The spice girls!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Columbus, OH
apparently the spice girls may be performing at the 2012 olympics!

contact music:
Pop star MELANIE BROWN has given the thumbs up to plans for a one-off SPICE GIRLS reunion at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.
The girlband's former manager Simon Fuller has confirmed he hopes to get Mel B, Victoria Beckham, Geri Halliwell, Melanie Chisholm and Emma Bunton back together for a big concert.
And Mel B is all set to get spicy one more time.
She says, "If anyone can pull this off Simon Fuller can. He is the best!"
Brown tells U.S. news show Access Hollywood, "I’m from the U.K. and I think it’s amazing the Olympics are gonna (sic) be in London and I look forward to being there with the girls."
On Monday, Fuller told the U.K. press, "They (Spice Girls) stand for so much in British music history and I can’t think of a better time for them to get back together for another performance. The demand for them as a band is as strong as ever."
The Girl Power group split again after completing a reunion tour last year (08), with Posh Spice Beckham vowing the band would never return to the stage.

Perez Hilton also said something about it... but he's not quite a reliable source!
anyway, what do you guys think of this??
Re: the spice girls!

oh wow! cant wait to see that! I LOVED the spice girls back in the day! so many ppl went to see them when they reuninted bc they were so popular back in the day and HUGE in London.also anyone who was popular back in any decade and has a huge fan following and they get back together fans go crazy and just have to see their idols again. i herd they sold out in 30 seconds in London when they got back together. thats crazy!
Re: the spice girls!

I was going to post this! LoL. (I mentioned a few days ago, after hijacking the Hanson thread...=P, that I was going to open a Spice Girls thread, but then TII came out and after the excitement, I just got really really sad and was waiting til I felt better.) But *always* glad to see someone else taking an interest. =D

They've had something up their sleeves now for a while. A couple of months ago they were all (minus Victoria, who was in NY at Fashion week) spotted at dinner together, which sparked rumors. After a couple more meetings they were leaving hints on Twitter and on talk shows and rumors were flying. (First we heard another tour, then we heard everyone minus Victoria, then we heard Spice Girls the musical,...) But yep, this one's fer real. Can't wait!! =D
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Re: the spice girls!

oh wow! cant wait to see that! I LOVED the spice girls back in the day! so many ppl went to see them when they reuninted bc they were so popular back in the day and HUGE in London.also anyone who was popular back in any decade and has a huge fan following and they get back together fans go crazy and just have to see their idols again. i herd they sold out in 30 seconds in London when they got back together. thats crazy!

Yep. They held a press conference at the O2 announcing they would reunite for a final farewell tour. Sold out in 38 seconds. Went from 11 dates to 47. [Eerie similarities, right? This may have been what sparked MJ's interest in doing the same. He probably thought if the Spice Girls could do that after 10 years of absence, then he certainly could. He went to Simon Fuller (their manager) before Kenny Ortega and they were in talks for a while. Watching the whole thing unfold was like Deja Vu for me. I definitely think they modeled TII after 'Return of the Spice Girls', somewhat. Also, I'm dying to know if he ever saw them. =P] I saw them in Boston and it was the best show I've ever seen - the performances were every single bit as good as they were in the Spiceworld tour - but the quality of this tour was much better, imo. I saw them in both '98 and '07 and I can't say which I liked more, 'cause nothing beats seeing the Spice Girls at the height of their popularity - people forget how INSANE Spicemania was... - but I was knocked flat at the energy and excitement they generated ten years later. People don't give them the props they deserve... They were brilliant in every aspect. They did every single thing right. They were the masterminds behind their careers, tearing through barriers left and right. In terms of what they've accomplished, they deserve to be up there with Michael, Elvis, Beatles, and Madonna. Review the Wiki page if anyone needs to jog their memory.
Re: the spice girls!

Lol, they're never going to retire aren't they :D

I loved Spice Girls in the 90's though, they were my first experience of fandom.
Re: the spice girls!

Another Spice Girl here!! I loved them from the beginging- they honestly make up a piece of my jigsaw of who I am today. I was so pleased when they announced the concerts. Went to a December date in London it was amazing i blubbed like a little girl when I saw them. me and my best mate still remembered all our dance routines we had learnt at school 10 years previous................................What a night!
Re: the spice girls!

glad to know there are more people who like the spice girls =)
if anyone finds out anything more post it!
Re: the spice girls!

Another Spice Girl here!! I loved them from the beginging- they honestly make up a piece of my jigsaw of who I am today. I was so pleased when they announced the concerts. Went to a December date in London it was amazing i blubbed like a little girl when I saw them. me and my best mate still remembered all our dance routines we had learnt at school 10 years previous................................What a night!

Same here sugarbunny i manage to get ticket to there dec concert at the o2 and i also manage to go to there other concert just when geri had left,cant member when that year was think it was 98 or so,it was at wembly staduim was amazing i was so upset though geri had gone,there reuion concert was amazing to,i manage to get up and do the spice moves as well xoxox
Re: the spice girls!

Oh, it makes me so happy to meet fellow Spicees! =D Sugarbunny, I totally feel ya. If you ask anyone who knows me to name 10 things they associate me with, Spice Girls would be one of them - and it's been that way since 1997. But yeah - totally teared up during the opening video, then totally cried when they came out on stage. I'll definitely keep you all updated. =)
Re: the spice girls!

I would love to meet one, to just say thank you for making me part of who I am today. :O) The closest I have ever been to a spicy is posh she was in the car next to me at traffic lights....I didnt know what to do lol!
Re: the spice girls!

I hope they reunite again. I have been a big fan in the 90's.... and yes! I admit it I still like them lol... :D
Re: the spice girls!

I hope they reunite again. I have been a big fan in the 90's.... and yes! I admit it I still like them lol... :D
Haha me too :lol: :blush:

They played STOP in the bar last weekend and I totally did all the moves for it! LOL I didn't even know I still remember them..
Re: the spice girls!

I would love to meet one, to just say thank you for making me part of who I am today. :O) The closest I have ever been to a spicy is posh she was in the car next to me at traffic lights....I didnt know what to do lol!

Oh, dear God, what I wouldn't do to meet one! My roommate is a cater waiter and she worked an Armani Exchange party that Victoria was at. (This was before we were roommates =P) I *will* meet one/all someday. I missed the opportunity to meet Michael when he was right in front of me (longish story...) and I will always regret that. I am diligently working towards this and I *will* meet one, LoL.

I hope they reunite again. I have been a big fan in the 90's.... and yes! I admit it I still like them lol... :D

They never broke up, but they officially reunited in 2007 for their farewell tour, but that wasn't the end for them either! It was the end of touring, but they're still 'The Spice Girls' and they're still open to invitations to perform, provided it's the right thing. Stupid American media misses so much when it comes to them, they're too busy reporting stupid lies and rumors to let us know about things that have *actually* happened. Dumbies. =(

Haha me too :lol: :blush:

They played STOP in the bar last weekend and I totally did all the moves for it! LOL I didn't even know I still remember them..
Aww, Stop....the single that ended the 6x winning streak by debuting at number two. =(
Re: the spice girls!

"If you want my future..forget my past..*sing*
viva forever spice gals :p :giggle:,:punk:
Re: the spice girls!

Haha me too :lol: :blush:

They played STOP in the bar last weekend and I totally did all the moves for it! LOL I didn't even know I still remember them..

:lol: :lol: Me toooo... Even know the "Spice up your life" steps... gosh, I think it's time to watch "Spice World" tonight - I'm in a spicy mood right now :lol:

Good to hear that they never broke up. So there's still some hope for another farewell tour. I couldn't make the last one because I didn't have any money, tickets were too expensive for my financial situation back then
Re: the spice girls!

:lol: :lol: Me toooo... Even know the "Spice up your life" steps... gosh, I think it's time to watch "Spice World" tonight - I'm in a spicy mood right now :lol:

Good to hear that they never broke up. So there's still some hope for another farewell tour. I couldn't make the last one because I didn't have any money, tickets were too expensive for my financial situation back then

Weeeell, I dunno about another farewell tour, LoL, I think that was pretty solid. =/ But definitely more "reunions". The amazing energy, friendship, dynamic within the group is all still there and they've proven that their fanbase is still there too, so I definitely believe we'll see them from time to time. They're very busy girls, though. Of course we know about Victoria and Mel B, I can't even begin to cover what all they have going on right now! =P But Melanie C is huge in Britain (wild success in the charts with her solo career), Geri has a very successful line of Children's books, she just finished a film, she still has paps outside her house all the time, she's still very much a celebrity (She's one of the ones who was at Elton John's huge party on 6/25, where everyone left early. =/) and her involvement in charity is almost a full-time job. Emma has her own radio show and was on X-Factor, Strictly Come Dancing and makes appearances on popular t.v. series all the time. And they're all mothers now! =)
^ Hey thanks for the updates on their lives! I haven't heard about them in a looong time but good to know they're still in it.

I didn't know Mel C has kid(s?) too!
OMG , i remember i was a huge spice girls-fan back then.. I used to amaze my friends with my spice girls- moves and singing.. Good times :) I think i was 5 years old or something.. Oh, and i have spice girls VHS.. haha :D
OMG , i remember i was a huge spice girls-fan back then.. I used to amaze my friends with my spice girls- moves and singing.. Good times :) I think i was 5 years old or something.. Oh, and i have spice girls VHS.. haha :D
Haha me too! I don't think I'll ever get rid of it, just in case I sometimes want to remember the good ol' 90's.
I kept every single thing I ever had. =D So, needless to say, I've got a massive collection of CDs, VHS, DVDs, dolls, camera, books, diaries, photos, paper, pencils, wrapping paper, plates, napkins, posters, magazines, stickers, shirts, tattoos, key chains, jewelry, lollipop wrappers, etc... I think I have every piece of merchandise ever released...I'm only partially kidding...LoL.

Yep - Melanie C has a baby girl named "Scarlet"

She's currently performing in the musical "Blood Brothers" on West End. (Melanie, not Scarlet. =P)
Before I became Michael Jackson fan I was Spice Girls fan.:) I loved them back in the days...
Another Spice girls fan here :waving:
When we had to sing/perform for a grade at school in music class me and my friend did Stop with all the dance moves and all :)
And I had the shoes!! they came in very handy cause i've always been a small girl ;)
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I saw them live in their comeback tour:) it was amazing!! I was front row and dressed as baby spice haha:D and my friend was ginger!!
during who do you think you are emma came to the right side (where I was also standing) and pointed at me and gave me the BIGGEST, cutest smile and blew me lots of kissed and reached her arms out to me :wub:
I met her in august and I told her about it and she said she remembered haha:D she said: awww you were crying!!" and yeah i was:D always loved them! the girls.
she signed my baby spice shoe which was cute :)
I saw them live in their comeback tour:) it was amazing!! I was front row and dressed as baby spice haha:D and my friend was ginger!!
during who do you think you are emma came to the right side (where I was also standing) and pointed at me and gave me the BIGGEST, cutest smile and blew me lots of kissed and reached her arms out to me :wub:
I met her in august and I told her about it and she said she remembered haha:D she said: awww you were crying!!" and yeah i was:D always loved them! the girls.
she signed my baby spice shoe which was cute :)

lucky!! lol i've never met a spice girl.. it was my childhood dream really :)

My mum, dad, aunts and uncles are going to the opening of the 2012 Olympics - they've got tickets through an official source already! :D

I wonder how true this is though...?

^^i reaallly hope it's true.. it would be soo amazing to see!!