the Salvation Army (good riddance!)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Was anyone aware of this? Very interesting, and horrible.

Anonymous asked: i dont understand what's wrong with supporting the salvation army?

Well, here’s the deal, anon. The Salvation Army is an evangelical Christian group, and they impose those beliefs on the people that they employ and the communities they serve. Here are a few examples:

They are so opposed to LGBT rights that they have lobbied multiple times for exemptions from Federal and Local anti-discrimination laws, and threatened to withdraw their services.

They refused to provide shelter to a homeless gay couple, unless they broke up and renounced their homosexuality.

They refused to provide a transgender woman with shelter that was congruent with her gender presentation, instead insisting she house with men. She chose instead to sleep on the sidewalk and died from the cold.

Speaking of gender, there was also this charming incident where one of their hostels refused to open the door for a 17-year-old victim who had just been brutally raped (or even call the police for her) because that particular hostel had a strict “men only” policy.

Children who can’t prove their immigration status are turned away.

The organization also disposes of any Harry Potter or Twilight related donations (rather than giving them to other charities), because they claim the toys are “incompatible with the charity’s Christian beliefs”.

During the Bush Administration (thanks to ‘faith-based initiatives’) they fired about 20 long-time employees (Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Gay), simply for refusing to sign the organization’s statement of Christian belief.

So, that—in a nutshell—is what’s wrong with it. Now person-to-person donations would be one thing, but I don’t think it’s appropriate for a non-religiously affiliated corporation to endorse it.



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No I wasnt aware - I wonder if it is true - she doesnt provide any sources for the claims she is making on her blog.
Salvation Army is made up of different people and some people might have done these things.
But there are for example many bad stories about Michael which are not true.
I don´t know if this is true or not.
No I wasnt aware - I wonder if it is true - she doesnt provide any sources for the claims she is making on her blog.

Actually, there are links. Several of the lines have hyper links to the sources.

And googling about the topic shows a lot of results.
Hunterr, thanks for sharing this article. It's good to know which charity men can't fully trust when it comes to helping LGBT-people or other 'outsiders' in need. I find it only logical to withdraw your support and money from organisations if they act against your own believes or against your own loved community. For that matter I will not support the Salvation Army financially. It's better to support an organisation which does help all people, no matter sexuality, gender or background. People tend to discriminate the unknown. Taboos keep men ignorant. But at the end of the day everybody has their own believes, like I also have my believes. I can only hope tolerance towards LGBT will GROW among all communities.

According to documentry photographer Samantha Box, in her beautiful photodocumentry 'Invisible', half of the young homeless people in New York are LGBTQ. They struggle with the rejection from their homes, schools and churches, so it's a pain to read that these people also might be banned at the door of shelter homes. Their heartbreaking stories are invisible to many. Check 'Invisible' out!
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its awesome that some people still hold traditional values, im gonna send em an extra donation for it.