The Rocky Movies


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Is anyone else here a fan of Rocky? I think that those movies are fantastic and one of the cool things about them is that you don't need to be a boxing fan to enjoy them. The reason why i love them so much is something i can't explain, you just need to see them for yourself

My personal favorites are Rocky III and Rocky IV, and Rocky IV has one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. Songs like Burning Heart, Hearts On Fire, There's No Easy Way Out and Training Montage kick ass
Didn't Rocky IV have "Living in America" by JB in the soundtrack???

Yeah - the original Rocky film is great - classic tale of the underdog coming out on top - even if it had to spawn an inferior sequel for him to beat Apollo Creed....I enjoyed II & III but haven't seen beyond that!

Fave Rocky quote....

Mickey: "why do you wear that stinkin' sweatshirt?"

Rocky: "y'know Mick, this sweatshirt brings me luck...."

Mickey: "flies is what it brings!!"

Burgess Meredith - reminds me of my grandfather......
Yeah Rocky IV did have Living In America. Also an awesome song

Some of my favorite Rocky quotes

Interviewer - ''What's your prediction for the fight?''
Clubber Lang - ''Prediction?''
Interviewer - ''Yes prediction''
Clubber Lang - ........''Pain''


Ivan Drago - ''I must break you''

Clubber Lang - ''I reject the challange because Balboa is no challange but i'd be happy to beat up on him some more''

Clubber Lang - ''No i don't hate Balboa but i pity the fool or any man who tries to take what i got''
Good movies...Rocky 4 was definitely stand out and the music is incredible...Bill Conti is amazing!
OMG...Are you kidding me? I absolutely ADORE the Rocky movies. They have been my inspiration since I can remember. I have all the films.
I remember when Rocky Balboa came out, I was so excited. It felt like I was going to a concert or something. lol

My favorite is Rocky is part 1 no doubt. The direction was really classical and down to earth. But I love em all. Part 2 had that intense moment at the end when Rock and Creed hit the ring floor for the count. Love it. Also how he wasn't able to get a decent job because he didn't finish high school and couldn't read. So he starts working at a meat packing company doing hard labor work. But eventually gets pushed back in the ring through Apollos constant humiliating taunts.

Rocky 3 had a very powerful message about regaining meaning within you to succeed after a tragic loss. It was pretty sad but also very inspiring.
And come on... you can't go wrong with Mr.T as the heavy hitter Clubber Lang!

Rocky 4 was just a kick butt 80's revenge movie with great music and Ivan Drago.
"if I can change... and you can change... EVERYBODY CAN CHANGE!" *audience applauds* . :D

And part 5 (the one many disliked), really shows Rocky going back to his roots, including the way he used to talk in part 1 before he became civilized in part 3 -up.
I think Rocky 5 was a good film. But not a good bookend. The fact that he never hit the boxing ring in that film really upset movie goers.
But thanks to Rocky Balboa, Rocky 5 is an essential part of the saga now.

My favorite all time scene was when Rock was remembering Micky (Rocky 5) and Mickey threw that famous quote Mike Tyson's trainer used about staying alive long enough to see Rock do good.

"Get up you sonofabitch! Cuz Mickey loves ya". :cry:
Burgess Meredith was awesome.

He was also the Penguin in the 60s campy BATMAN tv shows. *pow! bam! zap!* :D

Sly is a very inspiring icon. I didn't know what to expect when he did Rocky Balboa at 60-61 years of age. But he blew me away. I was very happy with the film.
A great bookend.
So sad Adrien wasn't in it.

When I first saw Rocky, I had a huge crush on Talia Shire's character. She was so cute with her little hat and reading glasses and her shy/timid demeanor. :huggy:

A little trivia on Rocky 4 music composer Vince DiCola... He also did the music in the animated Transformers: The movie film of the 80s. You can actually really notice similar beats used for Unicron and Ivan Drago's eerie introduction music track before the fight with Rocky in Russia.
Cool topic buddies!
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I LOVE Rocky movies (Infact I have a couple of Rocky posters in my room :giggle:). They're definitelty on my list of favourite films, I've seen them so much I could probably recite them all but it never gets boring. I'm not a huge fan of Rocky Balboa (6), it just didn't have the same erm... "feel" as the older ones. They're all still awesome films though and true 'classics'.
I LOVE the Rocky movies, my favourite series of films. I remember going to watch Rocky Balboa the day it was released at my cinema, I loved it so much. And I got the Rocky Ultimate Collection Blu-Ray for Christmas! :D
Is anyone else here a fan of Rocky? I think that those movies are fantastic and one of the cool things about them is that you don't need to be a boxing fan to enjoy them. The reason why i love them so much is something i can't explain, you just need to see them for yourself

My personal favorites are Rocky III and Rocky IV, and Rocky IV has one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. Songs like Burning Heart, Hearts On Fire, There's No Easy Way Out and Training Montage kick ass

Yeah, I'm a big fan, too! Just as you said, I'm also not really a big fan of boxing but I'm lovin' these movies! I have them all in a collector's box as blu ray version.
My favorite is Rocky II but I also love Rocky I, V and the last - Rocky Balboa. I prefer the ones with more story and less boxing. Because that's what makes the movie really strong. The story is the best in these series of movies! :)
I like them all , i don't see why people don't like the 5th one, the end fight's awsome
Is their going to be anymore rockys because i know their will be a few more rambos
I like rambo aswell

I'm not a fan of Rambo's not my taste!
Dunno why...can't tell it exactly...!

Thats an awesome picture! Two of my favorite people.
MJ and SLy.

Oh and btw, Sly said no more Rocky. Rocky Balboa was the solid bookend to the saga. And though I wish there was more, its just not fair to keep throwing Rocky in the ring after a film like Rocky Balboa. That was his final bout. And it was awesome. :yes:

I'm not a huge Rambo fan myself but I very much love First Blood. That's a great film. First Blood part 2 and Rambo 3, were more like cash cow hollywood 80's action film. As much fun as I had when I first saw those films, they never hit the same powerful chord First Blood did.

Fun films though, if youre into that sorta cliche.:)
There's another pic from MJ with Sly but I don't have it here now...
I've just found this one...

Damn signatures are in the way! :lol:
Huge fan......I'm generally a pretty big fan of all Stallone's movies, but that series was probably his crowning achievement, though the "Rambo" franchise is probably pretty close in many people's minds.
I recently downloaded like a fan made 2 disc edition of the Rocky 4 Soundtrack.Some really awesome music and very well made,pretty much contains ever musical note that was in the movie.I feel like i am rediscovering the soundtrack all over again :D