The Original "They Don't Care About Us"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Every time I listen to "They Don't Care About Us", I get so angry and enraged when I hear those stupid sounds they used to cover up the words "jew" and "kyke". It really aggravates me that the media and certain groups could just twist the words into some apparently display of "anti-semitism"... it's a joke that these people did this and it's only because Michael's so loving that he felt obliged to insert these noises. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the ORIGINAL song, without these stupid noises, which are the product of a hater-filled world wanting to drag Michael's name through the dirt, using whatever they have (which is absolutely nothing real at all). I really want to replace the "new" version in my playlist with the original one, which is Michael's true song. I hate those noises so much... to me they symbolize people using Michael as a way to elevate themselves and to drag his name down, and it enrages me so much I hate it and the sick f#cks who engaged in this sort of sick activity.

If anyone knows where I can get the original I'd be very happy. I love you so much, Michael.
Isn't the original on the HIStory album? I swear mine say's 'jew' and 'kyke' still.
the original on the history album is different i know he had to make a change in the lyrics cause it was to offending or something..
on the HIStory album, noises were inserted, whereas on later compilation CDs, the lyrics were duplicated so that the "jew" and "kyke" lines never come up. if anyone can give me or can tell me where to get the original, I'd be VERY greatful. it offends me that there are sick f#cks out there who claim this song is 'anti-semitic' and say this only to draw attention to their own miserable selves.
I have a first pressing of HIStory from the United states... mine is unedited! :D