The Trials of Michael Jackson Documentary


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
I'm just curious if someone could provide me with an internet/youtube or download link to this documentary? I kind of want to see what it's all about before I go and spend money on it. It was the one done by Dana Gedrick and Barry Shaw. I think it came out in 2010?

If anybody can help, that'd be great!
I'm not sure of a download link, but I can tell you it's very worth it. I highly recommend it. There's a lot of footage to show what it was like to be at the courthouse and at Neverland, the disgusting things the press was up to and the type of abuse the fans (and Michael) had to put up with (from anti-MJ 'protesters' screaming at the courthouse, guys throwing eggs and racial slurs at them at NL, mowing down signs in support of MJ, etc). It's not an easy watch, you'll be in tears at some points (okay, many points :cry:) , but I find it very valuable. The film makers started out just wanting to investigate the "crazy fans", but soon realized it was much deeper than that and found themselves on their side. You see the atmosphere, a lot of the press coverage with critical commentary calling them out on their bs, Friedman and Aphrodite Jones at NL, the tactics the press use to bait and switch people in interviews, lots of fans' perspectives and their love, and a little of Michael arriving, leaving, talking to fans from the car, etc. Sorry to sound like a commercial for it or something, I just really think everyone should see it, along with that Canadian "Passionate Eye" special where they spend time with fans in Santa Maria. Both help show you what everyone went through during that horrible time. I appreciate all the people who could be there to support Michael so much! I couldn't get to California in 2005, but bless every one of you who could! :heart: :cry:

[Oh, a note... Trials of Michael Jackson the DOCUMENTARY has nothing to do with a book with the same name. There's a book with a near identical title, but it's not the same people. Could be easily confused.]
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