The power of the Freemasons (Michael related)


Proud Member
Mar 5, 2005
I was just doing some reading on the Freemasons and i came across a forum website, where i read some interesting things. This forum was just talking about all the facts of the Freemasons.

"The Brotherhood is all powerful: all top level members of the police and military forces are placed there through the Brotherhood as Brotherhood tools. Judges and lawyers, media moguls, businessmen, and politicians, are recruited so that no member of the Brotherhood elite is ever in danger of being held accountable by the System for any crime or misdemeanour.

The Brotherhood can, and quite literally does, get away murder because it is also the law which opposes it. If a non Brotherhood member should slip through the net and achieve high status then there are ways to ensure that such people are unable to achieve their full potential. It infiltrates every area of our society at all levels but at the top, in the highest social and monetary bracket, the Brotherhood prevails almost in total."

Now i'm not sure if i misinterpreted what has been said here, but i believe this is what happened to Michael. He was too famous for there liking. He was at a stage where he could influence a lot of people and because he never joined them he had things thrown at him, and when that didn't work he was killed.
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Re: The power of the Freemasons

I believe there is some truth to this. I also believe there is a secret government as well. Just look up the word Bilderberg:

The BilderbergGroup, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military, and media. Each conference is held under intense security and secrecy. -

CEOs from Coca Cola, International Monetary Fund, Blackwater as well as other Military organizations...etc. They only invite those who are at the top of these fields. Here is a rare press release from them

This committee was created for "off-the-record" discussions.

Things that make you go hmmm...
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Re: The power of the Freemasons

I'm starting to believe this now. Michael was trying to expose systems that work this way and look what happened.
Re: The power of the Freemasons

I've always believed that Michael was part of them.
Re: The power of the Freemasons

There were some people talking about this on youtube and saying these were the real people that killed Michael Jackson among other celebrities leaders, Dr. King, Malcom X, Tupac, Biggie etc...

They said the Illuminati was the cause. A secret society or elite group. There might be some truth to this I dunno but I do agree that there are alot of people working behind the scenes especially in the government.

Here is a link for info about the Illuminati:
Re: The power of the Freemasons

Yep u be surprise what goes on in this Crazy World!
Re: The power of the Freemasons

I've always believed that Michael was part of them.

"The Brotherhood is all powerful: all top level members of the police and military forces are placed there through the Brotherhood as Brotherhood tools. Judges and lawyers, media moguls, businessmen, and politicians, are recruited so that no member of the Brotherhood elite is ever in danger of being held accountable by the System for any crime or misdemeanour.

If he was apart of them then he wouldn't have gone through being accused of Child molestation. The Freemasons would have protected him.

Another point i wanna make is that Michaels career would of gone 10x further if he had joined them. But because he never, they threw the child molestation claims at him to ruin himself and his career.

"..once accepted into the organisation, many personal advantages would be on offer: improved career prospects with promotion easier to achieve, more prosperous lifestyles, and obstacles to success would be made to disappear".

I bet they were furious when they heard that Michael had sold out his tickets for his concert, since they had tried to ruin his career that they killed him.
Michael wasn't apart of any organization. I believe he was targeted by some of these people IMO. Michael had his own power. I don't want to get too wraped up in this because my mind is on overload at the moment. You never know!

The world is scary and has some scary people living in it... secrecy and power..crazy shit. I miss Michael.
Look I don't know if this stuff is true but there was a thread on this before and it had to be closed because some people complained it was offensive to religious beliefs.

I do know that someone posted a link to a forum that was talking about Michael back in 2006/2007/2008 in relation to him exposing this stuff.

I'd rather just live in ignorance to this, scares me too much.

If people wanted Michael dead, they would've done it 25 years ago..........

It's like killing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after he had stepped down as President of the USA and brought equality between races across America!!!!

And anyway, there are more important people in the World that these people don't like!!!!
I've always believed there might be some truth to this, if not complete truth. Shoutout to the threadstarter. I'm open to many possibilities surrounding his death.


If people wanted Michael dead, they would've done it 25 years ago..........

It's like killing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after he had stepped down as President of the USA and brought equality between races across America!!!!

And anyway, there are more important people in the World that these people don't like!!!!
All the media attacks, the allegations, and the trial, all those things he went through when he was alive, which put him through a living hell. And now he's gone. Don't you see that their only goal is not limited to actually killing him? They must have wanted to see him suffer alive.

And honestly, I can't think of more important people than MJ in the music industry/the show business esp. as an individual artist, in terms of worldwide influence. For decades, he's been representing the power of popular culture. No one else has done that the way he's been doing.
Who or What is the Freemasons may I ask?

i wanted to explain it properly so i found an explanation on this page.

"Who and what are the Freemasons?
The Freemasons is one of the world's oldest secular fraternal societies, made up of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Members - called freemasons, masons or lodgers - have to believe in a "supreme being" and be of "good repute". Worldwide, there are roughly 5 million members."

However other people say that "it is a business cult, a satanic religion and a political conspiracy".

^^Hope this helps :)
Hey interesting thread! I have my own theory about this whole conspiracy, but yes I do believe Michael was definitely targeted by a secret society. They couldn't just murder him it wouldn't have been enough. The illuminate/ free masons/- a secret society does exist. When Michael decided he no longer wanted to be controlled by these people, just like tupac ect, they tried to ruin him. And remember, a conspiracy theory is only a THEORY if it hasn't been proven right? if there is no evidence? well, has anyone picked up a dollar bill and took notice of the picture on the back called the seal of America? ....well that's just the being.

Michael was murdered (this is what i believe you are free to disagree!). Why? because, the coroner report came back and said he was a healthy 50year old- his organs, blood, brain were a 100% healthy. The only thing that was found was the mixture of drugs Murray injected that killed him. Although there are many people that emerged and said Michael was a 'drug addict; and 'regularly taking drugs' (People such as that one guy that can bend spoons i forget his name!!) there are also a huge amount of people that emerged and said the other, they had never witnessed MR. Jackson take any sort of drugs, not even an aspirin i.e his spokes person the one that was with his during the trial. He passed the physical for the 50 shows with 'flying colours' and even the footage in this is it reveals that although he was skinny, he was energetic, vibrant, not a crippling drug addict. The coroner report, i repeat, said his organs were healthy, including his liver- which if he was a long time drug addict would have revealed it.

The media, this secret group of people, have masterminded this coverup of Michael's murder. The rest of the public are happy to believe what ever the papers write.
I've always believed there might be some truth to this, if not complete truth. Shoutout to the threadstarter. I'm open to many possibilities surrounding his death.

All the media attacks, the allegations, and the trial, all those things he went through when he was alive, which put him through a living hell. And now he's gone. Don't you see that their only goal is not limited to actually killing him? They must have wanted to see him suffer alive.

And honestly, I can't think of more important people than MJ in the music industry/the show business esp. as an individual artist, in terms of worldwide influence. For decades, he's been representing the power of popular culture. No one else has done that the way he's been doing.

These people deal in absolutes..........If they want someone dead, they'll get it done!!!

And anyway, these people don't usually bother with people in show-business...unless they have political connections. These people deal in much higher matters. Usually something to do with conflict and war.

And if what you say is true (which is highly unlikely), then even the Official Coroners report is fabricated to cover what really happened!!!!!!....That's how these people work!!!!
These people deal in absolutes..........If they want someone dead, they'll get it done!!!

And anyway, these people don't usually bother with people in show-business...unless they have political connections. These people deal in much higher matters. Usually something to do with conflict and war.

And if what you say is true (which is highly unlikely), then even the Official Coroners report is fabricated to cover what really happened!!!!!!....That's how these people work!!!!

Dude they'll deal with anyone who's got power over the people.

Michael had more than most.
Dude they'll deal with anyone who's got power over the people.

Michael had more than most.

Ditto. There is hardly anyone else (i can't think of anyone at all actually!) in the world that has a larger following than The MJ. When Michael did anything, like even squat a fly or something, the whole world would be watching- he had a lot of power.
...also think about how much coverage MJ got when he revealed the shows? the public were foaming at the mouth (okay not literally)- but he had their complete attention and he hardly had to try. Then couple that with what MJ's message in his songs and concerts was usually about- 'they don't care about us!'
thank you for this thread they want us not to believe but sense i have family in the music industry who are saying all of this stuff thats getting out is real.

Glad some of you fans are seeing the light here is a few of his speeches to get into this hole grimmy movement in 1994 at the NAACP he spoke against them U this one about race just pay attention he calls them “they” this is when he went hard at the industry exposing them for those of you who haven’t seen it

Some of you saw when he address SONY record label and Tommy failures

True story I’m surprise no body mention this about This is it movie when he spoke about peace and love and once again exposing them. This person who post this part up on you tube did a good job. it’s a shame Michael been stressing and forcing this to get out for some long sadly it takes his death every day I’m hurt. Even blood on the dance floor album cover woke me up thanks to my father for schooling me damn Michael had enough.

Not all masons are bad because I have two family members who are masons as for the music industry them masons there are join with the S-society witch goes back 1776 when it all started. All i'm saying is trust and believe in god pray every day don't let noting get in your way show love give love just love one another. please
Dude they'll deal with anyone who's got power over the people.

Michael had more than most.

I personally do believe that Michael had the power, he had the political connections, and not only this.

he was a tool. He was totally unique, there was nobody like MJ, because he was not a politician, he was not the real businessman - he was the most famous/known person on planet, Id say even more known that the Pope or American presidents..., but had everything, money, power and legions of fans, media were crazy about him, and the hysteria in media, the buzz... that was one part of MJs status...

I tend to believe that something is not "right"...
Dude they'll deal with anyone who's got power over the people.

Michael had more than most.

Exactly. You guys heard about the FBI reports -how the trials alone posed as a terrorist threat. A terrorist threat? I mean come on! Only Michael had that kind of popularity and power to have the whole world watch and see what was going to happen next.

I'm not saying he was murdered...then again, what do I know? I just want to have an open mind and not rule out other possibilities of what may have happened.
The rest of the public are happy to believe what ever the papers write.

i've noticed that, however newspapers are not allowed to print stuff that might make the freemason look bad. Because i was online on a news website looking at some freemasons stuff ages ago and it wrote about them in detail. e.g what they don't want us to know.
Like 3 days later the article had been edited and it only spoke about them as just an organisation. obviously they must have told that news channel to remove that information.
- he was the most famous/known person on planet, Id say even more known that the Pope or American presidents..., but had everything, money, power and legions of fans, media were crazy about him, and the hysteria in media, the buzz... that was one part of MJs status...
HA i just had this thought. Every country has heard of Michael Jackson. Now can all countries name the worlds presidents/prime ministers.

These discussions get banned.

Well i don't see why this thread should be closed. I don't see how this would offend anyone.
i wanted to explain it properly so i found an explanation on this page.

"Who and what are the Freemasons?
The Freemasons is one of the world's oldest secular fraternal societies, made up of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Members - called freemasons, masons or lodgers - have to believe in a "supreme being" and be of "good repute". Worldwide, there are roughly 5 million members."

However other people say that "it is a business cult, a satanic religion and a political conspiracy".

^^Hope this helps :)

That helped alot :) Thanks :)