The passing of our Angel


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA

The Passing of our Angel
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 01:59PM
June 25, 2009, seems like the day the music died along with so much more. Since the age of 12, I remember that beautiful face, that angelic voice that made you just want to dance. Just one glance and you were hooked. The sweetest smile and those eyes that could draw you in like a full moon above the ocean. His heart, that was too big to fit into that divine body. Your kind sweet nature and humility made us fall in love forever.

Here we are a year later, Michael is gone and all of our dreams are shattered. Each night before I fall asleep I think about how much I miss him and each morning when I wake, I still can't believe he is gone. They say that time heals all wounds but time has forgotten this one. I wish everyday this pain would subside just a bit and the tears would stop. I walk around in a daze wondering why? “Why, did it happen this way, why did you have to leave so early and so tragically? “

If I could tell Michael, one thing it would be, “I 'm sorry." I 'm sorry for all the people who hurt and disappointed you. I am sorry for those that you trusted who betrayed you. I 'm sorry for the media who misunderstood and used you. I'm sorry for the loneliness your genius created. I am sorry you died at the hands of someone who cared only for himself and never thought of you, or your children. Michael, I'm sorry for the Justice system that has completely failed you.
Please forgive us.

I would also tell you that we love you and miss you everyday. I pray that you found the solace peace and love you deserve. I pray you know about all the hearts that were broken when you left. Do you see the rivers of tears and hear the cries of those that grieve? Do you hear the prayers sent to heaven and see the flowers left for you on earth? Do you see the pain on our faces? Do you know how many want nothing more than to have you back?

As we approach the one year anniversary, of your passing we will join together, hand in hand, broken heart next to broken heart. We will honor your life and your legacy. From around the world they will come, to stand before the greatest that lived amongst us and who will live within our hearts for eternity. We will fight for the injustice and look out for your children. They to will always be a part of us.

Michael, you are our family and we are yours. I hope we will make you proud and live our lives with our hands extended to those who need them. Your message will be passed to generations to come. We will remember the things that were important to you and they will be important to us. We will set the record straight and one person at a time we will vindicate you. Thank you for loving us but we really did love you more.
R.I.P our angel, your darkness is over and ours is just beginning.

Please help us honor a man who gave us so much. On June 25, 2010 join us at Forest Lawn, Glendale CA. As we remember and mourn, our King Of Pop and King Of Hearts. We are hoping to provide a ceremony worthy of your grace.

Please if you can donate to the one rose project and the love for doves. We want this day to be as special as he was.!/group.php?gid=112633555419436&ref=ts