The Sounds That You Hate?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What are sounds you absolutely hate? I HATE the sounds of fire trucks passing me by. Their loud sirens hurt my ears badly!:angry:

I hate the original Emergency Broadcasting sound. the sound that goes..."oooooooooooooooo" Thank God I don't hear those anymore on my TV.

I also hate the OTHER Emergency broadcasting, which, unfortunately, I have heard recently. It comes on OVER the actors, and makes a sound like, 'eh, eh, eh."

i hate ballons popping. that sound sounds scary as hell!:bugeyed
I co-sign on the Emergency Broadcast sounds. I saw the title of the thread and that was the first thing that came to mind. They're always 10 times louder than the program that's on the T.V. or radio. I also hate the sound of gunfire.
Haha Nice thread! I really don't like walking past loud construction (then again, who does?) especially jackhammers...

And when I'm trying to concentrate, like in an exam, my tolerance for noise goes down a lot lol. For example constant pen-clicking can be really irritating >_
I can't stand the sound that chalk or nails make against a blackboard, it gives me horrible chills. Maybe it's a good thing they're giving up on the use of blackboards at schools.
when wood squeaks together... like if you're trying to open a Russian doll? that sound really makes me cringe!! Also people eating loudly sometimes irritates me!
I hate that emergency broadcasting sound too. It always happens at midnight like clockwork and I always jump up like clockwork when it comes on.

Someone drumming or tapping their fingers

Someone chewing their gum like a cow

My alarm clock in the morning

Sarah Palin's parrot-like voice

The dentist drill

Small dogs yapping

Screeching train wheels

My co-worker typing fast on her computer

When someone pounds the keyboard on their computer

Off-key singing

The sound of water from an aquarium or fountain

Birds chirping loudly at 5am when I'm trying to sleep.

Funny thread :)
Well, let's see...I hate hearing my neighbour snoring loudly in the middle of the night
I also hate the sound of the alarm clock in the morning
I hate the sound of drilling in the walls
I deeply dislike hearing the doorbell (weird, I know) and and and...
Funny thread :)
Well, let's see...I hate hearing my neighbour snoring loudly in the middle of the night

Wait a minute. You hear your NEIGHBOR snoring? :O That is WAY too loud of your neighbor. :O
Here the sounds I hate:

Smacking and slurping (my brother does that to annoy me and he pisses me off)


My brother harping out his complaining (he's a chronic complainer)

Radio clock alarms
Wait a minute. You hear your NEIGHBOR snoring? :O That is WAY too loud of your neighbor. :O

Yeah, I know! He snores so loudly that I can hear him during the night (he lives one floor down). Once, I couldn't stand it anymore and I started making all sorts of loud noises just to wake him up (it was about 2 am). I might have given him a heart attack :D

I can't stand the buzzing of mosquitoes, the sound of people gritting and the sound of knife over fork gives me shivers down my spine...that's about all I can think of right now
I can't stand the sound that chalk or nails make against a blackboard, it gives me horrible chills. Maybe it's a good thing they're giving up on the use of blackboards at schools.

oh yeah that too
Oh I could go on probably forever with my list :lol: There's so many voices that makes my blood boil.

To name one that has irritated me lately: when people yawn loudly. Gosh it's annoying!
I can't stand the sound that you hear sometimes when you pull at a string of a hoodie/sweater, when that string is too far in the hoodie. Basicly the sound of fabrics against eachother. The same as when you bite at a stuffed animal (not that I do that anymore,lol:p )then you hear the same sound.
That makes me really shivery and crazy. It sounds stupid when I write this down, but I really can't stand it :doh: :lol:

and motorcycles, they're so loud!
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the sound you hear when a train stops... that just drives me crazy...and I have a very keen ear and I can hear that sound when other people can't...
snow machines, motorcycles, and mosquitoes buzzing in my ear....gaaaaaah..i hate it
The sound of thunder and wind blowing so hard you fear it's gonna tear everything down and being all alone and scared in a huge house; the sound of your own heart beating and your own heavy breath graspin' for air cause at times the pain is simply too much to take; the sound of loneliness, tossing and turning in bed and reachin out the hand and no one is there.....

But also the sounds of flies buzzing while you try to get some sleep or the sprays with motion sensors which go off at all the wrong moments like when u pass them by in the middle of the night and it's dark around the house and they scare ya and annoy ya lol