The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....

No, usagi, that is not accurate. How do you feel about that? :)

The person below me likes to joke around with their friends?
Re: The person below me....

not at this moment

the person below me likes helping others
Re: The person below me....

Yeah, but what did it get me, I ask you? *laughs* I flaked in college, though. Graduated by the skin of my teeth!

The person below me knows all the words and can sing along with Jiminy Cricket, "When You Wish upon a Star"
Re: The person below me....


the person below me is going to be productive today:D
Re: The person below me....


The person below my has something worrying them on their mind?
Re: The person below me....

When I have them yes... I cant remember the last time I ate breakfast before going to work :mello:

The person below me has ticklish feet?
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Re: The person below me....

No, I really don't. I just say to myself, the person who is tickling me is trying to get a rise out of me and I refuse to give them the satisfaction!

Lorraine, breakfast is the most important meal! But then again...sweetened cereals can't help in that way....hmm...not much nutrition.

The person below me misses a friend?
Re: The person below me....

I know, I am just in such a rush in the mornings... ok i'm naughty, I'll start making time lol

Yes I do...

The person below me still has a friend today that they have had since school days?
Re: The person below me....

No, I move on a lot in friendships. I believe people come into our lives at different seasons for particular reasons...for a time. I do have a friend now in my life that I have known for about 15 years. She just might be a keeper. *laughs*

The person below me dressed up as a princess when she was a little girl?
(please let a female post next) :angel:
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Re: The person below me....

I would JUST DIE first. (good question, though)

The person below me has been hired before to jump out of a cake? :p
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Re: The person below me....

No :lol: that would be cool though to do for a family member you havent seen in years :giggle:

The person below me has never had to have a tooth filled?
Re: The person below me....

I wish!

The person below me has no anxiety about having their blood taken?
Re: The person below me....

Oh I do! I hate it, My veins are like invisable lol I have to get slapped about a bit to get them to pop up :puke: :lol:

The person below me has had to stay in hosptial over night before?
Re: The person below me....

Yes, ICU in fact. Not a pleasant night.

The person below me has won running races in school?
Re: The person below me....

no but I did win trophies in junior high in 3 sports:D

the person below me likes to shop online
Re: The person below me....

Way to go, Pua! Which three sports?

Yes, I must admit I find it rather convenient. It comes with disappointments though.

The person below me knows how to do the hemlock maneuver?