The Reason the World Hated Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The World Hates the true Disciples of Jesus[youtube]Og2xs0J1CVQ[/youtube]

John 15: 18-26 from the Bible

18“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.</SPAN>

19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.</SPAN>

20Remember the words I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’<SUP>b</SUP> If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.</SPAN>

21They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me.

</SPAN>22If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin.</SPAN>

23He who hates me hates my Father as well.</SPAN>

24If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father.</SPAN>

25But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law:
‘They hated me without reason.’<SUP>c</SUP></SPAN>

26“When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.</SPAN>

That is sooooo TRUE :yes:
I do wonder why a message of "LOVE" so threathens the powers that be.
It can only be that the force of love radiates real forceful power, but human kind has yet to understand how to use it.
No offense, but I find this post kinda creepy. Michael was no holy, Jesus-like figure. He's made plenty of mistakes and for some of them, he was rightfully criticized. He was only human after all, and we all make mistakes. But this kind of 'worshipping' is what gives MJ fans around the world a bad name. "The World" never hated Michael Jackson. There are many videos on YouTube, even post 2005, that can testify to that. He has always been loved by millions of fans, and respected by even more neutrals. Yes, he was a punching bag for the media but the media does not represent the people. If that were the case, Michael would not have sold out 50 concerts right before his death as the media has labled him a 'has-been' since the 1990s. Michael was much more popular between 1990-2009 than he is given credit for.
the world didnt hate him. There was no hate during Thriller, and even as it got bad in the 90s he still had the diehards.

I agree the Jesus stuff makes US look like w.acko fans.
No offense, but I find this post kinda creepy. Michael was no holy, Jesus-like figure. He's made plenty of mistakes and for some of them, he was rightfully criticized. He was only human after all, and we all make mistakes. But this kind of 'worshipping' is what gives MJ fans around the world a bad name. "The World" never hated Michael Jackson. There are many videos on YouTube, even post 2005, that can testify to that. He has always been loved by millions of fans, and respected by even more neutrals. Yes, he was a punching bag for the media but the media does not represent the people. If that were the case, Michael would not have sold out 50 concerts right before his death as the media has labled him a 'has-been' since the 1990s. Michael was much more popular between 1990-2009 than he is given credit for.

I disagree. I think the point that the poster made was the fact that Michael wanted to aspire to live like Jesus. He himself said he wasn't Jesus, he just aspired to be more like him. Why is it that so many people think it's weird for fans to try to draw parallels to MJ and Jesus? Jesus was a disciplined man, a simple man who tried to spread the message of L.O.V.E. So did Michael.

Why do you interpret this posting this way? I don't. I see it as a soul trying to aspire to the purest form of L.O.V.E to spread to the whole world. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
please dont be so dramatic. the world did not hate him. show me another person that got love from every corner of the world by every race colour and creed as mj did. no other american ever did for a start
I disagree. I think the point that the poster made was the fact that Michael wanted to aspire to live like Jesus. He himself said he wasn't Jesus, he just aspired to be more like him. Why is it that so many people think it's weird for fans to try to draw parallels to MJ and Jesus? Jesus was a disciplined man, a simple man who tried to spread the message of L.O.V.E. So did Michael.

Because there is no need to compare Michael to Jesus. Jesus is worshipped. Michael is admired. When you mention Michael in the same breath as Jesus, it implies you worship Michael as well. Comments like these created the reputation of MJ fans being delusional and crazy.

Sure, Michael was an amazing human being who, as he said, tried to be God-like in his heart. I have no problem with fans acknowledging this. But to list Bible verses as if they speak about MJ goes too far for me.

Also, it just annoys me when people (fans or non-fans) dismiss the huge popularity MJ still had in the later years of his life and claim that "the whole world" hated him. Again, there is plenty of evidence that displays the incredible love and affection many people still had for Michael.
To quote Michael Jackson:
"LOVE IS IMPORTANT." :girl_butterfly:
Did the 'whole world' hate Michael? Certainly not. Must it have felt like that to him (and many that love him) many, many times? No doubt in my mind. Last I checked there are also many people who feel rather conflicted by statements such as 'died for our sins'- since apparently only chunks of 'the whole world' find themselves in agreement on that statement.

I also observe plenty of scripture quote in many signatures and threads- and typically nobody gets labeled a 'jesus freak' that opens all of fandom (is that another creative synonym for 'the whole world'?) to ridicule. There are plenty Christian themed threads around here.

I guess people get upset about the use of 'worship' and 'adoration'? 'Adoration' is used a great deal in all religions as well but I guess seems less offensive?

The first posting could be interpreted many ways and could be used to describe any (technical) Christian, or anyone else who would see a call to live by attributes Jesus seemed to stand for. (what that precisely is was always debated and will always be debated- last I checked Christians were very busy discussion the trinity/divinity and lotsa other 'inities' +schisms.

If anything, the non-Christian could use this opportunity to get ticked off because someone 'claims' MJ/or his fans/oops followers in the name of Christianity, but hopefully people just try to understand that that would be equally non-productive as Christian outrage, declaring these thoughts blasphemic. Atheists would shake their heads regardless- anything could be weird to someone, wait, who said that?

I could post Hindu scripture, the Kabbalah or theosophical writings and somebody would feel violated and think it whacky.

Some people feel something from Michael, others know something about Michael that they are trying to describe. Before discarding it as insult/whacky (by the way, aren't we the greatest hypocrites objecting to Michael being called '*****', yet people feel justified to describe others as whacky- whom they most likely never met? Funny that.) it might be interesting to find out what it is people are trying to describe. One might even learn something new.

People are trying to describe their impression of Michael- and they do that in the frame of reference they are most comfortable with. Sometimes people even share a similar frame of reference- and yet one of them still finds a new perspective. And a third party doesn't share either frame of reference- and describes their point of reference from a completely different angle.

Nobody has to be 'wrong', but sometimes it could be wise to simply allow that their could be more impressions than just one's own.
I don't necessarily agree with a conclusions the OP has- doesn't mean anyone has to be right or wrong. Sometimes it could be just a new way angle of thinking about something- even if you come to different conclusions.
No offense taken whatsoever.
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I dont believe that the world hated Michael... I think the media made it look like that. He was loved by billions.

I Comparing Michael to Jesus is wrong but I'd have to agree with his words... The quotes that Jesus said to his disciples kinda applies to Michael also...:)

I'm personaly not a christian and don't really belive into that whole God sort of thing, no offence to the people who do, I respect your religious beliefs as I was actually raised as a catholic and it was later when I became an athiest...

Michael Jackson was just hated when he became huge and when girls where getting wet when Michael would just wave at them or point to them, a lot of times even faint... He was also black, the first black artist to ever dare to do the things he did... Racism was obviously an issue here as people we're hating him for being that way and doing what he did. Also, the fact that he beat The Beatles's and Elvis's records for almost everything made people upset. He never got credit for that...
These are unique times, and I believe Michael Jackson is still with us somewhere in time and space.
Concentrate on that whichs is Good.
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Sweet post but his success and June 25th prove that the world ADORED him. It was the few yet powerful ones in the media.
I dont believe that the world hated Michael... I think the media made it look like that. He was loved by billions.

I Comparing Michael to Jesus is wrong but I'd have to agree with his words... The quotes that Jesus said to his disciples kinda applies to Michael also...:)


I agree with this. :yes: esp. the part about the media. The media has alot of power. It should be ban atleast the paparazzi/tabliod side. Those with soul & love in their hearts will know the truths right away.
