The show Gone too Soon, what did you think?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
clear lake city, texas
I watched it this weekend and Halprin was the biographer. He has studied MJ's life since the accusations and found MJ to be innocent. He interviewed alot of employees ext. and found that noway was MJ guilty of anything. The show was positive to me but I know he has said some untrue things like MJ had a lung desease and would die in 6 mos. Wasn't that him or am I wrong. Just wanted to know your thoughts.
didt see it unfortanly... hope someone will upload it. Here in holland we are dependent on that..
I avoided it like the plague

me husband started watching it in another room and all I had to do was hear that creeps voice and I went in there and started yelling at the tv and told hubby dont believe anything this guy says..he is a liar..and only changed his story about Michael because he wants people to buy his book.....hubby turned the channel..:wink:
me husband started watching it in another room and all I had to do was hear that creeps voice and I went in there and started yelling at the tv and told hubby dont believe anything this guy says..he is a liar..and only changed his story about Michael because he wants people to buy his book.....hubby turned the channel..:wink:

NICE :clapping:
Well his voice was depressing! He talks in such a bored kind a way to me! The doc was just okay! Glad he mentioned MJ innocence and that the insurance paid the settlement! Also a lady showing how Murray gave MJ way more Propofol then he claimed by giving a demonstration!

He believed that MJ died by the hands of greedy people and that is true! But, there was a journalist who called MJ a serial Pedo. I was like bitch why are u even on the special then! She just thought Mj was weird she clearly didn't like him! There was a Psychiatrist too that has has been on Nancy Grace show before more then once! So u can imagine her ramble! Dileo blaming MJ for hiring Murray!

Some saying MJ is a great father including Dileo even though some of the others don't think the kids are his BLAH!

And some people who never met MJ on the show talking like the journalist I mentioned already and that Psychiatrist lady and other journalist people a true wast of time!

MJ spiritual adviser that recorded him talking about Tohme was there, she was nice! And MJ personal trainer the hulk guy, MJ chef kai chase & Travis Payne repeating the same thing we all heard already!!

Ian claimed to have people in MJ inner circle that would reveal a lot and they really didn't! So like I said it was just okay!

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Yeah I caught that about the serial pedo but at least the guy said he had researched and found that MJ had to be innocent. I was worried it was going to be worse and I shouldn't have watched. I noticed they made a point to show the few that came forward in the trial like the youth minister and the ex disgruntled employees. That guy is a creep trying to cash in.
Missed it was to busy doing nothing. I am noticing that a lot of people are going out of there way to bring up this show. Why?
that was not a bad show at shows many material that say , michael is inocent of child molesting and all that sutpid staments.. my sister hate Michael , she call him pedophile many many times...but after she saw this she says that she feels terrible about what she said many times about him ..and she things , she got blood on her hands,,,and now she thinks Mj is angel...and cry....and not only her said that...many of the people that saw that special at the coffe bar we were that night watching that show...everyone started to say...poor Michael...look what we had done or things like that....of course the show sometimes show some people opinions about MJ..but this show really makes me feel good...beacuse of the positive reacctions of MJ's haters,,,,,
that guy said MJ's real voice sounded like Barry White or Richard Gere i couldn't believe my ears and i was like this :lmao:

but seriously, he is just an opportunist a*s.
he was on a blaze trying to prove mj was guilty of all of the charges and along the way found out he was innocent, to me he is the second journalist to turn in michael's favor kind of like aphrodite jones. But Jones is a really cool lady and now it just sucks that he is not around now because all of these journalists are now prasing him, too bad he had to die for it to happen
Ian Halperin is rubbish. He said really stupid things about Michael in his book (which somehow became a NYT bestseller, giving us insight into how stupid people are nowadays). I won't bother repeating what was claimed in the book because I am sure that most of you are familiar with Halperin and his lies.

I am willing to bet that this half-arsed documentary is more promo for his stupid book of lies. Even though I have heard the documentary is, for lack of a better term, "pro-MJ", I can foresee the reaction to it a mile away. The people who see it will think Halperin is alright, since the documentary was lukewarm and lacking in any particularly explosive statements. They will rush to their nearest bookstore and buy his book, or perhaps just pick it up out of curiosity. Its status as a NYT bestseller will fool these people into thinking that the book has merit and value, when in fact, the opposite is true.

So this isn't Ian Halperin changing his tune. It's Ian Halperin promoting his trash yet again. The process is simple. Think of when you were kids and watched the Saturday morning cartoons. We all wanted the toys or the action figures from the shows, right? Of course we did! That's propaganda at its finest: suck them in with the free stuff!

As adults, think of all the chicks who watched Sex and the City on HBO. When the movie came out, guess who flocked to the movie theatre, and guess who made millions of dollars. It's the same process, different audiences.

The same can be said for this Halperin and his show/book. The people who watch TV Guide, generally speaking, are not too bright. They may not rush to buy the book, but they may buy it out of curiosity after seeing the special. We have ALL seen how fast all things MJ sell, especially gossip and malicious things like Diane Demon's book, which can still be found on bookshelves!!! I am telling you, and I hope I am wrong, but we are going to see either a resurface of the book, or a whole new set of lies in the near future. Halperin isn't kind enough to just make a nice show about MJ. He's a weasel and he's up to something...

I get so angry when I see books with bad, untrue things being written about Michael! When I last visited the bookstore, I saw this clown's work on one of the shelves in the bio section of the store. It was the ONLY book about Michael in that shelf--no Moonwalk, or anything else. WTH? So, I got really mad and shelved the garbage where it belongs--in the fiction section of the store. I am sure it found its home there. My condolences to the trees who sacrificed their lives for such garbage. :(

The guy himself is just awful. He DOES always sound bored and he always has the same facial expression when he talks. He looks like a cheap version of the already tacky Perez Hilton lol. In any case, neither he nor his work is worth a damn. There's a reason why "Gone Too Soon" can only be found on the TV Guide network...

I am not an idiot, so I don't go to the TV Guide channel hoping to find stuff of any value. I don't even know which channel the TV Guide network is on, and judging by the kind of rubbish they allow to be broadcasted, I am glad that I don't know!!

To those of you brave enough to put yourselves through the embarrasment which accompanies watching the TV Guide Channel and/or Ian Halperin just to inform us on what was said, I salute you.
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