The Simpsons - worth watching?

Dangerous 1991 HIStory

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Which seasons are the best and which are the worst?
I'm thinking about watching this show. So far i saw only a couple of episodes.
This is a verrrry tough question considering all the seasons. Personally I'd steer clear of the very very early episodes when the show was still finding it's groove and the later episodes imo are extremely lame. They seem to have lost their spark :(

I'd probably start from season 5. It has some classic eps i.e deep space homer, bart gets an elephant and homer loves flanders. When I think of the Simpsons these are some of the eps that come to mind. Season 6 is great too
I love the Simpsons. I would start around 3rd or 4th Season. They were making classic episodes then.
Whoa. Yeah! Definately worth watching!

Go for either 10, 11, or 12. They are the latest ones released on DVD.

I dont really like the very early episodes and as someone said, they hadnt really found their groove yet. However I love the newer episodes as well.
Some episodes from early seasons are very good ! The intro from Marge vs. the Monorail on season 4 is :D:D:D:D.
i love them all , even the early ones, but the new ones arnt that good , they have just lost ideas, but season 3 is good like "stark raving dad" (of course) lol and "homer at the bat" is great
I'd say that the best seasons of the show are seasons 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.