The True Heart and Compassion of MJ Fans

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
For all of you, no matter how important or non-important, everyone deserves a chance to see Michael Jackson live. I however, am not very rich, nor able to see him live, I will have to suffice in seeing youtube/online vids and pics of his performances. But just because I can't see him doesnt mean that others need to suffer. All of you on this board are kind, compassionate, and just a great bunch of people that no other artist could garner or wish to have. For all your info and news, from the staff, to the new members who join out of curiosity, your goodwill is unmatched. I for one am glad to be part of such a great following, and to show my appreciation...


I have a spare code...and I can't go, so therefore I will allow anyone to have it. First come, first served, but no matter if you get my code or not, My heart still goes out to all of you.


Sam (DavidBOW1E)
Thats it folks, musette was the reciepient of my code. But that doesnt mean the thread has to end, if you ever have had stories of compassion from fellow MJ fans, you can post your experiences here as well, and thanks again for everything board, you guys are great!
I have a code which I cannot use if anyone would like it.
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