The One Rose for Michael Jackson at Forest Lawn World-wide fan event, June 25th 2014


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
It has just been announced on FB that this year's One Rose event is open for donations.

From FB:
Each rose represents a heart of a fan worldwide but
Together its a blanket of LOVE
We are One Voice,One Heart,One LOVE
We are One Rose for Michael J. Jackson...

A paypal account has been set up by One Rose for Michael J. Jackson To purchase your roses for this years June 25th anniversary send your money via paypal to
the price is $3.00 per long stem Freedom Red Rose

PLEASE NOTE: Every year the calculated cost per rose includes fees, money conversions, trucking costs, taxes and other costs. Once the mentioned fees are deducted any left over balance will go towards the purchase of more roses.

We will again this year pay the love forward in Michael's name donating the roses on June 26th to less fortunate people,bringing them joy and love, also included in this we will be bringing buckets of roses to Bablyland and Lulabyeland at Forest lawn as we have done in past years....
Michael will again be smiling down on us for continuing his message of love.
Thank you all for your love and support,
One Rose for Michael J. Jackson...

?Please join One Rose for Michael J. Jackson on Face Book at:
Thank you Myosotis for Posting this

One Rose for Michael J. Jackson 2014

The One Rose event 2014 is now officially open!!

Loving MJ fans from around the world will again blanket Michael's resting place with beautiful red roses for the 5th anniversary of his passing.

♥ You will never be forgotten, Michael! ♥

♥ Once more thanks to the commitment of loving, caring MJ fans who have worked diligently to make this a reality for Michael Jackson and Michael's loving fans around the world, we will again be honored to blanket Michael with LOVE in the form of a sea of red Freedom Roses.

Each year this has proven to be an amazingly beautiful and vibrant statement of LOVE to the world that Michael is still LOVED beyond measure and will ALWAYS be in our hearts, NEVER forgotten.

♥ Thanks to Robyn and Sarrah for all their incredible, hard work in making it possible for MJ fans around the globe to continue to show our LOVE to Michael in this most spectacular way on the June 25th anniversary each year since his passing.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Instructions to buy a rose:

1. Go to

2. Log into your account

3. Click on ‘Send Money’

4. In the box that says ‘To (email or mobile phone) enter:

5. In the box marked ‘Amount’ enter the total amount in USD you are sending. Each long stem freedom rose is $3.00. To calculate the total amount of money needed to purchase your roses, multiply the number of roses you’d like to purchase by 3. You may also refer to the chart below:

1 Rose = $3.00
2 Roses = $6.00
1 Doz(12) = $36.00

6. Then select ‘This is a purchase’ and click on ‘goods’!

♥Please join One Rose for Michael J. Jackson on Face Book at:

"To give someone a piece of your heart,
is worth more than all the wealth in the world.”

~ Michael Jackson

♥ Robyn's opening statement:
It is with great pleasure to announce the opening of
One Rose for Michael J. Jackson, Roses for this June 25th 2014
This 5th year we celebrate his creative genius & legacy and come together worldwide to show our love & gratitude.

Each rose represents a heart of a fan worldwide but
Together its a blanket of LOVE
We are One Voice,One Heart,One LOVE
We are One Rose for Michael J. Jackson...

A paypal account has been set up by One Rose for Michael J. Jackson To purchase your roses for this years June 25th anniversary send your money via paypal to:
the price is $3.00 per long stem Freedom Red Rose

PLEASE NOTE: Every year the calculated cost per rose includes fees, money conversions, trucking costs, taxes and other costs. Once the mentioned fees are deducted any left over balance will go towards the purchase of more roses.

We will again this year pay the love forward in Michael's name donating the roses on June 26th to less fortunate people,bringing them joy and love, also included in this we will be bringing buckets of roses to Bablyland and Lulabyeland at Forest lawn as we have done in past years....

Michael will again be smiling down on us for continuing his message of love.

Thank you all for your love and support,
One Rose for Michael J. Jackson...

♥ PASSION GROWERS Philanthropy ♥

This company is so much what Michael was about. They continually reach out and give back to the community helping the sick children and those in need. They have worked with Robyn Starkand and gone above and beyond to make this project possible for MJ fans around the world to show their LOVE or Michael on the 3rd anniversary of his death.

Please go to this website to see the efforts of LOVE and healing they share with the community at large throughout the year:

Source Link :

Spanish translation
- Thank you Billie Jean (Veronica)
Una Rosa Para Michael J. Jackson 2014
El evento Una Rosa Para Michael Jackson ya está 2014 está oficialmente abierto!

Los amantes fans de MJ de todo el mundo volverán a cubrir lugar de descanso de Michael con hermosas rosas rojas para el quinto aniversario de su fallecimiento.

♥ Nunca serás olvidado, Michael ! ♥

♥ Una vez más, gracias al compromiso de cariño y cuidado de los amorosos fans de MJ, que han trabajado diligentemente para hacer de esto una realidad para Michael Jackson y los fans amantes de Michael en todo el mundo, nosotros tendremos de nuevo el honor de cubrir a Michael con AMOR en la forma de un mar de rosas rojas de Libertad.

♥ Cada año se ha demostrado que esta es una declaración increíblemente hermoso y vibrante de AMOR del mundo de que Michael todavía es AMADO más allá de toda medida y SIEMPRE estará en nuestros corazones. Michael NUNCA será olvidado.
♥ Gracias a Robyn y Sarrah por todo su increíble trabajo, para hacer posible que los fans de MJ en todo el mundo sigan mostrando nuestro AMOR a Michael en esta forma espectacular en el aniversario del 25 de junio de cada año desde su fallecimiento.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Instrucciones para comprar una rosa

Ir a
Inicie sesión en su cuenta
Haga clic en, ‘Send Money’ (Enviar dinero)
En el cuadro que dice: To (correo electrónico o teléfono móvil) ingrese:
En la casilla marcada, ‘Amount’, (Cantidad) ingrese el monto total en dólares que está enviando. Cada roa de libertad de tallo largo es de $ 3.00.

Para calcular la cantidad total de dinero que se necesita para comprar sus rosas, multiplique el número de rosas que, desea comprar por 3. Usted también puede consultar el siguiente gráfico:

1 Rosa = $ 3.00
2 Rosas = $ 6.00
1 Doc (12) = $ 36.00

A continuación, seleccione, ‘This is a purchase’ (esto es una compra) , y haga clic en, ‘goods’!

♥ Por favor, únase a Una Rosa por Michael J. Jackson en FaceBook en:

"Dar a alguien un pedazo de su corazón,
vale más que todas las riquezas del mundo.,
~ Michael Jackson

♥ Declaración de apertura de Robyn:
Es un gran placer de anunciar la apertura de
Una Rosa Para Michael J. Jackson, para este 25 de junio 2014
Este es el quinto año que celebramos su genio creativo & su legado y jnis unimos mundialmente para mostrar nuestro amor & gratitud.

Cada rosa representa el corazón de un fan de todo el mundo, pero
Juntos es un manto de AMOR
Nosotros Somos Una Voz, Un Corazón, Un AMOR
Somos Una Rose por Michael J. Jackson ...

Se ha creado una cuenta de PayPal para ‘Una Rosa Para Michael J. Jackson’
Para comprar sus rosas para el aniversario del 25 de junio de este año debe envíe su dinero a través de PayPal: El precio es de $ 3.00 por cada Rosa Roja de Libertad de tallo largo

NOTA: Cada año, el precio calculado por rosa incluye honorarios, conversiones monetarias, costos de transporte, impuestos y otros gastos. Una vez que las tasas mencionadas se deducen cualquier saldo sobrante se destinará a la compra de más rosas.

Este año, de nuevo, vamos a volver a retribuir el amor y dar un paso al frente en el nombre de Michael donando las rosas el 26 de junio a la gente menos afortunada, llevándoles alegría y amor, también vamos a llevar ramos de rosas a Bablyland (Tierra de los Bebés) y a Lulabyeland ( Tierra de las Canciones de Cuna) en Forest Lawwn, como lo hemos hecho en años anteriores

Michael volverá a estar sonriendo sobre nosotros para continuar su mensaje de amor.

Gracias a todos por su amor y apoyo,
Una Rosa Para Michael J. Jackson

Source Link :

:ciao: Qbee & myosotis

Thank you so much for Posting this and updating us on this amazing and beloved MJ Fan Event ! I always look forward to this L.O.V.E event every year !

LP Forum has always supported and adored promoting this Project over these spectacular years with all our hearts as a Team for Michael's Legacy !

We want to take this time to thank all those MJ Fans that as a collective Posted updates for this Project as well, we are very greatful for your time and extra hands ! =)

I can help keep this Thread updated with the LA time dated Rose Counts and Photos up until the day the Roses are delivery to The Holly Terrace lawn in LA ! Then afterwards with the stories and photos of the real MJ Fan LOVE experience first hand !

For Michael .. for L.O.V.E :heart:

?Please join One Rose for Michael J. Jackson on Face Book at:



I hate the time when 6/25 nears, but I love when the @OneRose4MJJ campaign starts. One voice, one heart, one love for Michael Jackson.


Thank you once again for doing this project. It is my way of showing to the world I care about Michael. I can buy cd's, merchandise, and email the media/others to complain about their treatment of Michael but the roses can not be denied. This is a wonderful idea and I thank you all for the time you devote.
Our official announcement has been posted to our blog.

Please note, that we have finally obtained a PayPal button for easy access to purchasing roses. Members can purchase their roses via their paypal account with a credit/debit card/electronic check OR they can purchase their roses without obtaining a PayPal account with a credit/debit card. Instructions can be found on our official announcement post on our blog linked above!

One voice, one heart, one love...together, we are ALL One Rose for Michael J. Jackson!
I've bought my roses too yesterday! 5 this year which symbolizes the 5 'long' years, Michael has been gone :cry: Forever loved and always missed hey! :blush:

Thanks for the updates :clapping:

I'm sure Michael feels all the :love:
The #MJfam and OneRose4MJJ is making History for Michael Jackson on the 5th anniversary of his passing. We have doubled the rose purchases we made last year at this time. I hope we can keep that up for Michael.

There are also charitable contribution options on the page if a person would like to donate DIRECTLY to the charities in addition to buying your rose. One voice, one love, one heart, one ROSE for Michael Jackson.


Michael Jackson fans rock, holding hands, as one have brought our rose total to 2,322 roses!

Sent my rose on Saturday with all my love and devotion.:angel:
Just put in for 5 roses. I'd love to come to America and leave some for him in person one day. :give_rose:
I just had to send a rose today for my lovely Michael, for his memory, his legacy, his love. He remains...a treasure. :give_rose:
I love the one rose for MJ event and appreciate all the people who work so hard to make it happen every year. Will happily participate again this year.
I know every one has been excited over Xscape and rightfully so but
please don't let that stop you from giving Roses to Michael this year.
Rose update as of Friday May 23rd 7:55am EST:
5804 Roses of LOVE
Will we make 7000 or 7777 roses for this 5th year?
There were 3000 the 1st year,
4500 the 2nd
13,447 last year
How many Roses will Michael receive this year ?

Paypal address :
$3.00 per long stem Freedom Red Rose

Plus you get a lovely banner