The Princess of POP * Britney Spears*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

celebrites and fans share their love for her

wow i don't think i seen such hype and love for a female pop star than britney spears and i thought madonna being her num 1 fan was cute when madonna was such a huge influence in her life as an artist
You know, I used to really dislike Britney. (when she was still talking about virginity while obviously selling sex, just came across as fake to me)
But I have to admit she knows how to put on a show and she has proved that she was not just some teen sensation, since she is still around & selling records.
I respect her for that and she did have and still has some fun songs.

If you see all of her performances back to back you see that she had some very memorable moments (For instance the Mtv 2001 performance of "I'm a slave for you").
The one thing she has that a lot of artists seem to lack at the moment is personality.
You could believe that she was being herself. It is nice seeing that in a performer.

I do not like the lipsynching in concert though and I think if she wouldn't use the baby voice while singing that she would sound much better. I saw some clips of when she was younger and she had a much bigger voice, I don't know why she doesn't show that now.
You know, I used to really dislike Britney. (when she was still talking about virginity while obviously selling sex, just came across as fake to me)
But I have to admit she knows how to put on a show and she has proved that she was not just some teen sensation, since she is still around & selling records.
I respect her for that and she did have and still has some fun songs.

If you see all of her performances back to back you see that she had some very memorable moments (For instance the Mtv 2001 performance of "I'm a slave for you").
The one thing she has that a lot of artists seem to lack at the moment is personality.
You could believe that she was being herself. It is nice seeing that in a performer.

I do not like the lipsynching in concert though and I think if she wouldn't use the baby voice while singing that she would sound much better. I saw some clips of when she was younger and she had a much bigger voice, I don't know why she doesn't show that now.

its most probably puberty especially when your a singer your singing voice change drasctically
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destiny's child used to be opening acts for her concerts also when they first came out
Britney Spears

What do you think about her?
I was actually a fan of her before but not anymore..
She had changed so much since she married Kevin.
I really like the old and innocent Britney that she was :(
Re: Britney Spears

I dont pay attention to Britney the person, her life is hers, I dont care what she does in her personal life. I think that her music is still good today! Her circus album was really good IMO. I dont think people gave it a chance though because of all the drama she was going through. But atleast her music is good, it makes me sing along so mission accomplished by BritBrit.. haha! Of course her style was different when she first came out, but all artists change overtime. But she's still aight!