers and stuff.
Michael couldn't understand how a drum machine worked, but he sure knew melodies and how he wanted stuff to sound like.
I for one found it shocking. I thought these women actually did write their work? At least in the rock and metal genre, the women all write their work. There's none of that BS that goes on in the pop world.

I am dissapointed in Beyonce and even Mariah. I felt I was lied too all my life lol :giggle:
the industry is about selling a product and image. i mean nothing about the business has changed. so phony and they blow up who they want.

i mean alot of these record companys ae associated with film studios which translates on selling you on make believe. nothing new.

beyonce ain't no writer no way because that mess she puts out sounds like someone about 12-15 wrote i anyway and that's not a diss but when it comes to a suppose superstar it's just corny. mariah is corny and more cheese than a deep dish at pizza hut.

there ghost writers and producers are even more corny wih that mess
What they must understand that if Beyonce just writes 1 sentence, or say that she want the guitars in the chorus to play a different chord... or sings how the strings should be arranged she will get both production and songwriting credits.
She will not get a 50% cut from the songwriting and production, but her name will be in the credits.
If you look at the credits for her latest album you will see that the songwriters and producers names are still there, she hasn't replaced anyone.

Mariah Carey is infamous for this... she's a beast in the studio with her vocal range and be singing for Jermaine Dupri all the melodies and shit and she get production credits for it. Jermaine laughs all the way to the bank.

Michael was just like that, he be coming to the keyboard player and sing a whole string arrangement note for note, all the layers and stuff.
Michael couldn't understand how a drum machine worked, but he sure knew melodies and how he wanted stuff to sound like.

What I find more shocking then the actual article is that alot of you are shocked by this? I can not seriously believe some of you actually thought Beyonce wrote or had a hand in any of her music? AND even if she did, the music will still be crap because the lyrics are still crap whether she wrote it or not but the fact that she does not write her music is essential because Beyonce is overrated which most mainstream artists are. She is not a musician... she is a POP star period and like most have said already this is nothing new. They just sell an image and a catchy song.

the industry is about selling a product and image. i mean nothing about the business has changed. so phony and they blow up who they want.

i mean alot of these record companys ae associated with film studios which translates on selling you on make believe. nothing new.

beyonce ain't no writer no way because that mess she puts out sounds like someone about 12-15 wrote i anyway and that's not a diss but when it comes to a suppose superstar it's just corny. mariah is corny and more cheese than a deep dish at pizza hut.

there ghost writers and producers are even more corny wih that mess

Very well said