The real reason some of mj's family call him a drug addict?

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Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
I've been thinking and had alot of inspiration from this post from Elusive Moonwalker

'randy if u beleive some. as alot accuse him of being the sources for freidmans druggie articles back around 06. theres also the issue of wanting to blame something else for why your brother doesnt want to see you. so instead of looking at themselves as the reason they need to find an alternative.even if that alterantive just confirms u had no contact and no clue about what was happening in your bros life. but ratherthan that loking at the real reason ie YOU'

thankyou Elusive for your post.

Is it not maybe the fact that Mike fell out/lost contact with some of his family, so now in revenge they label him an addict to explain his behaviour? They just can't accept he cut them out of his life and his will so this is their revenge? It would explain alot.
You don't hear Katherine calling her son an addict because they were close. The more Joe, Randy and Janet call MJ a druggie the more bitter they look to me. Thought Jan was okay but see dosen't seen to have a brain of her one when it comes to her brother's death.
thankyou Elusive for your post.
your welcome. all it does to me is confirm how much they didnt have a clue about mj.and how he kept himself away from them to the point where they never knew what he was doing. someone made a good point about look at the family photo from the get together in may. all the family practically were in it bar mj and his kids. obviously cause he knew ppl couldnt be trusted not to leak the pic. than as soon as june happens out pops pics of mj and blanket at the event..thefamily are totally ununited some call him a druggie while nephews ect say he wasnt. they dont seem to have bothered with the autopsy report just believe what ever is told to them by certain ppl.they question for some is why? even if you bro was a raving druggie why would you even put that info out there especially when it will help the person who killed your bro get off? they are they really that thick or theres something else behind it? mj not leaving them anything in his will was prob his biggest mistake. i guess even he thought they wouldnt betray him to this extent.

those who spent time around him ie the second generations state one thing while those who were never around him see to take the lead from imo randy. u have janet and rebbie acting like sheep even though they admit they never saw him.and when questioned about diprivan they act as if they never heard of it.but when u have the likes of rebbie giving away mj gifts to be auctioned off on june 25th u really have to wonder about the mentality of it just glad mj is here to see it. i wish i could say the same because this betrayal is as bad as it gets.and it tears me apart inside.

how they have the cheak to say u lost and idle we lost a bro is beyond me talk about insulting. its a shame they dont start acting like that. while we mourn all they can do is look for $ no wonder mj spent more time with his fans than his own fmily. he knew we would never betray him and always be there no matter what.
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Guys there are plenty of threads where you can vent your feelings over this in a constructive way, we don't need a whole new thread about it.
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