The story I've written to Michael as a gift. There's noone to give it to now


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wrote this story for Michael and hoped to give it as a gift to him at the first show .... I thought I need to share it with you as there's is noone to give it to.

At night, a child sat on a little hill near a sleepy forest. He gazed at the sky, spellbound by a myriad of stars.
That child had a very special gift. A gift to make people happy. It wasn’t matter how old were you, if you had an open mind and innocent heart, the magic of his music made your life beautiful; the glow of his divine smile made your heart sing.
“How do you do that?” a silver voice rang behind his back.
“I do what?” The child looked around. “Who’s there?”
Seeing nothing but velvety darkness, the child looked up at the stars again. For all of us they would’ve been just dazzling sky decoration, for him every star was a message, a message of an innocent heart. Some of them were joyous and full of laughter, some were sad, lonely and full of despair.
Every time the child felt the pain and need, his kind and giving heart yearned to help. He closed his eyes, looked inside and a soothing melody streamed out of his loving soul. It filled the sky with its divine vibrations and calmed aching souls.
“How you do that?” the bell-like voice asked again.
The child whipped around … and gasped. A dainty rosy fairy hovered in the air.
“A fairy!!!”
“Oh, thank you for noticing.” The winged creature winked.
The child raised his hand gingerly. “I never believed I’d see a miracle like ….”
The fairy giggled and perched on his palm. “I’m no miracle. Just do my job.”
“Your job?” the child asked, raising his eyebrow.
“Why, yes. I deliver your songs to the stars.”
You do this?”
“Of course. Who else?” The fairy flitted up from his hand and somersaulted in the air.
The child’s chocolate eyes clouded. “I wish I could fly too.”
“I can teach you,” the fairy said. “Of course, in return I’d ask you to share your secret with me.”
“I have no secrets.” The child shrugged.
“Sure you do,” the fairy said and perched on his shoulder. “But first, let’s learn to fly. Close your eyes, look into your soul and …”
“And?” the child sputtered.
“… Believe you can fly,” the fairy whispered.
The child shut his eyes tight and believed as only a child can believe. The next moment a vehement power lifted him from the ground. He jumped, jolted up, and dashed away, slicing the sky light as a feather.
Myriad of stars blinked at him in a playful greeting. The child’s doe eyes flooded with tears. Bliss filled his heart and a song burst out of his chest, its divine sounds blanketing the world.
In a moment, every aching heart forgot its pain; every lonely soul rejoiced in love. Children smiled, in their dreams; lovers sang entwined in harmony. The peace and happiness reigned in the universe.
“It wasn’t difficult, was it?” the fairy asked when the child glided back.
”No,” he said in a strangled whisper. “Thank you.”
The fairy smiled, her emerald eyes glinting in the starlight. “You are welcome. Now tell me how do you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Make people happy!”
The child chuckled and held out his palm for the fairy to perch.
“Close your eyes,” he said, “look into your soul and …”
“And?” the fairy squealed, clasping her dainty hands over her eyes.
“… Believe …”
A pearly grin dawned on the fairy’s face. “I knew it. I knew it!” She jumped up and somersaulted in the air. “Now we’re even. You can deliver your songs to the stars and I can take time off to make people happy. Bye!”
“Wait!” the child exclaimed, seeing her drift away into the darkness. “You didn’t tell me your name.”
The fairy stopped and glanced at him mischievously. “Guess. You said my name a few times already.”
She shot to the stars, leaving a veil of fairy dust trailing after her.
A sparkly word formed in the sky.
“Believe,” the child read and blew her a kiss. “Of course ….”
The child’s name was Michael Jackson.
That was lovely sounds like the perfect bedtime story :p .. you wrote it yourself? i think he would have loved it!! :) Just a shame you couldnt give it to him :(
Beautiful story, Michael would have loved it.

You never know, he may recieve it in the heaven's.