The sweet things women do for their men!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
lol you know ppl I believe in equality in some ways sometime though lol I admitt I cherish differences at times also very much. But I saw there's doubts women can do things for their guys to really please them when it's not sexual. But I think there's many so here it goes...

she can bake more christmas cookies than he could ever eat!

she can make breakfast for him and do the eggs his favorite way!

she can let him chose the movie when going to the movie theatre!

she can play mortal combat with him when he's upset about work! (noooo don't 'let' him win cuz he'll notice I tell you! lol)

she doesn't even try to make him go out when his favorit sports team is playing and it's shown on TV!

she talks with her best female friend on the phone in a different room than he's watching TV or playing a video game!

she gives him lots of love (and yes not necessarily a sexual way) by smiling at him, holding his hand, kissing him on his cheek, going with her fingers caressing through his hair etc.

she's making him compliments for how he's looking.

she goes with him also in his favorite store (probably electronic stuff and/or video game area and/or sports area) when he goes for shopping with her and spends also as much time there as he simply needs WITHOUT complaining.

she doesn't ask more questions than he wants to answer.

she's never making jokes about him losing hair.

she makes him feel loved and cherished instead of feeling guilty for being a guy always.

lol so here you are. Yes there's even more I could add... but please girls and guys just feel free to join.
Honestly we're all not soooo different in being girls or guys in many ways... then again we are and that's wonderful and yes beautiful to me!!!
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I can't answer since I'm female but I wanna read this thread. These two threads are sweeeeeet!
I can't answer since I'm female but I wanna read this thread. These two threads are sweeeeeet!

lol are you kidding??? I'm female too! ;)
If you don't 'know' by now be creative in your mind! It will probably help with all your coming relationships I could imagine! lol
Hopefully this may be able to restore any faith I had in women.
That much about creativity uh??? lol You ARE crazy! lol
Can you please edit for there's some underage children around!!! sheeeeeesh!
Please let's keep this 'innocent' NOT sexual ok!
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The sweetest thing that any couple can do for eachother is to just except one an other for who they are
arXter you know we have ppl here on the board who'll probably crucify you for that! lol pleeeeeeeeeeease I prefer you to stay alive! ;)
edit your post NOW!
I already did, darlin! I'd rather stay alive for now as well.
The sweetest thing that any couple can do for eachother is to just except one an other for who they are
you are right about the sweetest... but what about all those other sweet things? :girl_glasses:
like arXter said, there's only one thing they're happy with :lol:
wake him up with lots of kisses

buy him his fave CD when she want her own

let him watch his favorite TV show when her show is at the same time on and they only have one TV

cooks for him even tho she scared of the stove and try to do her best

calls him to tell him that she arrived safe when she out

buy him his favorite basketball team t shirt - my husband is a huge Laker fan

she let him snore even tho it bother her and she don't try to wake him up

bring him flowers and a balloon saying " I love you" on valentine's day - i do it every year i hate it when he dose it to me

buy him lunch and bring it to the ER room when he waiting for his test results to come in and she know hes hungry ( i did this for my man today we were in the ER for almost 7 hours )
Well i've never had a girlfriend so it's kinda hard for me to say what sweet things a girl has done for me because i've never had that
Well i've never had a girlfriend so it's kinda hard for me to say what sweet things a girl has done for me because i've never had that

wishes? dreams? lol just talk about your dream woman ;)
No men saying anything here?

I think this says alot about us women.

Girls like the romantic stuff which is why guys do it for them. Guys appreciate things that cannot be written about here, it would appear.

Am I wrong?!
Oh I know a lot of guys who do like the romantic stuff also lol but they wouldn't talk about it here also probably... they do more so only 1on1.
You know as if other men would do think low about them then.
But actually most guys I've ever dated were pretty romantic (sometimes even more than me) and for sure not only sexual romantic lol although that too of cuz.

Maybe it's more that we women are the creative spirits... we're more able to talk about our feelings wishes it seems... we're better in wording what's inside often uh? Maybe men mix writing in here up with being too demanding? Men seem to more often fear of doing something wrong therefore better don't do a thing lol at least in the romantic field and then they call it shy... but yeah it's a bit lazy to us women, isn't it?
I really thought that's all only a prejudice... but yeah lol look at this thread.
When they play video games with you.

My ex girlfriend loved most games just as much as me I suppose. SO she wasnt exactly putting herself out to play with me haha
When they play video games with you.

My ex girlfriend loved most games just as much as me I suppose. SO she wasnt exactly putting herself out to play with me haha

lol well that's really not a difficult one... I love video games too.
My favorites are at the moment a Harry Potter game and of cuz my all time favorite Mortal Combat!:cheeky:
Well, I've been with my husband for 27 years (married for 25 of that). I met him when I was 16 (he was 20), so we've been through a LOT together in that time, and grown a lot, and changed a lot. In my experience, with my husband, a lot of that please him are sexual. And frankly, I think that would be true of most men. I'm obviously not going to talk about those things though. LOL ;) But the Hubs is not a very demanding guy, and it's fairly simple things that make him happy.

He doesn't watch any sports (thank God!), but he likes a few certain cable channels: Science, History, Military, and DIY. I hate most of those things, though I don't mind the DIY stuff for the house. But I will watch the other stuff with him at times, simply because I know it makes him happy.

He also likes possession of the remote control. If he knows there's something on that I want to watch, we'll watch it--even if he doesn't like it (because I do the same for him). But he likes being the one in control of what we watch most of the time. He also knows that if I have watched the Military channel for more than 2 hours, I might spontaneously combust, so he will hand me the remote after awhile and ask if I wanna flip channels. It's give and take with the remote that keeps us all happy!

He likes it when I make breakfast or lunch for him if I'm home. I don't do that often, but every once in awhile, I do, just to surprise him.

He doesn't care about getting compliments most of the time. But I do know that if he's had a bad day, being reassuring and trying to boost his ego makes a huge difference in his mood. So in his case, it's really about timing. He really only cares or needs to hear compliments if he's in a crappy mood. The rest of the time, he could care less.

He likes it if I go somewhere with him that he wants or needs to go (like Lowes or Home Depot), just so he won't have to go alone if he doesn't feel like it. So I go with him, knowing full well that he will walk with me through a craft store if I want him to!

And he also likes dinner during the same general time period each day. He likes everything I cook, but he refuses to eat peas. So as long as there are no peas on his plate, and we eat at the same general time, then he's a happy guy.

So, beyond the private stuff (which I still think is the top of any guy's list on how to make them happy), these are pretty much all that my husband needs to make him happy. Not all guys are the same of course, but mine is fairly easy to please.