The Smile thread :)


Proud Member
Jan 28, 2004
I was just thinking about something and it made me smile real big...
smiling feels good... It feels good when something/someone makes you smile :D

what/who last made you smile and why? :)

My friend made me smile by calling me and wishing me a good vacation next week... soooo sweet :D
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Being around people who actually care about one another is what makes me smile :D
My dog, because she's silly and my nieces at the mall earlier today when my sister and I took them back to school shopping :D
My daughters made me smile when they said good night and told me they love me and said thank you for being my mummy :wub:
My friend made me smile yesterday. Actually she made me laugh :D She's great...sometimes no one knows why we're laughin :lol: Love her.
Well I smile & giggle alot! :)
Things that make me smile are...
My friends!
My family!
My animals!
My moments!
My fave tv shows and movies!
Looking at photographs!...etc. & etc.
Smiling is all I do...I smile & laugh every moment I get!! :)
The squirrels here at work with the big ears make me smile when they come sit at my feet and wait for food, they are so cute I love their ears :D

My black squirrel at home makes me smile, it sits on the fence like 2 feet from me and stares at me when I talk to it:wub:
Lee, a man whom I admire a lot. And my dog, she just got back home after a couple of days, she was with my family on vacation..I missed her so much.
my best friend Sarah makes me smile and always has be laughing, when i need it most. Michael Jackson always makes me smile of course :D. and when he smiles. oh lawd! lol
My faculty drive me nuts sometimes but they are hilarious and appreciative and that makes me smile :D
watching little Jamia Nash sing 'Who's loving you', I love it when she goes 'ha!', just like Michael. So adorable.
The things I have to look forward to over these next several days is making me smile :D

Life is making me smile :D
When my daughters come and jump in my bed in the morning full of kisses and cuddles and we sing and tell stories, I have every reason to smile :)
My new cousin is start smiling and laughing.. she is only 1 or 2 months old.. :)