The Simpsons episode Homer Badman


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Has anyone seen this episode. It's an awesome episode which really makes fun of the media and how they twist stories just to get big rating. This episode reminded me alot of how the media treats Michael Jackson

This is what happens in the episode

Homer accused of sexual harassment
-Media distorts the truth and labels Homer a sexual monster without bothering into look into what really happened
-Homer attempts to set the record straight yet his story of events is twisted and manipulated on television
-Media conspires to destroy Homer's reputation and in turn, the public develops a strong hate towards Homer which is eventually talked about openly on TV talk shows where everyone has an opinion
-The incident becomes more about ratings and stories than seeking justice
-24/7 coverage of the Simpson home to find any dirt on Homer ('sleeps nude in an oxygen tent' is a reference to Michael Jackson in the episode)
-A 'Hollywood Version' of the incident/proceedings
-Everyone is surprised when Homer is found innocent without even considering the alternative

So this is an awesome anti media episode of The Simpsons
This episode reminds me so much of MJ and the media it really makes me question if this was The Simpsons way of showing their support for Michael.

The Simpsons has always been cool to MJ, yes they've made fun of him but they've never gone below the belt and the people on the show who worked with MJ when he guest stared on there has said that he was wonderfull to work with
"Homer Badman" is the 9th episode of season six. :)
edit: 'analogue' was quicker than me..

beside many more allusions to Michael I recently came across the episode entitled "The Joy Of Sect" (season 9):

What comes to your mind? :D




This is one of my favorite Simpsons episodes and it's always reminded me of Michael and the media. The "Rock Bottom" report is so hilarious! And it really shows how the media twist things to brainwash the people who are watching. It's a very clever and funny episode. :D
This is one of my favorite Simpsons episodes and it's always reminded me of Michael and the media. The "Rock Bottom" report is so hilarious! And it really shows how the media twist things to brainwash the people who are watching. It's a very clever and funny episode. :D

I love that Rock Bottom part

''Mr. Simpson don't take your anger out on me, get back, get back. Mr. Simpson nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo''

(Said very fast) ''Dramatization may not have happened''
I remember that episode.

Also there was that one in which Homer is holding baby Bart and accidentally drops him off a balcony. (reference to MJ's Berlin incident with Blanket.) I didn't take it as offensive.