the one who always comforted me...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hardenberg, Netherlands
Through all the years i,m a fan michael always stood by.....
In happy times but also in the bad times he was the one to comfort me....

Now i,m in pain and he,s not there....i can,t find comfort in his music.
It feels like a big flesh wound.....and people are putting salt in it.....

i can,t handle it today.

Yesterday i went to madame tussaud and i broke by seeing michael,s staue.......i felt him so close and yet so far...
I really can,t handle it.

And the pain seems to get worse every day.
I don,lt know whta to do anymore at this heart is hurting.
I wan tmichael back!

I,m so angry at god...he,s not my friend at this moment.....not at all.....

crying my eyes out seeing michaels statue....

Michaels hand and mine.....together we can heal the world.

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Michael was also here for all the important moments in my life! When I passed my diploma 2 years ago, the first thing I did ws to listen to Michael's music! When I passed my driving test, I also listened to Michael! I can listen some rock songs when I feel good and also calm songs when I feel sad! But Michael was and is still in my life! He will be forever!

The best thing you can do is to pray for Michael! You also have to continue listening his music! His music will alwazs live! He deserve it! We, fans, are proud of Michael legacy, so stay strong and show to the world what family we are!
*hugging you* I know it hurts hunny.
I feel the same. Sometmes i cant tell when one day ends at the other begins.
If you need anything or wanna talk.. PM me.. or anyone else here for that matter. thats what we're here for. We're family now..
This is exactly how I feel. Michael has always been my main source of comfort and now that he's gone, there's just nothing. It's awful, I have never felt so lost in my whole life. I want him back, too.
what happened to Michael wasnt God' fault

but i do undestand what you say. there were moments in my life when only Michael kept me sane and victorious. he always always always was there for me. and i couldnt give anything in return. because what he was always doing is a precious gift - from day to day "watch, learn, love"

i think it might be the time now when i should start giving back. it's not easy, it wasnt easy for Michael either.
I know exactly how you feel. Michael was my life, he was the reason I woke up everyday. And now when he's gone everything to me seem to be... pointless. When I found out about you-know-what I felt like I was dying myself right then.
I know michael had a message to the world.
I want to spread his message and love, that,s the less i can do ....that,s the thing that we all need to do.
This men did so much for the world. and together we can kae the difference.
I won,t hurt myself although i,m in so much pain right now....i don,t know how to handle it.
i first need my rest and in the future?
I,m gonna make michael proud so he can look down on me and smile.....
That.s the promise i,ll make to you all.....

Thank you all for the sweet words...
i do feel a little bit better now......
although i,m very scared of what will happen to me when i,m in londen at the 13th of july......*sight*
I feel the same way, my only comfort is gone now :(
I don't know what to do to fill that big empty place in my heart that I feel ...
I don't know, I heard the sad news the minute it was on CNN and I still have this feeling that I'm going to pack my bags the morning of juli 22nd to see Michael that night.
It's so surreal to me.

I've missed every Michael Jackson concert in Holland because of money problems or other problems and this was my biggest wish, seeing him perform just once in my life.

Now my biggest wish is that Michael would still be alive........................
mier, ik zou naar zijn openingsconcert gaan.....13 juli gaat mijn vliegtuig.
ook ik vole me alsof mike er die avond gewoon staat. het moet gewoon.......
the title of this thread was the only thing i've been thinking about during the last week and maybe for my whole life.

thank you.
Michael has always been there for me, through the bad and the good.
I listen to his music every day for many years. He was who I turned to if I ever needed support. His music got me through it all. I could relate so much to his life too. Now I feel so empty and sad every day.
I feel dead inside.I am dead inside.I have lost myself ,my dream,my hope,my faith.
I have no more faith in life,God,and love.It's all for nothing.There's no meaning to all this...all I see is tears.I have lost myself in pain."there is no me without you"-who said that?
I never thought I would live in a world where Michael was not there. I have relied on him for so long, it is like someone has pulled the rug out from under me.
This is exactly how I feel. Michael has always been my main source of comfort and now that he's gone, there's just nothing. It's awful, I have never felt so lost in my whole life. I want him back, too.

Same here. But after some days I can listen to his music again and it happens to me again, he and his music can comfort me, heal me. He's with me everytime! He'll be with me forever!
I feel you Jenny! Michael was there every step of the way, both in good and in bad times. Whatever happend, there were always songs that either had an uplifting or a comforting effect on me.

But you know what, the music didn't die with him! Michael won't be there anymore to share his passion in person, but the music lives on. The power, the dedication, the love... it's all still there, in the music! He will still touch your soul if that music comes out of your speakers.

It may be difficult now, but in time I hope you can continue to draw strenght out of his music the way you did before his passing. Afterall, the music is his legacy to us all. He will live on through it and it will be with us forever. Hang in there!
I know exactly how you feel. I feel dead inside, just totally... dead. Michael was always there for me somehow. His music, videos... all of it just gave me this amazing comfort. He saved me from a depression and is one of the big reasons for why I am still here. And now he's just.... gone.

But somehow, these last few days I just... I don't know. I began listening to his music again and suddenly it's comforting again. It's not him saving me yet, but it's trying to give me a little bit of comfort at least. And it helps so much, to be in that Michael-world for just a few minutes before the reality comes crashing down again.... I really hope that happens to you to, that you can find some comfort in his music again soon.
I couldn't at first either. Big hugs to you
Michael was also there for me, since I was very little... through thick and thin he was there as an angel, and always in my dreams...

He helped a great deal when I was going through depression and his music gave me strength... I feel so weak now, feel like I cant accomplish anything anymore...:( But I know I will...this wound will heal, God will help me and our angel Michael will be there by God's side looking down on us, making sure God keeps blessing us everyday...
Sometimes i dunno what to feel anymore. I also felt that Michael was always there for me when i needed him and i feel a bit bad that i wasn't really there for him when he needed me. I know that is rubbish coz MJ knew how much he was loved by his fans. I never believed in the rubbish the media told him and many people have called me crazy for it but i didn't care. When i was lonely i played You are not alone countless times and that cheered me up coz i always had the feeling he did sing it specially for me to cheer me up. At the history statue last saturday i also felt so close to MJ and yet so far away.

Also the last few days i keep dreaming that Michael and I are at Neverland, talking while sitting under a tree enjoying the sun and then a while later it switches too someone of 3T showing me around an empty Neverland because Michael has died. And then i wake up and i feel like i cn cry any moment.

I hope that one day Michael's music can cheer me up again as it always had because Micheal will always be there in our hearts. For now i just feel emptiness when i listen to his songs and yet i have to listen to them a lot allthough it doesn't give me much comfort yet, i don't cry either.
still i feel bad.
I thought the last two days were better.
But it starts all over again!
next monday i,m in londen....i,m flying over.......and i just want him to be there.he has too......he should come back!
it sounds so selfisch, but life without him is not so colourfull anymore.
earth lost some colours by losing michael.

i have to go on, but how?
Someone tell me how!
I lost all interest in different things.
When this will hold on i seriously think about going to see a docter.........
I never experienced being depressed......but i seem closed to it...
At daytime it,s okay...i work hard.....but in the evenings and the hard.
Gosh, I don't know how to move on, I wish there was an answer.. The pain is so hard to deal with every day, it is going to leave scares, scares that will last forever but also the love will last forever..
Please remember everyone that time heals all wounds. It is so painful now, I can relate to all of you with that, but we must have hope. Please continue to push forward; for Michael's sake. It is what he wound want from all of us, who loved him so much. :)

Feel free to add me on MSN - if you want to talk...I'm here for all of you. We must continue to support each other.

Hugs all around xoxox
I also still dunno how to handle this. It's just so hard.
My days have been like.. getting up, check if there is any new information, go to work, when i'm home go online and check for information again and post a bit and then i go to sleep again. Sometimes i watch a DVD or go shopping but that's more to check some stores if they have anything of Michael. I can't even get myself to clean my room.

I think i might be really close to a depression aswell. I have been feeling bad for a while now actually but I felt so much better when i found out 2009 would be a good year but now it turned into the most horrible year it seems so i'm pushed back in the negative and bad feelings. I go to London in september.. That's gonna be so hard but i hope it might help me somehow.

I've been thinking of going to see a doctor aswell but i decided to wait till after London. Coz it's still all so 'fresh'.
He was the one that comforted me too, but you have to look at the bright side of it, he has helped you in so many ways, he he has raised you into this wonderful human being there is, that is one of the things you have to remember, he's only done good deeds in the world, he helped you when you NEEDED comfort the most, and still will! You just have to get to the point where you cherish AND remember Michael in a good way, don't put your energy on the BAD, cause that's not how I want to remember Michael.

He was the one that made me smile, he was the one that made me laugh he was the one that made me cry also, even if his BODY isn't with us anymore, his SOUL is, he lives inside of you, just reach out your hand and you can feel it, you can FEEL the energy, feel the power, it's RIGHT there if you want to believe.

There's a time
we must keep on trying
smile, whats the use of crying
you'll find
that life is still worthwhile
if you just
oh god, this thread had made me cry. Its so painful. I had not realised how much I had come to depend on him for support and comfort. If I had a terrible day coming here and finding that michael had been out in a bright green blazor and red pj bottoms or a woman's jacket or smurf t shirt lifted my spirits so much. And to see him feel that. Just knowing he was somewhere doing something was comforting. I hate that he is gone and just as he was about to take over the world again. It's so hard right now, now this board should be buzzing but ive forgotten what it feels like to be excited. I could face anything before but know im afraid, ive been thrown into existential dread and desperately trying to formulate opinions and beleifs in afterlife and meaning of existence, i had never had reason to before.

The music and video of him does bring comfort, but to adjust to a life without his little visits into our world is proving very hard indeed.