The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?




So look at this dancer, and tell if she is spinning clockwise or anti-clockwise . You can sometimes will her to change direction. This is supposed to tell you whether you mostly use your right or left brain, and there is a little list to tell the common perception of what right or left brain even means.

^ This has a lot of comments from different people who can only see her spinning one way and others who can see her 'switch' direction. There are tips on how to focus on her to make her switch.

I can only see her spinning anti-clockwise and its impossible to see her going the other way.

How did you do?
I see clockwise so easily and it felt impossible to get her to switch but then when I looked down at her legs she started to but it was still hard to see. Ok now I can make her go in either direction. :) cool.
Wired. Allthough I love stuff like this:yes: I can only see her spin clockwise..
I've looked at this twice. First time, started off clockwise.. then I opened link and it was going anti-clockwise. Second time.. only clockwise. I have no idea why it happened and how.
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking
i look directly at it clock wise otherwise anti clockwise
She kept switching for me. She started out counter-clockwise and after awhile switched to clockwise, and it stayed for quite a bit, and then all of a sudden she switched back to counter clockwise. I wish she would make up her mind. Or my mind...or...

I probably use neither side of my brain. That could explain a lot. lol.
For the first time I got clockwise for about 10 minutes!

Ive just looked again and its back to anti-clockwise for me LOL
I saw this once in my Realistic Drawing course's forum (cause we are supposed to use the right side of the brain to draw). And we can make her spin in any direction we want:
- if u do a math problem (or even sth dumb like 2+2=4+3=7+3=10...) ur using the left side, so she'll turn anti-clockwise
- if u sing a song for example, ur using the right side, so she'll turn clockwise!

its cool to control her with our minds! :D

but the explanation to the gif is that its not 3d, it has no shadows or glows, so we dont see volume and that leaves our minds to decide which way shes spinning! :kickass2:

Cool stuff! :yes:
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I've looked, and looked, and looked and it seems only clockwise to me...I guess I only use the right side lol
I was her going anti-clockwise first and I couldn't make her go the other way but then I scrolled down and back up and then she went clockwise and now I can't make her go anti-clockwise anymore.:D

*oh, I just looked at it again and she's going anti-clockwise again:D*
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She went clockwise for me and after a while I managed to turn her anti-clockwise. But the clockwise direction seems to come more naturally :) This is pretty cool!
at first she was going clockwise but after a while I saw anti clockwise...then after a while i could make her change from clockwise to anticlockwise at will!! Its pretty cool...
I saw this once in my Realistic Drawing course's forum (cause we are supposed to use the right side of the brain to draw). And we can make her spin in any direction we want:
- if u do a math problem (or even sth dumb like 2+2=4+3=7+3=10...) ur using the left side, so she'll turn anti-clockwise
- if u sing a song for example, ur using the right side, so she'll turn clockwise!

its cool to control her with our minds! :D

but the explanation to the gif is that its not 3d, it has no shadows or glows, so we dont see volume and that leaves our minds to decide which way shes spinning! :kickass2:

Cool stuff! :yes:

Ur method about doing a maths problem helped me see her going anticlockwise...coz at first i could only see her going clockwise!
she's spinning anti clockwise to me, but more importantly she needs to put some clothes on before she gets a cold!!
it changed direction when i wasnt even looking at it. so its pretty much B.S
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it changed direction when i wasnt even loking at it. so its pretty much B.S

Yep. :lol: It actually changes direction on it's own. If you stare at it long enuf you can see when it switches. It has nothing to do with right brain or left brain. Look at her arms and legs. When spinning one way, she spins on one leg, with the corresponding arm out, and when spinning the other way, she's spinning on the opposite leg with the corresponding arm out. It's just a matter of catching her when she makes the switch...which isn't easy to see until you notice her going in the opposite direction. It happens very fast and sometimes randomly switches back and forth....just keep an eye on which leg she's spinning on. It's not the same leg for both directions. :wink:
It switches for me. At first she started out anti-clockwise and then she switched over to clockwise and hasn't switched back.
I've seen this a billion times and it can only be counter-clockwise for me. :doh: I must be missing something :doh: :lol: