the Prince Of Pop!?? WTF is wrong with these people


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
im sorry but i am so DISSAPOINTED in the news reporters in Australia right now.
i dont know how things are where yous all are but tonight on the news the allegations started POURING in.drugs , debbie rowe saying there not his kids , michaels financial CRISIS,even articles saying Michael was a destrucitve being who was never ment to LIVE!!?. I was coping OK with hearing all this UNTIL they started reffering to him as THE PRINCE OF POP!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????.

please tell me there not saying that anywhere else,its not all reporters but it seems that the ones that are againts Michael are ridiculing him and expressing there horrible oppinions about him :(.I know where going to expect this for a while but how the hell do you deal with hearing it. THE PRINCE OF POP!!?? i cant get over that
Well who is suppossed to be the King?.......
they are ignorant,every1 knows michael is king and his sons are the prince's
I know, I was like Prince of pop? Fuck Australian media, believing anything the others say.
It's a few people worldwide that still do that. But it's the KING title that will remain. Don't worry about that.
Ugh. I've chosen not to watch the news tonight. I can't. Watching it earlier today made me just furious. I haven't been here long enough to see the outback but I'll tell you what, after what I saw on the news earlier, I want to GO into the outback and just SCREAM for like ten minutes. I'm so tense from all this stuff they are saying at once. It's like let's hit him while we low can we go........ It's like a friggin' witch hunt!
Michael, The Prince of Pop? Sorry, I only know him as The King of Pop. I don't even know what a Prince of Pop is lol. Well whoever it is, it aint Mike. MJ is the one and only eternal King of Pop and that's that!
Someone calls him ex-king of pop, someone calls him prince...
But he will be forever the king of pop. There will be no more kings like Mike or Elvis in the future. Mike is the KING. FOREVER. And don't matter what the media says.
its so frustrating. i gues when they see the millions and millions and millions all around the world paying there respects,all together. all races,colour,religion,age and culture.Thats what will shut them up and if that isnt proof to what this man ment to us then nothing will ever change these devils
The media owners are really ugly on the inside thus their networks and publications are equally as ugly...and worthless. No one will remember these talking heads and tabloid journalists. Michael, on the other hand, will always be remembered.
~Once a king, always a king~
forever and eturnity .

please ignore those fuckers .
There are so many craps still written about Mike.
it's still the same craps..
As an aussie currently in the UK I have been disgusted to note that every time i see an australian news story they seem to have latched on to the most unrealistic, way-out, sensationalist crap - they are publishing only the worst of the worst and looking for every angle that is wierd, freaky, unhinged, bizarre etc.

Im ashamed and on behalf of "my country" im sorry for how this is being handled. Not all aussies condone this, many, many many of us love Michael deeply.

Australian media are scum and what ever happened to ethics in journalism???