the 'smooth criminal' lean,

you will find all you need on this link:

The effect in the video when Jackson and the dancers lean forward a seemingly impossible distance was achieved using special harnesses with wires and magnets. It was desired to replicate this effect for Jackson's stage show, but it would have been more obvious and cumbersome to use wire harnesses in a live performance. Jackson and his team devised an alternative way to achieve the effect on stage. The props needed for their technique were patented in the United States by Jackson in 1993,[7] and consist of pegs that rise from the stage at the appropriate moment, and special shoes with ankle supports and cutouts in the heels which can slide over the pegs and be thereby attached to the stage temporarily. These allow the performers to lean without needing to keep their centers of gravity directly over their feet.

and this thread should really be in MJ's Groove Theory :p
This is the shortest thread opening I've ever seen on MJJF and MJJC. Ever!
and you are a newbie.

Please google things before asking....

I hope you are a big MJ fan... not a Sudden fan
This is the shortest thread opening I've ever seen on MJJF and MJJC. Ever!
and you are a newbie.

Please google things before asking....

I hope you are a big MJ fan... not a Sudden fan

The comments and hate of new fans entering this forum at the moment is disgusting. Some has made the effort to google an mj forum , register and then post a question - i didnt even know the answer too. Who are you to turn around and say ? " ...not a sudden fan" so what if the op is a sudden fan? Because Michael has died his membership to be a fan has closed now? ? do you remember when you first posted here???? How on earth would you have felt if you had what you wrote back at you? ?
Please google things before asking....

sometimes if you use google to look smth. up you will end up in a forum where anyone asks the exact same question and the first answer is: go and search for it with google...

isn't that dumb?

so please assume, that the thread opener already searched with google, but wasn't successfull. :)
The comments and hate of new fans entering this forum at the moment is disgusting. Some has made the effort to google an mj forum , register and then post a question - i didnt even know the answer too. Who are you to turn around and say ? " ...not a sudden fan" so what if the op is a sudden fan? Because Michael has died his membership to be a fan has closed now? ? do you remember when you first posted here???? How on earth would you have felt if you had what you wrote back at you? ?

Prsonally i feel like i need to be on my guard half the time incase someone decides to lash back because i haven't exceeded 100 posts! Thankgod some people are understanding about this. And the sudden fan thing was just mean
i fell so many times trying to do that as a kid only to find out a few years laters it was done with wires. nobody even bothered to tell me they just laughed at my dumbass.
The comments and hate of new fans entering this forum at the moment is disgusting. Some has made the effort to google an mj forum , register and then post a question - i didnt even know the answer too. Who are you to turn around and say ? " ...not a sudden fan" so what if the op is a sudden fan? Because Michael has died his membership to be a fan has closed now? ? do you remember when you first posted here???? How on earth would you have felt if you had what you wrote back at you? ?

Asking is good right....
You can try the lean with skii boots. These boots that you put on in order to get on the skii. I do not know their exact name in english :))

I`ve tried it and it worked.
so what if they are new fans?isn't great to have new fans after ... ??
who else can have new fans at the moment like this? i bet only michael has. do you become a fan of elvis when he died?nooo...

that's michael's magic,even when he is in heaven he still can spread that magic on us. same like that come he could think something like that?he is a pure genius
The comments and hate of new fans entering this forum at the moment is disgusting. Some has made the effort to google an mj forum , register and then post a question - i didnt even know the answer too. Who are you to turn around and say ? " ...not a sudden fan" so what if the op is a sudden fan? Because Michael has died his membership to be a fan has closed now? ? do you remember when you first posted here???? How on earth would you have felt if you had what you wrote back at you? ?

I'm agreeing with u there! Just dont judge all new members as "sudden fans"..!
I've been a huge fan of MJ since my father and siblings talked about him when I was a child.. However I had somehow never came onto this site, until I read about this site on a article in Swedish newspaper that had to do with MJs death..

I'm hoping everyone don't judge the newbees of the forum for being "sudden fans".. Cause I too get irretated when people who hated Michael, suddenly adore him, and I would certainly not want to be called as one of them..

Just want to point out that Im not accusing "new fans" of being "bad people".. There are differences.. the ones I get irretated at are the ones that HATED MJ but now think he's great..
I don't recommend trying to do the lean...unless you have something soft like a bed in front of you.

You'll fall on your me...I did. LMAO
This is the shortest thread opening I've ever seen on MJJF and MJJC. Ever!
and you are a newbie.

Please google things before asking....

I hope you are a big MJ fan... not a Sudden fan

Wow, that's not very nice. As a newbie here myself I would have been really disappointed and annoyed at your reply had that have been my post. Who are you to question what type of fan the OP is?

Oh, just for your information I am not a sudden MJ fan. 'Thriller' was the first album I bought in high school and have followed Michael's career ever since, including seeing him in concert in 1992 and I was due to see him this month. I have never heard about this site until the documentary that was screened here in the UK a few nights ago where the reporter plays a clip of Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega (I'm sure it was them) explaining to fans on the 'MJJC' site why the start of 'This Is It' was delayed. That's when I discovered this site and was only to happy to find people who feel the same way about Michael as do I
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I don't recommend trying to do the lean...unless you have something soft like a bed in front of you.

You'll fall on your me...I did. LMAO

Haha we'll keep that in mind!

But those shoes? Does someone know if they are out their to purchase? I'm guessing the answer is no..
I don't have a lot of posts here yet because I just joined this forum after Michael did the O2 press conference and I wanted to stay up to date with the this is it shows.
(I had an account for a couple of years but never posted).
I'm a fan for about 28 years now but since the internet I've never bothered to join a fanclub or a forum for Michael.
I don't care if that makes me less of a fan in some peoples eyes as long as I know who and what I am.

On-topic: when moonwalker came out, I convinced all my friends it was a camera-trick.
No wires or stuff like that, no they just turned the camera a certain way to make it look like a lean.
Haha I was wrong and so dissapointed to find out it was done so simply (wires).