The Self-proclaimed King Of Pop... ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So, REUTERS released a "report" about the memorial tickest, but... named Michael - the self-proclaimed KOP!

Many internet news webs take that message and spreading such BS via the internet!

Please, add comments on the sites discussions that Michael never titled himself the KOP!!!

And you can post REUTERS (the haters) a mail about that nonsense that this is not true and that they should stop to offend Michael!,47&prod_lvl1=19&prod_lvl2=47
I've made a thread earlier on on this. Check out my re-uteres piss me off. They have been very nasty to MJ since ages ago.
I've made a thread earlier on on this. Check out my re-uteres piss me off. They have been very nasty to MJ since ages ago.

Sorry, but it sucks..., bitches.. :puke:

And webs like the Washington Post and others report the "report"...:puke:
Yeah I hate when they call him that. I believe there is a racist agenda behind that. I'm not one who pulls the race card about everything, but I believe that is partly the case here. Michael has never dubbed himself The King of Pop. I'm sure he liked the name, but he never came out and said "I am the King of Pop" or anything like that, but the media and haters alike will swear up and down that he was on an ego trip and made the name up himself when in reality it was Liz Taylor who called him that first at an award show. They really need to stop with that self proclaimed junk. I hate when they try to downplay his accomplishments and success.

It doesn't matter who gave him that name at the end of the day though because no one deserves the King of Pop title more than Mike.
Was this the article you are referring to: Fans overlook Michael Jackson's dark side?

I agree about the King of Pop thing, but I think the substance of the article is far worse and is indicative of a theme that keeps getting played out in the media, one about the supposed dark side of Michael Jackson. While such articles do not come out and say the allegations against him were true, they basically imply so by reminding people not to forget what they suggest is the sinister side of Michael Jackson. Without even needing to offer any facts to support it, they are basically making sure that Michael is remembered as a criminal. It really upsets me, and I think this is something that we as fans need to stand up against.
That stuff about young boys is getting so played out and is such ridiculous bullshit.
Spending nights with young boys...they do love saying that don't they?
Yeah, even a swedish news broadcast channel couldn´t resist to call him the self-proclaimed King of Pop. Stupid psychos.
Yeah I hate when they call him that. I believe there is a racist agenda behind that. I'm not one who pulls the race card about everything, but I believe that is partly the case here. Michael has never dubbed himself The King of Pop. I'm sure he liked the name, but he never came out and said "I am the King of Pop" or anything like that, but the media and haters alike will swear up and down that he was on an ego trip and made the name up himself when in reality it was Liz Taylor who called him that first at an award show. They really need to stop with that self proclaimed junk. I hate when they try to downplay his accomplishments and success.

Yeah, I wrote to them and said something similar. I noted how in another article they called Elvis the "original King of Rock 'n' Roll." No "self-proclaimed." No doubt.

Even if Michael had come up with the title himself, I don't see how anyone could hesitate to call him "King." He shattered so many records, became a world superstar, and has outsold every other artist. If Elvis can be called "King," Michael sure as heck should be called "King."
even if it had been him and not elizabeth taylor who gave him that title, it would still be cool. another example of his brilliant creative crafting of his stardom. even if heavily influenced by Elvis's crown the King of Rock, it was still edgy helped remind people he's one of the legendary best, and that's why he gets the King title, and it was deserving. If it wasn't deserving I can understand why it would be arrogant to name yourself that, but when it fits, it fits.
Pleased that this thread was started, one of my hates is the 'self proclaimed KOP' what a load of garbage, this never came from MJ lips.

I cringe when newsreaders start with the words 'The Self Proclaimed KOP Michael Jackson...' just makes my blood boil!!

Should be 'The King of POP Michael Jackson....' why add 'self proclaimed', f***** media!
f*ck 'em all. They always gotta hate on the man. Pricks.
That stuff about young boys is getting so played out and is such ridiculous bullshit.
Spending nights with young boys...they do love saying that don't they?

yeah..they worded it in a way that sounds like 'sleeping with', which is regarded as 'having sex with'. they meant to do that.

so, myopic people shouldn't accuse MJ fans of being myopic. there is no objectivity in that article. only hate. and envy. and lies(outside of saying Thriller is best selling album of all time). including the part about his music post thriller. if it was so bad, and didn't sell so well, they wouldn't be talking about him, today(prior to June 25th), despite Thriller.
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Pleased that this thread was started, one of my hates is the 'self proclaimed KOP' what a load of garbage, this never came from MJ lips.

I cringe when newsreaders start with the words 'The Self Proclaimed KOP Michael Jackson...' just makes my blood boil!!

Should be 'The King of POP Michael Jackson....' why add 'self proclaimed', f***** media!
Exactly and you know what? I just saw this self proclaimed thing AGAIN on article about the 'plastic' statue :rolleyes: on msnbc. This thing never stop. I feel like killing whoever wrote those shits. I can't even read one article without the innuendos and hate towards him.

I now actually think TMZ is the best among them all. At least they are respectful and they are not snarky like the self proclaimed unbiased so-called legitimate reuteres and msnbc.
Yeah I hate when they call him that. I believe there is a racist agenda behind that. I'm not one who pulls the race card about everything, but I believe that is partly the case here. Michael has never dubbed himself The King of Pop. I'm sure he liked the name, but he never came out and said "I am the King of Pop" or anything like that, but the media and haters alike will swear up and down that he was on an ego trip and made the name up himself when in reality it was Liz Taylor who called him that first at an award show. They really need to stop with that self proclaimed junk. I hate when they try to downplay his accomplishments and success.

It doesn't matter who gave him that name at the end of the day though because no one deserves the King of Pop title more than Mike.
I have a thread about that but it was closed. :rolleyes:
There is a racist agenda. These old white guys clearly feel threatened by MJ's power. I'm not going to go into details. You all know why he's the only artist in human HIStory to get that kind of nasty things thrown at him.