The Real Housewives of NYC And New Jersey


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do any of you watch these shows? I swear, these GROWN women act like high school girls. A few of them I just wanna tell them to shut their pie hole! LOL!!
Not if I live to be a thousand. I've seen snippets because my 76 years old mother watches these shows and sometimes she puts them on while I'm visiting (so I am trapped). I cannot believe it! :scratch::)
They keep telling the other how they are so High School, but all of them are to a degree, some more than others if you ask me. On the NYC show, Ramona is so damn rude it's pathetic, and she really ought to be ashamed of herself, and ALex, well, she is another story altogether. LOL!!! I love Jill Zaren!!!

The New Jersey show cracks me up. Caroline is ok. I really think she needs to stop telling her sister in law who she can and can't hang out with.

Teresa comes right on out and says how she and her hubby have an active sex life, like I care. LOL! They really give Danielle a hard time. We all make mistakes. Who is Caroline and the rest of them for that matter, to judge her for her past. We all have one.

All in all, I do get a good laugh out of these ladies. They look stupid most of the time.