The sign I prayed for (Thank you Lord)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ohio, USA
For the past few days between last Thursday and this past Monday, I had been asking God for a sign of Michael being with him. I had prayed and had felt deeply depressed. God answered my prayers in the most beautiful way. I was sitting outside on my porch just thinking about everything. I was on the phone with a friend and told her I had to call her back. I had seen the most incredible, indescribable image in front of my eyes in the sky.

I took a picture of it today. I must say, I can see every bit of it, but I don't know if any of you will see this.. Sometimes God has different plans for us. So, if some or even all of you don't see what I see, that's okay.

However, if you do, please thank God in your prayers tonight! He sent this beautiful image of Michael in the sky. I see a younger and older Michael here. Look at the sky between the trees to the left - younger Michael. If you look to the right, it's harder for a lot of people, but it is Michael when he is older. The twigs look like hair blowing in his face. It really is amazing and so beautiful. I'm so thankful to God! :)

I posted the picture really small because it's easiest to see small (trust me, when it's bigger, it's harder to see).

I hope this touches you the way i have been touched. This image in the sky is amazing and was my saving grace Monday night and will continue to be for the rest of my life.

Michael is with ALL OF US guys :) He loves us all and this image shows us... He's with God in Heaven now.

God bless,


A lot of times, these types of things are really difficukt to make out, but I saw the face immediately this time. Pretty cool.
Really nice I also saw it immediatly.

A few days ago I thought I saw his face in the clouds but then I thought no it can't be but maybe I was wrong.
I can see the face as well.

My husband had an experience yesterday when he was feeling quite sad. He saw a reflection off chrome through some light and said it looked exactly like angel wings with a figure in the center and felt it was kind of a sign somehow. Michael's ok :angel:
I wonder why God would take Michael from us when Michael was starting to show the world who he were and still is through these concerts? Was it according to Gods plan that to us fans that haven´t seen him before during his previous tours would never see him on concerts from the first beginning? :(

But hey, thanks for the picture.
If I squint, I see a face on the left. Nothing on the right. If this gives people solace, then I am happy for them.
How crazy! I can definetly see a face...I love things like this. It's almost like it's just meant for you, right in that moment. The people who it means the most to are the ones who see it =]
What a lovely sign to get. :) I'm so glad you got your sign at last. We all will, over time. Bless you. xx
I'm sorry for those who can't see it. God has ways of working his miracles, so expect yours how He plans them to come :)

As for outlining, I actually don't know how, but will try because the face to the right really looks like him, but is harder to see. (I'll try and figure it out)

And thank you all for your sweet comments :) I was feeling so low, but when I saw those two faces, I knew he had comes to say "I Love You"

I'm trying so hard to see it :(

Can u describe which parts are what, because I see nothing.