The "Thank You" thread.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I had this idea to post this thread and send the words of thanks to Michael's parents and kids. i know there are a lot of threads doing this but with all thats going on here i didn't see one. So i decided to start it. The idea of the thread is to give Michael Thanks for everything he has done. ok does that make sence?

I'll go first...

Michael I want to thank you for all the wonderful music you gave to us, The videos you shared with us, The moves you created,the children of the world you helped, the charity's you donated to, the time you spent on these things. But most of all i want to thank you for the life you gave to us. You made Music what it is today and you will not be forgotten. As long as you are in our hearts and in our minds you will live on forever.

Long Live The King Of Pop!

Now its y'alls turn.

:angel: Thankful to God for Michael Jackson, his light, love & life...

Thank you Michael...for ALL you've done to make the world a better place.


Yesterday, Today & FOREVER the KING OF POP!
very short .. You will always be in my heart, I love you forever Michael Joseph Jackson.
Thank you for allways being there for me when I needed you. You didnt know you where there for me, but you were and I want to thank you for that. Your music and dance has been the biggest inspirtation in my life and nothing will ever beat it.

You have also inspired me to be much more open minded which helps me in a lot of areas of my life. I dont care what anyone says, I know I didnt REALLY know you but I honestly loved you and I think thats a wonderful thing :) Thank you Michael.
I had a thread about making this a trending topic on twitter...

thank you michael, for always being an angel in my life...u taught me a lot and helped me in a way no other person could...
Dear Michael,

No words can express how i feel about you. Nothing can heal the pain of loosing you. You were everything to me. The 1st singer i fell in love with, the first record i bought was dangerouis. You changed everything. Not one person in the world will ever match you in my heart. Thank You Michael for giving us all the most beautiful music from the most beautiful soul. I love You Michael! Rest In Peace My Sweet Angel! :'(