The song 'D.S'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
uk, macroland
The song D.S is confusing me!!!!

First of all what does D.S stand for? I was looking no some lyrics and some say:
Dom Sheldon
Don Standon
Dom Sneddon..

Which one is it?
Also isn't there a guy called Tom Sneddon??

Its kindaa bugging me lol - I sing along with all MJ songs and I don't know what name to say hehe!

Help? :)
Yeah thats what I thought - the HIStory book says Dom Sheldon... I'll just say that :)
I just wonder why other lyrics say other things?
some lyrics site writes what the person hear,

because no booklets exists, or not have it...
it's about writing the idea without getting sued. lol. we know who he's talking about, but he's not about using the actual name.
I always said Tom Snecock *no offence*, but I had to read the lyric. Still sounds like Tom Snecock.
MJ clearly is heard saying Tom Sneddon. The reason lyrics are in the HIStory booklet is for legal reasons so Sneddon couldnt sue Michael.
He doesn't say Dom Sheldon, but the real name in the song. At one point, he even says "Thomas Sneddon". John Fogerty had a similar situation in the mid 80s. He released a song called "Zanz Can't Dance", but Saul Zaentz (who ran Fantasy Records and the subject of the song) sued Fogerty, so John re-recorded the song and called it "Vanz Can't Dance". But he didn't change any of the other lyrics, lol.
I love when he says "Thomas". "Thomas Sneddon is a cold man!" I remember Sneddon heard about it and tried saying it was "immature". Pft. lmao.
who exactly is tom sneddon or however u spell it and whats he got to do with mj?

Whos Sneddon? Have you been living under a rock? He's the District Attorney who tried to put MJ in jail in 92/93 & 04/05!
Whos Sneddon? Have you been living under a rock? He's the District Attorney who tried to put MJ in jail in 92/93 & 04/05!

no i havent been under a rock thanks, i do know of these trials i just never knew the guys' name..all i cared about was mj's innocence LOL well now i know....the jerks name is sneddon, tom sneddon! LOL
MJ clearly says TOM SNEDDON!!! but for Tom Sneddons lawyers we say DOM SHELDON
Actually, Michael sings all these names in DS:

Dom Sheldon
Tom Sneddon
Dom S. Sheldon
Thomas Sneddon

Reason being if he clearly sang Tom Sneddon at every opportunity...he'd be sued for SLANDER.

Alternating the two forces confusion which will prevent any slander suits brought against him.
ok the sing is called D.S and the book reads dom sheldon for legal reasons

however he actually sings in the song tom sneddon

refering to ton sneddon the man who not once but twice tried to put michael behind bars on false child molestation charges
I can't hear "Dom Sheldon" anywhere in the song. Just "Tom Sneddon" and "Thomas Sneddon"
Haha, I wonder who put that in there and how long it would take Wiki to take it off.
yep just a euphenism for Thomas Sneddon who is like the guy version of Diane Dimond. They both relished in the idea of ultimately bringing him down.
I love this song. I love his anger, and the frictious vocals.